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welcome to escapemi

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i was going through the ppl that were online, and the list went:

..., Jack, Andrei55, ...

since im a very busy man (im watching Jackass, so im not paying much attention to everything else), i read it very fast, and accidentally read it JackA55. so i was like "hey, we ve got a new member!"

Then, instead of checking to see if i was right, i quickly clicked (tongue twiste) in the NEW THREAD button, and started wrighting a "welcome to escapemi" thread.

for some reason, i clicked preview post today (something i dont normally do, as u can see from my posts) and then it hit me: wait a sec: was it really a new member of was it Jack + Andrei55?


and u know wot else? i think this reflects my anxiousness of new memebers.


and u know wot else else? i just realized i ddnt change the topic subject, but now that i changed the topic. the subject makes no sense, so i had to add this little foot note.







yeah, i know it sounded like i was high, but wot can i do: im bored, but im in a good mood today (differently from yesterday)

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