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i got kicked and im pissed


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i dont understand this, im playing Jedi Master

the way i play to win is to pick my enemies off when theyre alone. Because when i try to take on 5 guys at a time and they have flak and repeater on my @$$ i always die.

so, for this reason and this reason alone i got kicked from a server... it just pisses me off that there are people out there who would kick people because they fight smart.


dont mind me, just venting some plasma here.


JDFLKDSJLFKDSJKFJDSKjf;lkasjglkfgn;afjnb f,fgd

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yea theres definately alot of gay people playing mp now...u will rarely find smart players, and when u do they get kicked like in ur case because either there doing "too" good or they dont play dumb like everyone else, the game does need some adjustments but the main problem about the game is the people who play it.....

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Does that mean i am actually a Jedi!? Oh ****!!! COOL! do I get a badge or something? or a secret decoder ring? who is our leader, or who is on the council!?


Wow this explains why when I leave the remote halfway across the room, i am able to pull it to me just using the power of my mind! (I reach for it with a concentrated look in my eyes and someone always brings it too me, and I always say: and so you see... I truly AM one with the force!)



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Originally posted by Demangel

Does that mean i am actually a Jedi!? Oh ****!!! COOL! do I get a badge or something? or a secret decoder ring? who is our leader, or who is on the council!?


Wow this explains why when I leave the remote halfway across the room, i am able to pull it to me just using the power of my mind! (I reach for it with a concentrated look in my eyes and someone always brings it too me, and I always say: and so you see... I truly AM one with the force!)




I find your lack of faith disturbing. :newbie:

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Don't worry, getting kicked for being a good player (or at least better than some sore losers) is a common reason for getting kicked. It isn't unique to JK2... unfortunately.... ; p



Just roll with it. If you were so good that you got kicked, I take the insult as testament to my superior skill. Obviously I was too much for those guys, so they had to restor to kicking to stop their losing streak! Then I move on and hopefully find more enlightened people to play with....

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Originally posted by NerfYoda

Jedi or not you were playing on someone elses server. In those parts it's the admin's way or the highway. Best to find a non-lame server.


just to clear things up, the people in the game were vote kicking me, nothing to do with admins, these people just didnt like the fact that im really good at being a jedi master vs gunners.


yavin has to be the easiest map, i almost always get 30 kills (limit) and everyone else is 0 or maybe 1.

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