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How do you do the ONE HIT KILL?


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Kick: basically run up to them and jump off of them (for default keys it would be W and SPACEBAR as soon as you were close to them, it also works with A, D, S)


One hit kill


run forward and then attack (primary attack) and then jump 3/4 of the way through the swing

(it's in the book too, page 49 i think but that could be totally wrong)

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Originally posted by Darksider

You dont, unless you want to be branded a lamer.

you just don't use it often, that's all, in my definition their only a lamer if they use it 24/7 and be cheap with it.......it's easy to see coming so get out of the way and saber throw while they can't block it:P

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for kick...run up to a guy as close as possible then press jump (almost like a wall walk) and he will get kicked down


and for the one hit kill:


in the strong saber stance (red) hold forward and press the button to attack then as soon as your hands come together in the animation press jump and he will do a sort of jump forward and slice down...ull notice it when u see it, its not significant but its different.....

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my 2 cents,,(like i wont be branfed a postin newb,,oh damn, i'm hurt), is if your gonna pull the one hit wonder,,,,maybe once every 7-10 wins,,,,otherwise you are taking advantage of a game flaw,,,but what the hell,from what we hear,, it'll be fixed to be more fair w/ the patch,,,soon enuff


Caleb DeV

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