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JK2 Radiant FAQ


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Originally posted by Hubris


In the stealth level in single player there's a light switch that turns the lights off and on, how do I make that?

This is currently an unknown dilemma to the mappers here and Massassi.net, your guess is as good as mine. Previous versions of the Q3A engine didn't offer this feature at all, JK2 however seems to have undocumented improvements to it that we're still learning.

Should you discover how to make a light switch, please post in this thread so I can update this and give you credit. Inquiring minds want to know.


I think this is explained in Rich Diesal's tutorial...I remember setting one up with a wall switch that turned the light on and off.


First step in this link...



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Hi all


I am learning JKradiant throughout tutorial across the web but they are almost none for jkradiant and all for quake, so even 80% similar they are some trouble concerning textures which follows (must precise i don't have q3 radiant) :


1-Textures in jk are classed by planets/areas (bespin, yavin), it looks like in q3 its classed by kind (sfx, liquids, fogs,etc), so its sometimes hard to find a particular effect /texture (ex : the fog of yavin which i don't find yet !!)


2-as i said before where are FOGS? (volumetric and so on as said in rich diesal 's tutorial)


3-where is the ORIGIN texture which enables the func_rotating to operates (as said in bubba's tutorial)? i didn't find it yet either


4-does it exists a LIST of all textures? (shadered and so) for it would be easier to search after the one you want




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This is a great FAQ, but I couldn`t find an Answer for my question:

I made a normal map and I compiled it and it worked perfect, but then I realized the porject settings are woring and triede to make them right as in Rich tut explanied, and I added the withe_glow texture to have some lights. So I compiled it, but the compile only worked 10 seconds long. So looked in the mappath and there were no .bsp file of my map. So my Question: Why the compile broke down?

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great map, i love it, and if there was no school itd be finished faster, but:


Without school, there is no knowledge, without knowledge there is no computers, without computers there is no fun, without fun there is wrath, with wrath comes destruction, with destruction comes death, with death comes hell, and with hell there is fire, and with fire there is lava, and with lava there is ash, and with ash there is blackness, and with blackness there is darkness, and with darkness there is night, and with night there are shadows, and with shadows there is no light, and without light there is no good, and without good there is no Jedi, and without Jedi there are Sith, and with Sith there is the Empire, and with the empire there is Darth Vader, and with Darth Vader there is the Emperor, and after the Emperor come the Yuzat Vong, and with Yuzat Vong there is no Star Wars Galaxy, and without a Star Wars Galaxy there is no George Lucas, and without George Lucas, WE ARE DOOMED.

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Lord Plo_Kloon, I had that same problem with JK2Radiant that you have with your compiling.

It only lasts a second and than blips away again.


1)My solution (or actually, Shadriss' solution) was to make sure there are no serieus leak problems. I worked for me, (I suddenly realized I only had buildings but no sky or anything so just floating stuff)


SECOND teutonicknight

To select every brush and than copy them, just create a new map and press on load in stead of open and than open your map. This should keep the settings for your new map but copy all the brushes from your old map into it.;) this is a bit faster

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if that doesn't work than you can also do this but than, when you have load it, you have all the brushes selected, and than copy and paste them intop a new map. This is because I don't know if you copy the worldspawn or other things beside the brushes if you load a new map in a map instead of opening a map

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Originally posted by Pope2k

I would strongly suggest looking at this web site




for the answers you are seeking.


Yes yes yes. I actually found this out myself through level making.


--- Creating a light that's initially off that you have to turn on ---


Basically create a light, targetname it whatever, select the START_OFF checkbox, create a trigger_once (you want to merely turn it on), and have it target your light.


--- Creating a light that turns off and on ---


Do everything above, but make a trigger_multiple that targets your light. If you want the light off initially, click the box "START_OFF". If you don't, leave it alone.

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  • 6 months later...

Alright, I'm not sure if my problem is complicated or not, but if it's what I think it is, it's not very hard at all.


I'm using RichDiesal's guide to making maps. And I'm on Lesson 4 of General Concepts 101. On the lesson it says, "Let's go ahead and make this room playable. First, press the Escape (ESC) Key a few times to deselect all brushes. Then, in the XY Top view in the 2D View, right-click and select "Info" and then "info_player_start" at the bottom of the list."


Now, when I right click, I see none of the features that I saw when I first messed with Radiant (before I changed project settings). It looks like this:




Now, when I first had this problem last night, it was about one in the morning and so I just flipped my monitor off and went to bed. This morning I sat down and actually thought about it, and came up with the solution that when I changed my Project Settings, I did something wrong. Problem with that is, I don't know which one to fix, or if any of them are wrong.

Here's two screens (one of them is the same thing just with the text scrolled over so you can see it all :) ).



And scrolled over on the last two lines:



I installed my Jedi Outcast the default directory, so if someone could maybe just give me their Project Settings for me to fix, that'd be super.


If this isn't the problem and someone knows what is, it'd be nice if they'd tell me. I've been wanting to learn to make maps for a long time, and now that I'm finally doing it, I enjoy it a lot.

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Okay, I fixed my first problem that I have listed above; but now I have a new one. It's the problem people listed agove there when they try to "bspafy" the problem it takes less than a second to pack. I tried copying all my brushes into a new file but it just does the same thing there. I did it three or four times and it still takes less than a second and doesn't work if I try to play it.

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