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What air units do we all expect?

Guest Rogue15

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well, if swbg is too make effective use of air units, no doubt lucasarts has got to go take ideas from starcraft. the air units there would float and stand guard and would attack. i noticed in AoE that your warriors could wander off even if you didn't want them to. they should look into that

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Guest Tie Guy

I'm sure they'll catch alot of teh bugs. I think that they're gonna have more testing time on this game than a few previous ones. *cough*TPM*cough*

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Guest Starnick10287

The most logical thing for fighters is: HANGERS. And Lucasrtas will have them, because x-wings need to be refueled!

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Mr. Fixit gives some answers on when we can expect the air units in the game:


Air Units

You can think of the dynamics of Age of Kings to be two dimensional with sea and land. SWGB adds a third dimension with their air units. If you completely ignore air defense expect to get hammered in the Third Age when the air units hit the sky.


I personally like it that way.

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Guest Starnick10287

And remeber Star Destroyers can't go into a planets atmosphere, but Victory-class Star Destroyers can. But i don't think they can go that low to the ground.

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Guest Rogue15

Well, i'm sorry you feel that way about force commander.


I thought that game was AWESOME the mission design was cool, my favorite mission was yavin IV. i loved using the ties to pick off the troopers, and using the artillery to fully destroy their stupid base and get loads of cps. I think i enjoy rebellion more...speaking of, i have yet to play that game on the zone...

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Guest Rogue15
Originally posted by Starnick10287

And remeber Star Destroyers can't go into a planets atmosphere, but Victory-class Star Destroyers can. But i don't think they can go that low to the ground.





Wrong!!!! Super Star Destroyers can. Haven't you read Krytos Trap (i think that's the name of it) where Isard takes the SSD and blows a hole in coruscant. oh wait, that had repulser lifts on it that's why it was able to get off the planet...

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Guest Tie Guy

Yeah, but you could fight an entire land battleinside a SSD.


BTW, i loved all the X-Wing series, especially the ones with Rogue Squadron.

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Guest Tie Guy

Don't worry Dave, they're great anyways, but he's right, don't ruin it, they're awful suspenseful. Happy reading Dave! :D

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neither are y-wings, but they are vehicles used in the movies and they are armed (Cloud Cars fired at the Falcon in ESB). there was also talk in a book about a flying mantis-like creature at Bespin.. wouldn't know the name...


i basically think it could be graphically the most attractive civ.

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Guest Tie Guy

You mean the one with the video of all the TIE Bombers, that seemed like it was a little excessive, don't you think. Why bother with that may air units when you could have 2 or 3 times as many ground units?

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