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There is an inside, it's just not ready to show yet.. I'm gonna continue working on it this weekend, this week has been very busy. I also want to try and fix those glitchy textures, they are very noticable, and it sucks. I might try deleting the glitched brushes and remaking them, but, that will be a pain. But, yeah, you can go inside. After I work on it some more, I'll get some screens of that for ya. =P

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looks good man, any chance on you releasing the ship as a prefab as well? there seems to be a lack of prefab models floating around, and i know a lot of people would love to have some. i'd make em but i really suck at super complex models. maybe some computer terminals i'll release as prefabs from my imperial space port map, but other than that, nothin else yet. good luck and keep it up man it does look very good.



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i know if you select every part of the ship and go to Save Selected, it will save just what you have selected as a map file.. then you can load it under Edit -> Load Prefab... if it's too much trouble to go through and select every part of the ship or even make a model of it that's fully solid then it's all good. if you wanna do it that is. i was just curious. thankee.



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There's an easier way to select the whole ship for prefab making purposes....


Just make a brush that fully encloses the ship, have the brush selected, then pick

Selection\select\select complete tall

off the menu. That *should* select every single brush inside the large one you just made. The large brush will magicaly dissapear, and the whole ship will be selected.


As for the transparent brushes on the surface of the ship you talked about earlier in the thread. What might be the cause of that is..... <Trying to sound like he knows what he's talking about mode> The veiwable surface might be on the inside. If you look at the bevels and cylinders from the wrong side, all you see is the wireframe. You might be able to fix it by highlighting the affected brushes (one at a time) and selecting curve\matrix\invert from the menu. This might fix it. This might also make it worse, so make sure you have an up to date backup before you do it. I think that's what's causing it, but there's very little you can tell from screenshots. </Trying to sound like he knows what he's talking about mode>


Anyway, it's looking pretty sweet so far. :)

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I'd love to do that, but.. Someone borrowed my N64 and I can't get it back yet, I haven't talked to them in forever. And no N64 emulators seem to run Shadows of the Empire very well, and if they do, it's hard to control and I get nowhere... If you can get a hold of any screenshots from the inside, let me know. :)

Oh, Namdoolb, the textures weren't curves, so, I dunno what went wrong. But it's working now. Also, thanks for the tip on selecting the whole ship. Selecting brush by brush would take.. Well.. Forever. Thanks. :D

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I have everything setup and I was ready to take some pictures of the outrider for you from SotE for N64... 1 problem... I lost the game!


I got the box and booklet but no game.


argh, mind as well unhook my N64 from my tv tuner card and put it back in the closet...

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