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What was your favorite SP fight? (potential spoiler)


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Not really any spoilers unless people don't know who there are going to run into. Im sure this has been asked 1000 times but hey I'm a noob ;)


For me my favorite SP fight was Tavion. why? the setup, the area, and she was hard but not annoying difficult like Desann. The way the battle started with he opposite the hole on the platform man I don't know maybe I'm just kooky but it was by far my favorite part of the game.


I was actually hoping that I would get to fight her again just before Desann but no such luck. :(

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Mine would have to be when you first met a Reborn, at Bespin. Finally a chance to test my skills!


But Tavion ranks up there (haven't met Desann yet, arrgh why did he have to be a freakin' lizard!:( )

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basically, i like fights against 1-4 reborns at once most, but the reborns die damn fast... even without g_saberrealisticcombat on.

on second thought, i think tavion is my fav enemy (exept her annoying lightning attack...). simply because i can fight her with all the acrobatic moves, stunts, pushes and saberthrows without being afraid that i kill her accidentally just because i throw my saber and she jumps at the same time... choping of her leg ("ohhh, my leg, i think i have to... DIE RIGHT NOW") :)

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Heheeh everyone likes the multiple jedi. I liked the multiple jedi also but like Coffee, said they die to fast, even on jedi master difficulty just when it gets interesting they die.


Thats why I like the Tavion battle good duration open to lots of moves, her lightning was annoying but it was not really dangerous.


here is a challenge for ya at least it is for me. Good long fights.


load up a duel and fight Luke with jedi knight force and him on jedi knight difficulty. I was only using base force powers and protect.


I have yet to defeat him enough to win the match my best is 8/10 in the dual_pit map.

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Originally posted by Reverse

i bet tavion will be back for the exp pack....if there is one


and damn, why cant more women dress like she did :D


Yeah, if only she'd gotten rid of that tattoo or was it a goaty,lol!

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My fave fight was against Tavion, it was so satisfying at the end of it, playing through second time with g_saberrealisticcombat on, to see her get sliced in two and both halves faaaaaaalllllll down before she magically gets stitched together again for the cutscene.

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1. TAVION! Loved fighting her. At the end, I chopped off BOTH of her legs with one slice, and was rather amused that she had them back for the cutscene.


2. The two Shadow Troopers in the Duel Pit room. I used Speed, DFA'd the first one and then sliced the second in half with a heavy backstab while still in slow-mo from the first attack. YEA BIATCH!


3. Kyle with maxed out Force powers vs. a roomfull of stormtroopers. Ah, all the creative ways to slay them, or make them kill each other with the mind trick.

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I liked the first Reborn fight in Bespin the most, it was the first chance to use the sabre against a like-minded opponent who come jumping out of nowhere with a strong attack along a very narrow walkway, it made me go WOW that is awesome.

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my favourite fight was turning on the good jedi in the courtyard

when all the reborn/shadowtroopers were dead


choke em and they turn nasty then choke em again, aim them at the sky and push


watch them scream as they fall to the ground dead


see? the darkside is stronger



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bespin is all around my favorite map, even though it's got some jumps and things that are very tricky... It also has my favorite fights!


From the first reborn you fight (I think I cried when I finaly got to fight a saber wielder it was SO amazing the very first time to see it happen, so much like a SW movie I almost had to pinch myself.)


From that point on any time a reborn showed up and other cannon fodder where around, I turned on god mode, killed the storm troopers, and then turned off god mode to fight the jedi mano e mano. even when I didn't do this, every time I faced a reborn I thought it was some of the koolest stuff I had played in a LONg time.


Tavion was cool too, though I felt that her lightning was too much for me too often... Dessan was a peice of cake by comparison and for the life of me I know not why LOL


My vote goes for the entire bespin map, it looked and played like a scene from one of the movies, mostly like something from the phantom menace for some odd reason, maybe because in none of the movies can I recal then showing bespin on the street level ETC. anyway this map rocks and all the fights where the most intense due to the first time around against a saber wielding oponant aspect, and many others... anyone who hasn't gotten that far, yet, play all night, cheat if you have to, but get to bespin if you want a great map with great fights.


for example whenever a fried comes over my housewho hasn;t seen JKII yet, and like SW, i show them my saved game from the beggining of bespin straight through to the end... this sells them on the game every time, one even said after I showed him the first few missions that bespin was what sold him the most.


overall I give it 2 thumbs up and a grin 3 feet wide.

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