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Reborn Exlploit/Bug?


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Someone may have already found this but...


I just discovered this little bug in Besbin Streets when fighting the first reborn on that level (near the landing pad with 2 pod ships). If you shoot something or throw your saber at the Rebord as he is jumping down from the ledge he blocks it and gets stuck in that blocking position when he lands. He will only move (to a new blocking position) when you shoot something at him. Other than that, he stays frozen.


You can also shoot something at him while he is on the ledge and he will get frozen up there. If you shoot at him enough, he'll eventually jump down but he will still be frozen in a blocking position. It's like there's a bug in his AI loop.


Here's a screen:

(I don't know what's up but sometimes this image won't show up, even when you click the link. Try copy and past the address)




Has anybody else noticed this or something like it?

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I have not noticed that ... even though I just went through that area the third time. I guess that the thrill and anticipation - which replaced the initial shock and surprise - of the first saber battle just makes me stand and wait for him. BTW - I just realized that unless you manually find and pick up your Bryar from the Rodians who took it at the door, you'll never see it again ...


Maybe I'll try that the next time through ;)



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