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I'm starting a Jawa clan...

Thrown Saber

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I'm starting a new "tribe" because it will be a tribe of Jawas. A Jawa clan, in other words. I'm calling it MDS, or Masters of the Dune Sea. There will be three different sub-tribes within. The first will be for people who mainly use lightsabers. It's called Sorchi-wun. The next sub-tribe is Wuusi. That group is for people for use non-saber weapons most of the time. The third group is the Triecon, whcih is "council" in Jawanese. That group is for the the council members, appointed by me, who are the 'higher power' in the entire clan.


If you wish to contact me about the clan, post here or contact me via MSN Messenger. My email is:




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