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Downloading Skins and Maps... Useless?


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I wonder why don't most servers make use of downloadable maps and levels, as well as skins, I see that there is a download option when you setup a server... but whats the point of downloading skins and levels if the servers you play on don't have this option turned on so if you do not have a skin/level you can dl it??!?!


I would like to play on more servers that have these new skins/mods/levels on them!!

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I here ya man. This is something that happens in every FPS with options like these. Servers don't download skins and maps cause people don't play on them. People don't like that fact that servers don't have new maps and skins. It's a catch-22. If Raven releases a BFP though some people might be influenced to download that because it's official.

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I think its bogus... maybe anyone here who hosts a JK2 server should link here.. or some mess...


I want to be able to play with my new badass Exarkun or disembodied Qui Gonn (which is cool as hell) SOMEWHERE other than against bots!

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My clan tests the maps and only uploads the ones we find actually work.


What you may like and what we find work in competition may not be the same thing. Just because it's new doesn't mean it'll be there. Some downloads are a waste of bandwidth.

Our server does have downloads turned on. But we are selective about what get's put on the server.


And, truthfully, a lot of the skins haven't been up to snuff yet, they aren't really quite there.

We've only added 3 maps as well. We'll check out the Wired Lamp maps, especially the CTF maps, and probably add them next week.

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So how come it isnt like good old Quake I, where if you didnt have the 20 skins being used, it would download them for you and then you could see them?

Does this tool have to be released? Or what.....Im confused why it isnt like that.


And for maps, well....its all duel maps really. Give it time, as in, three months is my guess, for quality maps that everybody likes.


Damn.....gettin sick of the ingame maps though.

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On the MP Darkside Duel servers all i see is a bunch of Kyle's running around because that's the default skin you see if the other player is using a skin that you don't have. Same is true of the Reverse, here i am running around with my cool Dark Lord skin but when i ask other people on the server what i look like to them, they say Kyle! this sucks!

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The server has to have downloads enabled as does the client.

The SDK has been out for less than two weeks! :rolleyes: Jeez, you can't expect decent maps overnight. Most of the maps out there right now are either conversions from JK or are firsties.

Give it time. Things will get better. The mod community is in it's infancy.

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Unless the server is dedicated (even then?), if you've got people pulling files while a game is in progress, that means less bandwidth for the people already in. I.E. - Lag. Just a thought.


~ Azazii

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It depends on how the server is set up. You can allocate bandwidth per connection and if your dedicated server is on a T1 or higher then it shouldn't be that much of an issue. :)


Our clan's server is setup to autodownload and is on a T1 and doesn't take that long to drop new maps to the clients. Unless they are 56ker's. ;)

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