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[$iK] Looking for Some badmofos


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Well we once were the best in the west at counter-strike...and since we have been playing jk2..we are looking to be the best in west at jk2...but who knows.


Anyways we have 4 members now..we want 6 members maby 7 so we are looking for a few more. The more talent you have the better the odds you have to join.


What does this **** all mean?


Simple: We play Mostly Sabers and force only... ctf, ff,tff. SO if your good with a gun..we can care less, cause ill snatch that **** out of ur hands:) Anyways we normaly dont post tryouts on random forums, but since the game is farly new i will. If u sux at the game but u can contribut to the team with a server or flash or sponsor ship...then there is hope for you, we might barter to teach you, But whatever. IF you think you got mad game..hit me up,,, oohhh yea if ur one of those hoe bags i saber slap all the time, that use that 100 heath Heavy saber jump slice....you sux because its being removed with next update.






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that use that 100 heath Heavy saber jump slice....you sux because its being removed with next update


Sorry to burst your bubble, but it ain't. They're fixing the silly problem with being hit while a mile away from it, but it isn't going away. Just learn some saber skills and quit whining.


Oh, and learn to spell. Me no like l33tsp34k children.

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"Sorry to burst your bubble, but it ain't. They're fixing the silly problem with being hit while a mile away from it, but it isn't going away. Just learn some saber skills and quit whining"




Well lets see here, where do i start. OK that is basicly disableing the move to were it isnt as nearly effective as it is. So ya its like removing the move hoe.



"Oh, and learn to spell. Me no like l33tsp34k children."


ok, Child eh? learn some new bags that one was taken along time ago. Oh ya if you dont like the way i word things..dont read the damn thread moron..who asked you? does this thread say "if your a smart ass please post all your cum swolloing remarks here" ??? no i dont think so...

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Well lets see here, where do i start. OK that is basicly disableing the move to were it isnt as nearly effective as it is. So ya its like removing the move hoe.


It's not disabling it. It's called fixing it.


ok, Child eh? learn some new bags that one was taken along time ago. Oh ya if you dont like the way i word things..dont read the damn thread moron..who asked you? does this thread say "if your a smart ass please post all your cum swolloing remarks here" ??? no i dont think so...


*sigh* I don't like your attitude is all. I am sick and tired of puffed up little oiks like yourself giving yourselves airs that you don't deserve, simply because you talk in your own little dialect. I posted because I wanted to clear up a point you made, and I shouldn't have become riled over the heavy stance crack, but I didn't like your way of putting it. Simple as that.


Since I use heavy stance quite often, and even the DFA move when it is appropriate or I think it has a chance of actually HITTING, I took offence at the global dismissal of anyone who uses heavy stance as without skill, which is plainly not true. There are many who use it without skill, who "spam" the DFA move without thought or tactics. If you are half as skilled as you think you are, you should know that there are several simple counter tactics. I'll be happy to explain if you need ideas.

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I love heavy stance.....i was simply making a point of if "that use that 100 heath Heavy saber jump slice....you sux because its being removed with next update" then your worthless because it is being fix...I dont feel like argueing either..I hate dicks who just go looking for threads and seraching for an error in someones post, and then talking **** to get laughs or attention. SO dont mind me coming off the way i did:)

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where do I start...


#1. Whos the dick here? your the one who started coming in all big and bad with your 1337 speak like your some king

#2. Some one corrects you and you act gay about it.

#3. Your comments such as "best in the west" means JACK to us on these forums, we play to have fun an injoy a good game, Not screw around and use our 1337 speak to make up for the skills we lack.

#4. "SO dont mind me coming off the way i did:)" guess what bro? He did care and i care at how your trying to lay your Ghetto trip on him for making a correction. ADMIT YOUR WRONG AND STFU

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You know Kiell?


The Lucas Forums has just posted their latest job openings. Forums Spelling Police was one of them. I think you are rather qualified.


An overachiever such as yourself will have no problems in annoying basically everyone on here.


If the Knights of (However you spell it?) are more concerned on spelling than actual game skills? Maybe you should move the Knights over to Scrabble-Online?

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You know Pippen, don't you have anything better to do than follow me all over these forums making bad jokes regarding spelling? I am making a point that is not really about spelling but about attitude. Of course you wouldn't get that since you're one of the 'bad mofos' that I'm poking gentle fun at.

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I will join the clan if you are looking for someone. I am not th best but I am pretty good with some force powers and lightsaber fights. I am good with a gun, but you probably don't need that, so email me if your interested at nothin_but_static@hotmail.com Please consider letting me join. And If I do joun, what would the clan name be, and whould there be a dedicated server for the clan.

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