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Official JK2 1.03 Patch Thread!


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I wish that I could complain about the gameplay in MP. About 2 minutes into the game in MP, the computer will hardlock. Have to cold boot. Does this every time. Not a sound card issue, tried different sound cards. Not a driver issue, tried many, many different builds of Detonators. I can't play MP online, but I can play single player all day long without a single crash. It's the iLoop error magnified in this game X100.

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Man, thats a lot of pages, but I'm bored and feel like make'n a post of observations.


There are those who say there were complainers before the patch and now that Raven has "fixed" things that there are complainers again. Well, pre-patch it seemed the only ones complaining were then newbie players who thought that because they kept dying there is something wrong with the game. Oh, this is unbalanced! oh come one thats hardly fair! ...they're new to the game, put in a little bit of time before u expect to come in first every time you play. Where as the skilled players, who have put in a lot of time playing did not do much whining at the time. I think this was because they realized some things were slightly unbalanced but EASILY countered(ppl would know this if they played for more than a few hours or maybe they're just not good, that happens). I don't usually top all the games I play with luck.



Now understand I haven't yet played with the patch (aol...die) from what i've read there seems to be some drastic changes. And yeah "if u don't like it, don't play it." well, thats one of the sorriest comments i've ever read, sorry. People payed hard earned money for a product and liked it, those who didn't had a chance to take it back. But now out of no where the game seems to be altered pretty severely. (honestly, the double click for kicking...is that a joke...was it necessary...does it make ANY difference, haha) But changing the force and saber combat...i have never found any force power cheap nor any saber style unfair, ( i just didn't like when someone completed a dfa and i walk around and my toe hits the saber and i die, it just didn't seem right but of course why the hell would i walk on a saber in the first place) i liked the way the combat played out, it was intense and fun.


My point (...ya i know i stray often from my points) is that after the patch Raven catered to the ppl that complained before but now it seems from reading through the forum the the complainers NOW are the SKILLED players of before, the ones that put time in to learn the game and they are the ones suffering and, i believe, have an actual reason to complain now.


I will of course download the patch to verify and see how (badly?) it has changed, i know if i want to i will adapt easily but i just loved the way the game played before and i don't know how it could be better (maybe only worse?). Oh well i don't feel like re-reading my post to make sure i made a clear idea , later.



"Eh, you can't run from the Grim Reaper, Hector! Especially when he's got a gun!"

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the back swings are whored like a 2 cent prostitue, and the front kicks effected the wall running also, meaning they just dont happen. Heavy stance is weaker, but i never had a problem with heavy attackers. the Chance to block it just outrageous, it's pretty much stand still 2 be partially invinceable....this patch is pathetic...

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How is it you people think kick was nerfed?...I still see people win fights with nothing but kick, people who are very skilled. It's a little trickier now, but so what?


Also, try doing nothing but stand still and face your opponent for one day. See how long your average match lasts.

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i have played 1.03 for awhile now and i am happy to report that i actually got a saber slash on someone while they were standing still blocking, and facing me!! maybe so i was using red and they blue, but red still has that bit of advantage. top down hack at least is able to penetrate blue saber blocking. my largest beef is still with the blocking, it brings a tear to me eye to see someone bat away my saber from the side with the whole 180 degree block arc.

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I still like 1.03 but I'm disappointed in how useless Dark is versus a Light user


*Game Starts*

*Light user bows*

*dark user taunts*


-Lightie switches absorb before charging towards darkie

-Darkie tries to do what he can by iether Dark Rage/Drain hoping lightie will run out of force

-Lightie starts beating darkie with saber and kicks profusely

-Darkie now desperatly Pushes and tries to pull the lightie - but to no avail! OH NO!

-Lightie laughs in the darkies face and Pulls him for the big backhand swipe.




:( oh well, I guess I'll learn to live with it.


Cheers :p

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I play duels. Only duels without force.

Everywhere you get its the same. They kick, kick and kick.

It doesn't seem to be realistic getting kicked while being in the air.

You jump they kick you while you're in the air and then they backstab.

You can win a game by just kicking and then backstabing someone. That's not what i expected of balanced fights.

If you can use blue style or yellow style, that doesn't matter. If you're good in kicking you'll win the duel.

Just kick and backstab. There's no real defense against kick.

they can kick you while you're in the air...

I just hope 1.04 comes out soon, fixing the kick...

it shouldn't be banned completely, but it should not be possible to kick someone while he's in the air and the backstab him.

Also backstab should get blockable...

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Originally posted by deliboy007

i have played 1.03 for awhile now and i am happy to report that i actually got a saber slash on someone while they were standing still blocking, and facing me!! maybe so i was using red and they blue, but red still has that bit of advantage. top down hack at least is able to penetrate blue saber blocking. my largest beef is still with the blocking, it brings a tear to me eye to see someone bat away my saber from the side with the whole 180 degree block arc.


try doing that on a heavy versus heavy fight, u think it will go thru?


i kinda hate how its pretty hard to hack down on some1 who just finished the medium finisher and their arm is to the side, to u have a clean hit, but its blocked :(



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Well, Since most of my MP experience comes from playing the bots... (56k that runs at 9.6k because of phoneline) Here is a couple things that i would like to see


1) Bots in MP either use random or fixed saber colors such as Luke always using green while lando could use yellow orarnge ect

2) Simple solution to make backstab is blockable If a player has guard up the attacking saber is parried and knocked out of the attackers hands forcing him to roll and pull the saber or die.

3) Push or Pull items

4) Heal put back the way it was

5) absorb increase cost of absorb lower amount of force gained

6) saber combat make it closer to SP

7) Make the Light-Staff a actual weapon and be able to pick up a second saber

(you would lose force pull ,push grip lightning and drain)

8) Seems nearly impossible to pull weapons even from NF bots dono bout actual MP make this a viable option besides standing there and deflecting it all back

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I've been playing on the 1.03 patch since it came out and I'm just about to the point where I don't play on public servers anymore. The push/pull into backswing/backstab has totally ruined the MP saber experience for me.


As a lot of players have discovered, this move has spread like a cancer in the JK2 MP community. You don't need skill or comprehensive knowledge of the saber combat system to win a multiplayer match anymore. All you need is a little Force juice and one move. Granted, the 1.03 patch has other issues that have been talked about here in this forum but the push/pull into backswing/backstab has got to go. It's everywhere and it's quickly killing the sport of skilled multiplayer lightsaber combat.


I've read some of the other posts here that give the impression that Raven is not planning on releasing another official patch. I hope that this is not true. I look forward to the day (either by patch or by mod) when I can enter a public server without seeing players running through the maps backwards or using the push and pull only to set somebody up for a lame, "no skill required" one-hit kill. Until then, the bots will have to do.



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i personally would like to have also physical attack in the game.. but in this way:


kick just can know down the enemy guard as a red stance and a blue defense, image 3 different kick type, the kick who push u on the ground ( but u can get up fast if while falling you press in time crouch, so u can roll and get up without standing on the ground ) ,

a circular kick able just to KNOW you , putting your defensive guard out and leaving u a fast moment to strike an hit!

and a kick on the legs that push u on the ground ( u can make this kick only from crouch ) just consider that if the enemy is fast enough can react getting up by kicking the opponent to be safe!


now, DONT LET KICK damage, couse they are just a tactical element, or if u want, let them consume 5 , then, a KICK can be done ONLY if the enemy in not in guard position, couse if i throw a kick to someone in ready stance i'll self-cut my leg against his sword, so it should resolve in a DAMAGE to the one who make the kick ( damage like 10 ) but if u make the kick u can have the possibilities to hit the enemy with a good hit!



backstab and other special moves should not be deadly, but at least allow them to make a bigger damage then normal moves and push away the enemy like in 1.02, it should be cool i think!

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I wish we could see the .plan of whoever is heading up the maintence team for JO/JK2. So we know what else we can work on rather than correct what they did.


Now that the SDK is out, I see a lot of things we can correct.

For example.


No force pull/push knockdowns? --- JK style =P

Simple changes in damage/force use etc etc.


The possibilities are endless.

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i see all you guys talking about the 1.03 patch.. i want to see for myself what it does.. but i can't seem to get it installed... it keeps saying something about directory invalid and target files couldn't be created... i know this came up with quite a few people.. could someone please help me out... i don't want anyone telling me not to install it.. i wanna see what it does... and i just wanna know how i can...

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Originally posted by Darth_Misery

I've been playing on the 1.03 patch since it came out and I'm just about to the point where I don't play on public servers anymore. The push/pull into backswing/backstab has totally ruined the MP saber experience for me.


As a lot of players have discovered, this move has spread like a cancer in the JK2 MP community. You don't need skill or comprehensive knowledge of the saber combat system to win a multiplayer match anymore. All you need is a little Force juice and one move. Granted, the 1.03 patch has other issues that have been talked about here in this forum but the push/pull into backswing/backstab has got to go. It's everywhere and it's quickly killing the sport of skilled multiplayer lightsaber combat.


I've read some of the other posts here that give the impression that Raven is not planning on releasing another official patch. I hope that this is not true. I look forward to the day (either by patch or by mod) when I can enter a public server without seeing players running through the maps backwards or using the push and pull only to set somebody up for a lame, "no skill required" one-hit kill. Until then, the bots will have to do.




I couldn't agree with you more. It seems like every server I go to, there's always at least one person (if not more) running around, doing a force pull into backstab/backswing, although the backswing is becoming more and more popular. It takes all the fun and skill out of swordfighting. It's lame, boring, and takes the fun out of the game.

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Originally posted by nugez

i see all you guys talking about the 1.03 patch.. i want to see for myself what it does.. but i can't seem to get it installed... it keeps saying something about directory invalid and target files couldn't be created... i know this came up with quite a few people.. could someone please help me out... i don't want anyone telling me not to install it.. i wanna see what it does... and i just wanna know how i can...


Download from here:http://www.jk2files.com/file.info?2601


When the download finishes, start the installation and press Continue when it asks you. After that you're done.

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Originally posted by mima kake

just learn to counter it

Then that combo is useless.


Well, clue me in on the counter. Here's the setup: player pulls you down, turns around and begins backswing or backstab. What is the counter for that? I'm sure a lot of us would like to know.


I've tried jumping up quickly and landing a kick. Not effective. I do reposition if I see someone walking around backwards. That's the easy thing to do. However, the million dollar question is: how do you counter the 1-hit backswing/backstab kill AFTER you have been pulled to the ground AND you're at the other player's feet when he/she begins the backswing or backstab?


It's too bad that you can't push when lying on your back. That would do it. I've racked my brains out trying to figure a counter for it but I can't. As far as I can tell, once you have been pulled to the ground and the opposing player begins the backswing, it's all over.


The reason that this move has been abused so much is that ANYONE can dominate a multiplayer match with this one move regardless of their skill level. All the great, low-ping servers that I used to frequent are now filled with players who do nothing but pull into backswing or walk around backwards in hopes that the move will trigger.


The bottom line here is that the damage for these moves is completely out of balance with the rest of the saber combat engine. It's ruined the multiplayer experience for anyone who is interested in matching saber skills with other people because it doesn't take ANY skill to execute these moves.


I play with Dark Side powers and I happen to like them. I have no interest in switching to the Light Side so that I can expend all of my Force juice on Absorb. Playing "no Force" games is OK but the Force powers, in my opinion, are part of what makes this game great. Besides, playing in a "no Force" server with everyone running around backwards is a royal bore.


So, to reiterate my first point in this post......


If there is an effective counter for the backswing/stab AFTER the pull, please speak up. We're listening..........


Until then, back to the bots................

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The most effective way i have found to counter this move once your are on the floor is to turn protect on as light side - this may use a lot of your force pool but keeps you alive.

And as dark side by using dark rage - this also keeps you alive but do not turn it off manually as the recovery period slows you down and you will still be in range.


Dark Rage will allow you to get up quicker and also lessens the amount of damage done if you don't get up quick enough

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For those of you who are still posting with the hope that Raven will bug fix this 1.03 mess, you are wasting your time.


Here are two threads with James Monroe stating that Lucas is not going to patch the game. No patch. No bugfixes. The word from Raven is that the JK community can patch it themselves because we now have the code.





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Originally posted by Darth_Misery

The reason that this move has been abused so much is that ANYONE can dominate a multiplayer match with this one move regardless of their skill level.


It's ruined the multiplayer experience for anyone who is interested in matching saber skills with other people because it doesn't take ANY skill to execute these moves.


Well, clue me in on the counter. Here's the setup: player pulls you down, turns around and begins backswing or backstab. What is the counter for that? I'm sure a lot of us would like to know.



Too right Darth. What IS the point in running around using the same old moves again and again? Answer: because they'll win a saber fight 99% of the time in about 2 seconds flat. There is NO effective counter against those moves. What the hell is a saber for anyway if it can't block one of the slowest attacks in the game - the bloody backwards lunge...?


It's not 'skillful', and I can't believe it - when you mention 'spam' to these people they call you a "noob" or some other adolescent online-dude-phrase. My advice to you spammers is: *learn* the finer points of the game or lose the 'game' altogether (if it hasn't died a death already - which personally I think it has, a game of tiddlywinks has more skill and variation in it that a JKII game these days)


I can't see the point in MP saber fighting anymore. I REFUSE to do that TEDIOUS backwards lunge - I don't care how many times it happens to me. All these spammers/ass fighters have totally ruined the game. Why not cut out the 'attack' button altogether and just have people running around who can kill each other by bumping their asses into each others faces. Forget strategy, forget a range of interesting saber moves, forget tactics.


Thanks Raven - for messing up sabers altogether, promising not to do another patch, and leaving all the spammers with really annoying saber exploits.

Thanks Spammers and Ass fighters - for reducing what was a great game to a pile of S**T.


Cheers to all you real players out there (like Darth_Misery) who tried to change things and keep the game interesting but now, I fear, we have failed.


See you in some other MP game. :vadar:


Lord Briss

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