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i'm back


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Yo, sorry I haven’t been for a while, my computer crashed, then got formatted, lost modem driver, blah blah blah, but now I’m back, I have to leave. U see, I need to start on some hard core revisin for GCSE’s so I’ll have to lay low for a while. Every now and then I’ll be back and on june the 21st, I’ll be back for good (last exam) so until we meet again.

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whoops, my mistake, my last exam is on the 25th, not the 21st, i got it mixed up with a training day for my new job. hey everybody, congratulate me on my new job.

btw, if you ever see me online on MSN, feel free to chat, i'll probably be revisin on the, but it'd be nice to hear from you. well, i said i'd go and i didn't so i guess this is neil joshi's last stand.


until we meet again.



Neil Joshi;)

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yo, just thought i'd come in for a visit, you know have a look round. my first exams this wednesday, but it's french listening so i'm not to bothered, i don't like french and listenings really easy, it's the writing i'm worried about.


yeah, about my new job, well remember it is my first job, but it is a cleaning job, still i get paid £5.50 an hour. i did the math, by the time i finish with this job, and as long as i don't spend anything, i'll get just over a thousand, not bad really.


well i'm kind of pissed off. i'm stressed becasue my first real exam (although i've already had french speaking and my 10 hour art exam) is in a couple of weeks and even though i've done loadsa revision, i still don't feel ready, but i'm only worried about maths, english, eng lit and IT, i don't care about the sciences or history or french. i'm also pissed because for the past 2 years i've been working on a novel. it's only 30 A4 pages, 12 font, but still, it took me a while to do in between my schoolwork and stuff. and yesterday, i lost the entire thing and now i'll have to start from scratch. that really pissed me off, but i worked out that if i do about 5 pages a day, i shouls get that thirty pages back in a couple of weeks, well gotta go, see you all on the 25th june.

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