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Models by Kinja


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Hey all you Jedi's and Jedettes out there! This is my thread to showcase my models(for wich I only have Yoda at the moment). But also I am a pro in the game industry, and I am more than willing to help anyone out or give advice on modeling. Please keep the questions more art related for I am more artistic than technical, however I do have an online friend who is pretty technical and is working on getting Yoda animated for JO multiplay, so I may have info to help out in that subject sometime down the road:) Any way here is a screen shotty of Yoda without textures, so check him out and please let me know what you think. Just keep the comments fairly positive if you could, hehe:yoda:




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WOOHA! That will, at least until people start getting annoyed, be my "bump!" and "woot!". I don't like bump and I don't use woot, much...so I'll just shout the old sound that the stormtoopers made from the first Dark Forces game. The one they made when shot. WOOHA! Or sometimes it was OOHA! But seriously, that's the most badass Yoda model I've seen yet. I can't wait to play that little guy. ;) Looks great. :)

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hey! you have softimage xsi riight? how bout u can help the comunity out and can make all sorts of sizes of the current kyle bone structure? (just a thought hehe ^_^)

any who yoda is fantastic, his facial expression seems... umm... odd... also... will he have 100% new animatsion? or do u plan to just scale down the bones for the 2 models that come with the sdk? if he has a whole different set of anims, i think it would be totaly sweet.. but u shouldnt let the raven ones go to wast.. maybe alter them to save alot of time?

btw how many polieS?

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Ok I'm gonna make this short, maybe I was taking too long with my long answers before so here:


Yoda is 3900 polys now but I will optimize him to the JO specs of 3000 while still maintaining the integrity of the model.


I cant help with the bones thing because I'm not doing that stuff. An online friend is doing all the animation and compiling work:(


And no I dont have any other JO models in the works, just yet.


Also my goal right now is just too get Yoda in Mp with the current animations.

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Yoda Looks :cool: I am interested to see how the height issue will be addressed when i comes to saber combat (Tricky !!) I am confident you will overcome it. keep up the great work :D


What kind of time frame are we looking at B4 we will be see Yoda in the game ??

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It's very nice Kinja.


I dont know if you are aware of this or if this has been brought up so I'll just say it anyway.


Models like Yoda or a Jawa are really tricky to place in MP because of their size. You can't change the skeleton or redimension it. In SP you can use a scaling option, that's how they make Desann look taller in SP. But for MP people will have to go by with a human sized Jawa or Yoda unless someone makes a whole new animation and skeleton using softimage.


I would advise getting the kyle model for instance, delete kyle's bodyparts, while retaining the tags, bolts and bones. Then you freeze those and start modeling on top of them.


Like a said... i dunno if you are aware of this, just though I'd point it out so you know what's coming.


Sithlord-II and I had our share of frustration figuring a lot of stuff out. Hope you can get this done. It's looking great.


Cheers mate.

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Any suggestions on who I should model next?

I want to go ahead and start a humanoid charachter so that I can get him into the game easily(or atleast, more easily). Also I dont want to do a charachter that is already being worked on like Boba and ofcourse Darth and the Guard. Hmmm...

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