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The Freezing is driving me nuts!!!


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I am sorry to rant here but there is no better place :) Anyways, these constant lock-ups, freezes, whatever in multiplayer are driving me crazy!!! sometimes it happens during level transitions, sometimes when i click on exit, but mostly when we are about to shift to a new level! and what hurts the most is the fact that i have to REBOOT my system every single time, and im afraid its gonna hurt my computer in the long run, already i see icons on my desktop not showing up until i hit refresh! just today alone i had to reboot 15 times! this is unforgivable, the fact you can't use ctrl+alt+del to shut it down manually. I have a top notch system with the 512 meg of ram, 2.0 Ghz processor with the latest drivers for EVERYTHING! WHERE IS THE PATCH????????

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ummm, what version of windows are you running, did you build the computer yourself? if not, what brand, if so, did you know what you were doing? did you install the copy of windows on it? how long since last reformat? have you ever defragmented the hard drive? how many icons are in the bar right next to the clock on the lower right of the screen(yes i know that just shows progs that put an icon there, but most virus scanners, etc have one)? how long since your last virus scan? do you have updated virus definitions? what virus scanner do you use?

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its a store bought computer, with everything working at peak efficiency...using Windows 98SE currently, have no problems with anything, games, applications, all work smooth as silk...until this damn game. The single player works great, for sure, but its in multiplayer that the freezes occur, and i have a T3 line to boot! arggh!

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That happens to me too, Dana. In order to get around it I usually type "quit" in the console when I want to leave a server, or wait for it to start a new level. It will normally exit successfully if you leave at the begining of a new level.

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i've heard a lot of people have this same problem, the most common being that the freeze occurs right before a new level is about to load, right during the transition. I wouldn't have such a huge gripe with it if not for the constant rebooting, and the reason i hate it is that each time you do a hard reboot you have to go thru the stupid scandisk process, you know the one that says "since windows was not properly shut down, your hard drive has to be scanned for errors" and since i have an 80 Gig hard drive x 2 it takes loooong as hell, even with a 2.0 Ghz processor!

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just tell scan disk to piss off.... its not that big a deal...


also DUMP win98se.... way to much comp for it there.... upgrade to XP, and watch about 832628362848352493647 diffirent problems go away....


also when you do, make sure to convert your partions to NTFS, if you upgrade vs. fresh install.


me, i'd go for the fresh install....


also you with the 2.0ghz p4, 512 ram, and lvl1 raid 80gig drives w/T3 somehow i cant not feel sorry for you.... no matter how hard i try....:rolleyes::D;)

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