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The community has gone bad/ I am offering a training service


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the community has gone bad, along with the quake 3 engine we have quake 3 gamers, people who talk in leetspeak constantly, people with names like "yourdirtywhore" and people who don't obey any rules, like DFA people who bow and people who kill others when they have a saber off. Also, the treatment towards newbies is awful, about 2 or 3 weeks ago people were nice to newbies, and referred to them as padawans (which is a less mean name), now, when someone asks how to turn the saber off or jump so high, they get voted out of the server, which is why I am thinking of offering a newbie training class, nice people can volunteer, and if someone has a server they would like to volunteer it would be helpfull. and yes, I know this is a complete clone of the Jedi Academy, but, who cares? :p oh, and I would need a server, any volunteers?








I wonder if anyone bothered to read all that.


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Most Certainly a good idea, I can understand how it can be frusterating. Although in JK, I trained many newbs. And now they play JO with various skills today :D.


1558118772.m.gifObi-Wan Kenobi: Don't defy the council, Master, not again.

Qui-Gon Jinn: I will do what I must, Obi-Wan. :saberb:

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Killing people with lightsaber's off is reasonable, be a spectator if you want to watch.


But, Kicking newbies for wondering how to do things..isnt right. You should help them out, so they can become good. They have to start gaming some way. THis generation is too hard as well.


"He's new KILL HIM!" thats what you do. but you were new to gaming at one point. Just because you happened to be good at games whne you first play from your exp. what about those who are young. You could badly effect their lives. Watch what you say. People are more sensitive than they should. Which means you need to be more careful.


Do not leave without a kill. Thank You.

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Originally posted by DarkSaber-<ZeN>

Killing people with lightsaber's off is reasonable, be a spectator if you want to watch.


im sorry but i dont agree. one time i needed to change my controls a but so i unlight my sabre, stood against a wall- facing the wall as well- and stood absolutely still....and i keep getting sabered ro gripped by really annoying people!! its a cheap kill to go and get someone with a weapon and not moving! isnt it just common courtesy to just run by because its obvious that the persons busy doing something? i agree with everything Madcow said!



Divine Spirit

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Originally posted by hyrit

Hijack? If you have the ski masks, I have the squirt guns...

lol, ever seen the movie airheads? fill the squirtguns with hotsauce!



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Madcow, I'll be happy to help out with training and possibly a small server now and then.


I can probably manage no more than about 4 people on my connection, and fewer is better (otherwise they all have ping problems bar me)


I've trained a few people already, and I enjoy it a great deal. Just email me (kieren_smith@hotmail.com) when you get organised with times and so on, and I'll let you know when I can pitch in. My only major disadvantage is I just *can't* get the hang of that blasted yellow stance special move...*hangs head in shame* at least not reliably.


PS: What did you mean "DFA people who bow"? I use DFA sometimes, I have preference towards heavy saber (yeah yeah, start whining at me about being lame because I use heavy, like I care), and I consider it common courtesy to use the etiquette that others want.

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Originally posted by Sutek

Madcow, I'll be happy to help out with training and possibly a small server now and then.


I can probably manage no more than about 4 people on my connection, and fewer is better (otherwise they all have ping problems bar me)


I've trained a few people already, and I enjoy it a great deal. Just email me (kieren_smith@hotmail.com) when you get organised with times and so on, and I'll let you know when I can pitch in. My only major disadvantage is I just *can't* get the hang of that blasted yellow stance special move...*hangs head in shame* at least not reliably.


PS: What did you mean "DFA people who bow"? I use DFA sometimes, I have preference towards heavy saber (yeah yeah, start whining at me about being lame because I use heavy, like I care), and I consider it common courtesy to use the etiquette that others want.



oops, sorry about the bow thing, I meant to type people who DFA you when you bow, sorry.

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Ahaha...now THAT's rude :>


I tend towards the no kill if saber off rule, but then I apply it more to those who do not appear to be aware of your presence, or appears to be heading off to an area of the map people are duelling in. If someone has saber off and is patently manouvering for an attack then I have no compunctions.


To those who dislike this behaviour - yes, this is a deathmatch game. But I might also remind you that this is not Quake3. We are trying to build what is commonly know as a "community", rather than a collection of l33tspeak 13yr olds who attack everything that moves. There is such a thing as etiquette and respect - you may not agree with it, but that does not give you carte blanche to ignore it. If you do, then expect similar treament when YOU want respect.

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it is wise to stay firm in your own beliefs and yet flexible enough to adapt to the unwritten rules of the server.


IMHO, it is better to play according to the people you play with.

that doesn't mean you shouldn't stick with your own courtesies and codes, but when you enter a server with players with beliefs that differ from your own, its better to respect them and change tactics or reserve your 'ceremonial gestures' like bowing till later. other than that, you could always find a better suited server.


it actually pays off playing with different types of people from the honorable to the cheesy, gunslinger to saber master; getting experience as only exposure can teach.


about the newbie issue, i agree fully that they shoudn't be treated like that. if only there were more 'newbie-friendly' phrases attached to the server names.

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hmm, I personally like your idea, but how about I offer another solution, how about you have the server mostly automated training, and only a little bit of training?? like a training Mod/Map.


Also I might have a server to host this with.

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Sounds like a great idea on "paper" but after you answer the same question for the 100th time, you'll be ready to chamber a single round and release it into your skull.


I disagree. I used to help newbies in a mud I played (shadowlands) and the same questions were asked time after time but it never bothered me. Just have to have a little patience.

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Madcow, i don't think you understand... i'm skipping the application process... unless you REALLY want to fill one out :)


email me, we can hop in our server just so you can slap me around a bit and prove you're good (trust me, if you can't slap me around, you can't be a trainer)... then you can show me how you intend to teach newbies considering i play like a newbie (NOT a n00b :))



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Originally posted by massadoobie

Madcow, i don't think you understand... i'm skipping the application process... unless you REALLY want to fill one out :)


email me, we can hop in our server just so you can slap me around a bit and prove you're good (trust me, if you can't slap me around, you can't be a trainer)... then you can show me how you intend to teach newbies considering i play like a newbie (NOT a n00b :))



okays, whats your email adress?

my in game name is Shilt

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I kind of disagree with the whole kicking newbies thing. They should be kicked if they ask these questions. and this is why:


1. If you can't figure out how to do most the stuff in the game, your stupid. My dad played this game for the first time and figured out how to do everything in 3 minutes.


2. If you don't know what to do, read the ****ing manual. I mean c'mon. And if you don't have a manual, then you didnt really buy the game!(pirated) and you shouldn't be playing anyway!


3. Common sense. "Hmm.. if I press 1 and my lightsaber turns ON! I wonder if the same button would turn it off too! Naaah can't be!" I mean really people.


4. They are little kids. Most the people that ask this are like 6 and shouldn't be playing anyway :/


People need to stop being so lazy and start getting off their ass and taking the initiative to doing things themselves, instead of just ripping open the box, going on multiplayer, and asking endless questions. I don't mind one or two complex questions that maybe the manual doesnt describe well enough or in depth. But if they are going to ask the stupidest **** it gets really annoying.

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I think the main problem is that people assume those that are asking questions like "How do I use the Force" "How do I grip" "How do I switch guns" etc. is because they have a pirated game. They're assuming that you can easily find the answer if you had the manual.



I do agree that there seems to be an abundance of junior high kids judging by their names and how they act.



Another thing that really ticks me off are the morons who b*tch the whole game about "that's lame" "that's cheap" "you're cheating" just because your using them to wipe the floor. I haven't played any game with more whiners since JK2!

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Well, some are. I personally HATE, I mean HATE it when people stereotype - I'm 14 (running on 15) and don't act like a l33t d00d 0f d00|\/|. The most immature people I've meet while gaming have been the 18-22 crowd (in general, I've seen some go both ways from there). So if your going to stereotype someone - stereotype them! :)


As per the training academy - I LOVE IT! Can I be your second test subject - that is, after I figure out how to join a server. I sat there for 20 minute last time and got zilch. Talk about.. stupid, eh?


ok, that's all and uhm, the noobie booting. To some extent I can believe it (if they are asking how do they use force powers, or something similar - it's because they pirated plain and simple) but if they are asking things just outside of the manuels reach, or that the manuel doesn't go to deeply into (the special moves in particular, I needed someones help so I could pull off the forward lunge on fast and DFA consistently) then I don't feel they should be booted.


Good luck, and may the Force be with you.


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Regarding age, it's a mixed bag... I've met some 12 year olds who are more mature than a few 30 year olds I know. Unfortunately, this is NOT the majority...and it seems to be evident in all games I've played. In particular, games like Ultima Online... I've found that it's easy to tell when school has let out for the day because suddenly the servers are full of idiots. Yes, I realize that sounds like stereotyping, but it's the truth, even if I hate to admit it.


But then, that does not of course mean that EVERY person still in school is immature...it's just that some mature much faster than others.


As far as training newbies, I train them through cold hard combat. Sure, you can sit around talking all day, but the easiest way to teach them to counter DFA is to throw it at them a few times. Once they adapt to it, then use another tactic, and keep using it until they learn to adapt to it as well. Before long, you have "created" a player who can fight against just about anything. Only thing I don't like is when someone fails repeatedly, and then just quits the server...makes me feel pretty rotten.

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