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"IF" Double saber is reality, then it's chaos.


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Imagine using light stance and just keep on spinning.


I tried with bots, they can't even get close because there is absolutely no space to get their attack in.


Haha, it's like a saber circle.


Mmmmm, non-stop swing.

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Maybe in a patch or a mod or something someone will figure out a good way to balance the dual saber (saber staff thingy). Maybe make it so it has a HIGH defense, but a low attack power? Sure maybe it wouldn't be very realistic but it might balance it :)


And maybe make it so you could light up either one or both ends? that way people can switch around at will?


IE: dual sabers in a pack of saber fighters might be a good idea to block more often.


Otherwise maybe it make it so when the person using the dual saber has a 0 defense on the back sides etc like normal, but when standing still then can parry/block from any direction?



Anyway just my few thoughts on the subject :)

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HAving tried it in a private duel server, have to say it is EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL.


You nearly always get hit by the second end in combat - survival is more a matter of luck than judgement.

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