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Jedi Knight 2 Roleplaying servers


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i'm thinking it would be interesting to come out with some mod or such which makes everyone invincible unless they choose to duel someone for some reason. I think if done right with the right players it could be a lot of fun. Custom roleplaying maps like a bar or such. These are just some basic ideas feel free to post ur roleplaying ideas.-Dash :c3po::c3po::c3po::c3po:

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interresting. It mill be only a matter of time methinks. look at what was done in JK1... in JKII the possibilities are endless:D


hmm drazen island 2.... *gahhhhhhhh*:D


btw, cool topic, crap subject name... might mant to change it.

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Roleplaying is a lovely thing, and I always enjoy when I see people playing this game 'in character'. I think that's something special to Star Wars/Jedi Knight games -- the strength of the license is such that people will often just want to act the part.


That said, I think any hard work people might do to make a really worthwhile roleplaying mod to JK2 will probably be offset by the eventual release of Star Wars: Galaxies.

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Originally posted by waxdart


That said, I think any hard work people might do to make a really worthwhile roleplaying mod to JK2 will probably be offset by the eventual release of Star Wars: Galaxies.


and Knights of the Old Republic

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Most people who join those servers tend to be MAJOR RP Nazis. Slash/kill them with out a 15 minute warning and you'll be seeing your name on the voteing ballot in no time. I know this because in AHL there is a few RP servers filled with total *******s, I expect JKII to be the same.

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how about a totaly new mod type? More like a big scale MMORPG, but toned down drastically so that it is a PVP world only with some crapy NPC's in the background that servs as a kind of killable partyfavor?


I think the role playing Idea is a good one, and I for one WON'T play SW galaxies, since I already own Everquest, and though I like it, unless I can control the saber like in JKII I am not interested, I get bored easy of mindless click on attack go make lunch come back to cast a spell, go back to eatng, come back to loot corpse MMORPG's.


Maybe make some kind of mod that has say 5 maps total, each with maybe 3-5 zones to it?


something the average dedicated server can handle you know? Ie without a monster server like what is surely needed for a mmropg.


Make it so fighting can happen any time, in say 2/3rds of the zones, but at least one zone is safe to all except chosen duels.


Make it so players are forced to kind of play a kind of role of some kind... Although personaly I don't mind in MP if some gunslinger has full force powers (I know saberists who can win in these cases, but in a guns enabled server nine times out of ten the guns dominate...).


So in this role playing game, maybe make it so the admin can decide what kind of rules it will use for weapons ETC. Make it so Jedi DON'T get blasters or guns, only light sabers and force powers, and non jedi get guns, but limited or nonexistant force powers (prefer limited force powers over none at all myself), and finaly one where anything goes...


Make it so that the more players you kill the more weapons/force powers you could purchase with your points... when you die you lose some points, but not all so you keep most of your powers when you die.


all in all though, I honestly think if a GOOD MMORPG type of game based on JKII could come out, it would be a fully on MMORPG much like galaxies, but with FPS action instead of turn based nonesense. i may get galaxies simply because it DOES have nice graphics, and it does have some apealing aspects, but the lack of FPS after playing JKII has me a bit less interested than I would have been if it was fPS. don't get me wrong I like turn based too, but Star wars or any game with guns should be FPs based, not turn based... Anyone else feeling me on this one?


As for someone making a simplistic Mod for JKII which has some elements of role playing I am all for it, so long as it's not too wierd... the reason I suggest making one dueling zone, and more than one free for all possibly team based zone (light side Vs dark side for example), is so that people who want to be all into the saberists code could do there thing in the one zone, and the Anti saberist code people could do whatever in the next zones... The zones would probably work much like they do in JKII SP as is, but I would suspect some massive amount of coding would need to be done to make it doable in MP, and easy to be run by the most servers out there...


For example if you run a server which was say, your older PIII pc type, it should be able to handle it. Most of the people I know with servers for example simply convert thier old computer into a server I know some have some major bucks and can do better, but most of my friends use the old pc in this way. thus making it possible for the not so rich to be able to run a JKII RPg style server...


heck I am for anything that puts more purpose into MP fragging...


the reason I think Games like counterstrike are so popular and fun isn't just because there are guns, and great graphics, ETC. I think it's because the maps have a purpose of some kind... In JKII it's either CTF, duel, holocron, jedi master, or FFA/TFFA. Only one of those map types have a real purpose (CTF), and though I think it's a balst, how about some more counterstrike type maps, where thier is an objective that each team might have? From thing some suggested on these boards like diabling a tractor beam to things like CTF style maps with a more base oriented layout of game play (IE you need to capture bases close to the main flag base to have a better chance of capturing the flag. or make it so that the team gets more points depending on how long they occupy the base like in tribes. the base is occupied until some dingbat comes and retakes it by changing the flags or something, and the only way to do that would be to fight past the people guarding it... make the bases the only source of health and shield power ups and stuff also to give it an extra important byond just points...


I think this alone might make people Role Play more or be encouraged todo so, because then each side feels they have a purpose besides just ripping player x, y, or z a new A$$hole over and over. purpose is intrinsic to acting after all, and acting is basically a major part of what role playing is right? How many times have you heard an actor say whats my motivation? Well if we have maps with purposes besides just fragging I bet those who like to role play would find them more interesting and role play on them a bit. make sense?

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I agree with you when you say, that a turn based rpg doesn`t fits a star wars game, I think that any future rpg or mmorpg should use a fighting system similar to the one in JK2. What I really would like an rpg for is to experience the way that people do to become jedis, first you are a padwan, you get your master you build your lightsaber and than you become a full trained jedi, while slowly building your force powers......

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Wow...I had a thread like this a few weeks ago, but all I got was a "Try SW Galaxies" response... If you guys do something, I want in. :D


I always wanted a bar map or something like that...there's no real maps out now that you can even try to relax in really... "Let's have a talk out on the...uh...well, how about the landing pad in Bespin?"

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Here's my problem with rping in JO...


The storyline is swiss cheese at this point...should we rp during the Galactic Civil War? Or has the Republic been re-established already? Is Luke a hero yet, or is he still growing water on that dried mudhole he called home?


Should many servers begin this, would each server have its own little timeline going, or will they all be generic enough to sorta interlock? Would it be more of persona play, where it's sort of like "Do what you want, tomorrow it'll be back to normal anyway"? Or is it "You died, time to make a new name and whatnot"?

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how about something completely new hyrit?


something like the remnant empire still controls a far, far away galaxy on the other side of the universe that the republic didn't know existed?


or set in the time where the first jedi/s were formed, why and how they came to be?



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I like the idea of the Empire controlling an unknown area...pretty much removes a lot of the plot holes... Though, I really don't see people rping during the Old Republic... I mean, the models alone don't really fit that...the Jedi seem to have mostly worn robes and whatnot then... The New Republic era Jedi seem to be a lot more liberal...but that's just my impression. :D


By the way, I never knew Rock Howard could look so Jedi-like until you used him as your avatar. :D

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