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To those who only have two hands;)


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Originally posted by NewBJedi

Isn't there a delay in voice commands?


Personally, I prefer the very free: http://www.teamspeak.net


Allows for channel and whisper binds, very firewall friendly, has a linux server, and it's free. :)


Hmm..I checked out the site, seems more like BattleCom or RogerWilco to me, or can you (like GC2) bind commands to voice?


There is a *slight* delay, but I hardly noticed it.

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There is a slight delay.


I love this program. If you have a nice Headphone/mic setup it's great. I think it woiuld replace all other peripherals (joysticks/gamepads/MS Strategic Commander/Nostromo) if it had more marketing. And if they fixed it with Win Xp. I hear it works with it from others, but it doesn't work on my machine!!


Yes you can bind various keyboard storkes to voice commands. I think there is a 250 keystroke limit to 1 voice command.


I used it for halflife and starcraft.


But for JO it would be good, say for specific Force Powers and for item usage. Bacta, Forcefield, Seeker.


Definitely check it out.

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Originally posted by warder808

And if they fixed it with Win Xp. I hear it works with it from others, but it doesn't work on my machine!!


What seems to be the problem. I have WinXP Pro and it works like a dream.

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