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The most annoying thing about JKII

Damar Stiehl

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And the prize goes to... the JUMPING PUZZLES!!


Aargh! The level designers should be shot for some of these levels, such as the Doom Comm Array, or one little spot involving riding a platform and being shot at with Merr Sonns... you know what I'm talking about...


It's nice to be able to force jump and soar like a bird... but good gravy... some of that stuff makes no sense, such as the Comm Array... I mean, who in his right mind would design something like that? And how did all those Imperials get to all these isolated perches, by riding the Fairy Express? *sigh*


On my second run, upon reaching the Comm Array and remembering the sheer frustration of it, I said "screw it in the ear with a steamboat smokestack" and turned on Noclip.

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THE JUMPING PUZZLES!! Damn I hate those!


The level designers should be shot for some of these levels, (f.ex. the Doom Comm Array)


It's nice to be able to force jump and soar like a bird... but god damn it... some of that stuff makes no sense whatsoever! Like the Comm Array... I mean, who in his right mind would design something like that? And how the hell did all those Imperials get to all these isolated perches?! By riding the Fairy Express!?


Uh..wait. I think someone already mentioned all this :rolleyes:


(Just my way of saying that I totally agree with you :D )


And another thing: what's with the stupid puzzles where you do random things like push a cart on the other side of the map just to be able to drop something off a ledge 50 miles away so that it hits a switch somewhere and causes and explosion in a hallway that opens up a little crack in the wall which lets you advance to the next level?!

I would like to see more puzzles that make sense...puzzles that make you feel like you accomplished something (and not just like a lucky bastard.) by using your Brain...and you deserved the results.


Oh yeah; I'm loving the game. Great game. JO r0XXoXCz (or whatever)...so no need to give me "the violin". :D



Ps. Creating far-fetched puzzles just for the "fun" of cracking them is silly.

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I *hate* puzzles in FPS games like that... I mean, if it was a dungeon crawling game, ok...I understand. But come on...


However, the Doom Com Array puzzle is actually the first puzzle I enjoyed in a FPS...once I figured out what to do, I was like "Ok, jump from here to here to here..." and every jump I went "Weeeeeee!!!" Yeah...I need help. :D

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The most annoying items for me:


- Bland level design. Sure the levels feel like Star Wars, but because of the limitations in the size of the levels, you spend too much time in the SAME surroundings.


- Jumping puzzles. Already discussed.


- One hit kills (on me). It sucks to have to die 5-10 times before you figure out where all the enemies are stationed to kill them. I think this is an attempt to make small levels seem bigger ("Boy that level took a long time to finish").


- Completely dead surroundings. This is the sequel to Jedi Knight - right?!? What the heck happened to the citizens? There are at least two levels where there should be SOMEONE that I shouldn't kill.


- This game just feels like a MOD. I would consider it an EXCELLENT Mod but only a decent sequel to an otherwise excellent series.


- I am tired of having to "learn the force." It just seems like after two run-throughs of gaining force powers (JK and MotS), it was time to expand the gameplay beyond that point. It wasn't done in Outcast. It turned out to be a Quake style shoot'em-up in a Star Wars setting. I want gameplay design that reflects that of the Thief, System Shock, and Deus Ex series where I have the ability to use the Jedi powers to overcome problems in a multitude of different ways (other than just killing everything in sight).

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- Completely dead surroundings. This is the sequel to Jedi Knight - right?!? What the heck happened to the citizens? There are at least two levels where there should be SOMEONE that I shouldn't kill.

I agree with you on this one. Civilians in Nar Shaddaa and Cloud City(in addition to occasional ugnauts and security guards) would have helped you to believe that someone actually lives up there. Also, Yavin swamp level would have needed some kind of sign of actual creatures(now there are only those ambient voices).


As a matter fact, I have a thread discussing about these leftouts(don't forget to vote). I think these could be easily added into those specific levels without messing too much with actual gameplay and enemy placement, so hopefully ravenites will take notice and consider including this stuff with patch(probably not in the first one that will be released soon, but hopefully in second). I want to see some of those ordinary people trying to live their lives while you have your own mission attend to. :D

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LOL not the jumping puzzles, they were much easier than the Tomb Raider jumping puzzles :^)


For me it would be that saber combat is different between SP and MP. I want SP saber combat to act the same as MP.

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Originally posted by Damar Stiehl

And the prize goes to... the JUMPING PUZZLES!!


Aargh! The level designers should be shot for some of these levels, such as the Doom Comm Array, or one little spot involving riding a platform and being shot at with Merr Sonns... you know what I'm talking about...


It's nice to be able to force jump and soar like a bird... but good gravy... some of that stuff makes no sense, such as the Comm Array... I mean, who in his right mind would design something like that? And how did all those Imperials get to all these isolated perches, by riding the Fairy Express? *sigh*


On my second run, upon reaching the Comm Array and remembering the sheer frustration of it, I said "screw it in the ear with a steamboat smokestack" and turned on Noclip.


you think thats hard?

you must not have played super mario 64, i actually pulled my hair out in frustration playing that damned gamecomp13.gif

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Originally posted by sheared

The most annoying items for me:



- Completely dead surroundings. This is the sequel to Jedi Knight - right?!? What the heck happened to the citizens? There are at least two levels where there should be SOMEONE that I shouldn't kill.



now arent you forgetting something? I did meet tHreepio and artoo! :D

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