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JK2 Radiant FAQ


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Uh, sorry, but I'm really tired and don't feel like searching other posts, so if it was already asked, sorry. But I downlaoded everything and put them in the correct places. But now I can't do anything. One guide said to run Radiant... I never got a program called radiant.... just Pakscape, Jediknighttools 1 and 2, all the tools are though are things i extract, Please someone help me.


Thank you



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Originally posted by Jamesmcar2002

When I try to load my test single player map I get an wrong version message saying I need version 1 not the many numbers on I have. Any help, do I need the patch?


I think your refering to something mentioned on the 'Common Errors'

page of Rich's tutorials. check out the specific page here.


Basicaly you have a messed up brush somewere that is causing an error.


(here is his main page since there is no back link on that page i linked to...

http://richdiesal.jedioutcastmaps.com/main/index.html )

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Originally posted by danielvision

hm... i dont have any texture in "GameData\base\texture\", im not even having any "GameData\base\texture"... theres only "GameData\base" there's end :confused:


I hope anybody will help me :(

there isnt one. its in assets0.pk3.

DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. you can extract it though. :)

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Originally posted by circatm2001

i took a levelshot and put it in my pk3 but when i play my level it doesnt show, also my bgm doesnt play.




Your levelshot must have the same name as your map, and must be in the levelshots folder even if it is in a PK3 file. So if you call your map mymap, then there will be a mymap.bsp in the base\maps folder, and there should be a mymap.jpg or mymap.tga in the base\levelshots folder.


Background music... There was one thing about background music that caused problem to me. In the worldspawn entity properties I set the music key to music/mymap/something.mp3. BUT! It should be /music/mymap/something.mp3, so it should start with a slash. I don't know why, and the tutorials I read always used the formula without the slash. Without that slash there was only silence, because the game could not find the music file.

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Originally posted by Wes Marrakesh


kewl, first on the second page :cool:;)


There must be something in front of the window. I mean, if that window is looking into the void. In this case put a brush in front of the window with the size of the window, and cover its "inside" face with one of the sky shaders for example.

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First thing:


On page 1 Vorax said, that you should not make elevators with func_door.


Well why not?

It's easy to set a trigger (targetname/x), it's easy to set a moving height (lip/x) and it's easy to set a moving sound (SoundSet/x).


Seccond thing:


I've got a question. How the hell can i make a func_breakable, that is triggered by force_push? :confused:

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I am haveing problems with loading the textures that are in the assets0 file. I extracted all of the files out of the file and still cant get it to werk all it says is Loading bespin/u_wall08...failed. Trying Shader... failed. Using default. !! !! !!

or any other file that i might be trying to load help would be appreciated thanx:)

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I have a strange problem with JK2Radiant, I can't see any numbers and texts on the grid. The computer (not my own) I'm using has a Matrox G450 display adapter. I've also used Radiant on my own computer, which has a GF4 and all the texts and numbers appear as they should. Does anyone else have this kind of problem? :confused:


The funny thing is when I use the clip tool and place the first marker I can suddenly see all the numbers and texts. Anyway, when I quit clipping and move the view everything disappears again. This really sounds like it has something to do with display drivers/adapter. Is there a solution for this?

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Ok, I have a problem with custom textures.


The tutorials all say to create a 24 bit tga or jpg, and place it in a subdirectory of base\textures. I've done that... I'm testing with a texture I extracted from a map's pk3 file, so I know it's a working texture file. I placed it in base\textures\mytest. When I fire up the editor, the texture is listed under mytest, and it appears to work normally. However, when I save and compile the map, and run JK2, the faces I've applied the texture to have the null texture on them :/


I read in one tutorial that I needed to put an entry in base/scripts/shaderlist.txt, but there is no such file... There's a shaderlist.txt in base/shaders, but putting an entry in that didn't have any effect.


Any ideas?


-Master Musashi

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