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MOST Difficult! Fave cheat?


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Well, I'm replaying Jedi Outcast...again. This time, though, I thought I'd try it on the Jedi Master level. Good God this is HARD! Now I'm on the surface of the Artus Mine where I'm supposed to rescue the prisoners and keep from getting too many of them killed. I've concluded that this particular part is impossible. Yes...IMPOSSIBLE. There's so many storm troopers and you got two AT-STs to worry about. Sure, you got that rapid-fire cannon, but at this level, it runs out quick. I've replayed this level a zillion times to no avail. Believe it or not, out of desperation, I even used the God mode cheat, and I STILL couldn't beat it!


If any of you have actually succeeded at this, you have my utmost respect, and I wouldn't mind some tips, either!


Also, what's your favorite cheat, if any? Obviously many would probably say the God mode. Personally, I just LOVE the lightsaber realistic combat mode! It's so fun seeing all those limbs fly and a headless storm trooper kneeling crying about his hand!


For those who may not know the cheat, it's:

bring up the mode console by pressing the shift and tilde (~) key

of course, type in "devmapall" to enable cheats

then type in "g_SaberRealisticCombat 1"

You can also change colors if you want "sabercolor x" where "x" is purple, blue, red, yellow, green, and orange, I think.


You're gonna need the force on this one if you're gonna try and succeed what I described above!



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The begining of that level is very very hard. After I finished JO in Jedi I started again in JediKnight dificulty and I gave up in that particular level. maybe i'm little whuz. but man at least in my PC Jediknight level is very hard. So I restarted the game from the begining at JEDI.


I will try again in JEDI KNIGHT dificulty but with all force enabled and saber from the begining. and maybe with some relistic combat cheat too. :p


I wish also to do some modifications on some weapons but I still looking how to. :D




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It's not that hard at all; I lost once, maybe twice that way on JM, then did it fine. Restart the level, and immediately run into the switch room, kill the people there and hit the switch. Get on the elevator, run straight to the turret up there, and destroy the AT-ST on the ground below you as fast as possible(it'll blow the crap out of you otherwise). Then turn your attention to the stormtroopers and pick off as many as you can(don't waste ammo; fire a couple shots at each of them, and don't waste time waiting to see if they die). As soon as the big door starts to open, look down and destroy the AT-ST, then take care of the other stormtroopers again. You shouldn't have too many problems.

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That stage is won rather easily if you have all Force powers enabled... just use speed and saber throw or lightning to quickly mop up the incoming scum. Once Lando is on board the ship, things get real easy; just stand on the boarding ramp and push/pull the scoundrels to death.

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Saber realistic combat is by far the best cheat ever, the fact that it took them this long to make a jedi game with decapatation is crazy. Now that i have the cheat in single player, mutiplayer seems weak! is there any way to get saber realistic combat to work in mutiplayer?

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