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Saber shield


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I was on a duel server tonight, and someone had figured out how to throw the saber, move to the side and stand still with the saber spinning around them indefinitely.... the person gave me instructions on how to do it, but I don't know if I understood him correctly... he told me to:


1. Throw the saber

2. Hold down attack

3. strafe one step left as the saber comes back, so that it passes by you.


I don't know if it works on all stances, or if you have to let go of attack, or what... I ran a server of my own and practiced, but I had no luck... if anyone can help me figure this out, I would be forever thankful, it would be another move to add to the list, and that is cool.



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this is how I do it.

Throw the saber out in a straight line. When you are about to catch it press 'A' then press 'W' then press 'D' and then 'S'. so yo umove left, forwards, right backwards. Keep repeating the movements and it should circle around you.

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Here's how to do it:


Must have level 3 saber throw.


Throw your saber, let it go out, then press and hold primary attack to make it come back to you (you can let go of secondary attack). Now dodge it once coming back then stay still, it will now spin around you extremely fast in a circle as long as you hold primary attack. (Alternately you can dodge it once and then move in a direction and continue moving in that direction to have it spin around you as you run for a short distance)


While it is spinning around you you can do a few things:


1. Use the walk key to walk with the saber spinning around you, you can jump straight up and it will still spin around you.


2. Press the taunt key once to make the saber spin in place (even in midair). As long as you continue to hold down primary attack it will remain where you left it.


It is important to note that your force will NOT regenerate while it is spinning around you, you can still use force jump but it won't regenerate. You are also extremely open to attack because even if you let the button go the saber takes about a second and a half to reappear in your hand.


This is not a really useful tactic since the saber spinning does not hit the opponent much, but its pretty to look at and on occasion I've been surrounded and used it to good effect. :)



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