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Forget fixing red style dmg, add a movement pen.


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Heres an idea. After a swing in heavy stance you have small 3 second movement penilty where your movement is slowed 35% and you can not roll and your jump ability is reduced to the next lower level (so level 3 would be 2).


I thought about this because after fighting DFA (ghey, we need to change the name of this move) whores I found it is almost impossibal to move in after dodgeing the attack for a quick swing. They can backflip out in about 0.5 seconds after the attack or roll out with no delay, back up, and give *shudder* DFA another whirl. This way, when people attack you with this its a one chance thing, if your off you could be walking home with out a head because you cant just run after every unsucsesful attack.


Questions, Comments, Death threats?

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Guest HertogJan

NO! That would make 'normal' fighting with heavy stance impossible! And I think the heavy stance isn't overpowered, it's just the DFA.


Actually, the DFA SHOULD kill intsantly. I would just like to see that you aren't able to trun while doing it, and that it doesn't work for the long range it does now. (hitbox problem I believe)


So IMHO, The DFA should be a leap FORWARDS and damage should be done when you're hit by the saber going downwards, NOT when it's on the ground!


And I don't think heavy needs more tweaking...

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that "damge when its on the ground" is actally you getting hit by it when the guy is pulling up.


Actually, it isn't. If you time it right you can slash at someone standing over their buried saber as they try to get up.


Even if it was, it shouldn't be a one hit DFA style kill, it should be the lightsaber contact damage (5hp lost).

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One hit?..no, it does do damage.. and actually it does kill the person when bringing up, i fell on the ground and my saber hit someone and they died. plus with 100 health and 100 armor you can survive a slash from hvy. your just too dumb to realize. and its quite easy to dodge. i've never been killed by it except by Geo. And, its all these people too dumb to try and dodge it. Thats how all this complaints of it came, and the speed hack. Well thats speed hack, and Speed hack is from the console. I think its getting annoying..maybe hitting the saber is dumb, but look quit complaining where will it get you? no Where!

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plus with 100 health and 100 armor you can survive a slash from hvy. your just too dumb to realize. and its quite easy to dodge.


Too dumb?...Perhaps, or perhaps just too used to Duel Servers where you get 100/25 and thats it.


We KNOW it's easy to dodge, it should be easier; that way people only use it once in a while, rather than every ten seconds. I like winning but I don't like killing people the exact same way every time.


Also, the 'dumb' remark would come across much more strongly if you punctuated correctly, used paragraphs, and used capitalization a little more...

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Bitch bitch whine whine moan moan...


DFA is slow enough to move in afterwards and hit. I've done it loads of times.

Try this:

Some clan bloke is owning the server I'm on. All he does is DFA. Practically nothing else. I'm using medium. I duel him, he loses. I duel him again, he loses. Etc... But his score is still higher than mine because he is whoring DFA on all the n00bs in the server. That is why it needs to be tweaked. It's too easy to take advantage of other people being idiots with DFA. To prove my point to him during my last duel I DFA'd him before he could do the same. I told him:


ME "Pretty boring, huh?

CG "Yep,"

ME "Would of been more interesting if I didn't SPAM like that, agreed?"


Clan geezer disconnected.


vvv in response vvv

It just takes longer on skilled players.

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Don't you DFA supporters understand at all?


It gets insanely boring when fighting some dork who just DFA's the whole time, or 50%+ of the time. It's so homo when ya go into a clan battle, and the opposite clan guys use DFA non stop. It happened to me and one of my clan mates the other day... we were totally dissapointed in the guy who were doing it too. After like 10 mins it was getting too mundane. When it was over it was like the best feeling of relief ever lol.


BE GONE! Retardedness.......


Man they better fix that stupid move, the radius on it is NUTS too. I've killed people who were like 4 player models away, and people have killed me when I ran into em from the side. It's almost like there's a semi circle bubble around it.

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Guest HertogJan

1) I know how to dodge it, it's easy, but sooner or later he WILL hit you if you don't kill him and with a radius that big, that's hard

2) Yeah you're right about the DFA guys scoring points on n00bs

3) I think running over a lightsaber is still painful, for like 10hp, not more

4) Sometimes you get hit by a DFA from miles away. At first I though it was my imagination, but later on I saw that it occasionally happens that you get struck when you're not near it, maybe it's just lag...

5) Avoiding the same trick over and over gets boring for me, whether I succed in it or not...

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I use heavy, I will admit that. But not exclusively. I find when im fighting some1 I just let them do their DFA attack.. (they do it and I move back)... then I just pull them and kick them. If you wanna beat them.. just let them do that attack and then jump them in thier down time. Takes practice but it works for me....

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We don't need anything like this, it's already one of the easiest attacks to avoid. The only thing that needs fixed is the person doing the lunge killing you if you walk into him after he already plunged his lightsaber into the floor!

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The DFA radius is the lenght of the saber only, if you are getting hit 4 models away then you lagged out at that moment.


I'm all for making the "my saber is on the ground but still deadly" crap go away, but I still think it should be a 1 hit kill while coming down.


Nerfing strong stance to where its as weak as medium will make it useless on weapons enabled servers, since people can spam that godawful flechette secondary on you and kill you in seconds if you can't close the distance and smack them once or twice.

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The DFA has its use, but I dont see how anyone can have fun by doing that one move over and over and over...


Now, its much more fun to get a posse of people following you, then do the backwards swipe!


Watch for sudden stops. hehehehehehehehehehe!

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