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I bloody well want the ewok skinpack, not cos i love ewoks but because slaughtering them could give a whole new dimention to this game.


but the link doesn't work every time i try it, is it me or is it the website?


does anyone know a mirror or could someone mail it to me?

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Originally posted by Darkling19

I bloody well want the ewok skinpack, not cos i love ewoks but because slaughtering them could give a whole new dimention to this game.


but the link doesn't work every time i try it, is it me or is it the website?


does anyone know a mirror or could someone mail it to me?

i have reported that link broken 3 times i think..


AAARGH... I wanna be an ewok right now..


:ewok: :ewok: :ewok:

:cool: :cool: :cool:

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There's a very good reason why there are no "Ewok skins" in the game.


It's because they would be asinine.


It's all we would need; a three-foot teddy bear named "Darth Furry" or some other stupid shyte running around nuking people with lightning--or entire "clans" wearing ewok skins and invading FFA and CTF servers.


It would probably be quite a thrill for those pervert "furries" who get off on such things.


Isn't it bad enough that we have to put up with stormtroopers and ugnaughts with lightsabers?


I'll tell you all what. Let's have a JK game where you can choose from either an Ewok or an AT-ST. All of you furry little pervs can be fast and funny and cute little annoyances and you MUST work as teams to survive the onslaught of the Imperial Walkers!


Otherwise....*squish*.....hehe :p

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NOOOOOOOOO i didn't mean i want furries skin, i just think fur is hard to do on a skin, several SW species have fur, wookieks, ewoks, bothans etc


fur just sounds hard to do, man even those nice models from starwars galaxies look messy when u look at the wookie models.


talking about starwars galaxies did anyone else thinks those rodians look kinda twisted?

too bad, rodian is one of my fave species but it's face looks far too stretched in the galaxies model. the jediknight rodians look a lot better.

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