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Raven is making JK2 worse all the time


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WTF Raven!?


Oh for god sakes, as if the JK2 guns weren't weak enough. 8 up to 25 for 2nd HR fire is more then a slight correction don't you think? Seriously, the guns were weak enough.


Yeah, I could agree with the FC1 and DFE being tweaked but gimme a break. Same thing goes for drain. But JK2 guns were already a joke compared to UT/Q3 and you whent to far "balancing" healing.


The sabers are weaker now and saber combat will be slower and in tighter spacing. Guess what, that will make the saberist even easier targets for gunners whether you nerfed the guns or not.


-The guns are a joke compared to other FPS

-The forces are weak compared to JK

-There's definately a shortage of ammo on the maps


Thanks for making the game that had the potential to be better then JK into a newbie brained joke.


If you keep "balancing" things, everyone will tie because nothing will do anything.

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Try using your head for a moment. Longer and closer saber battles will make sweater targets for gunners.


If saber battles are long, it should be because both combatants are good, not because the fighting system is weak and lame. If one person is good and the other not, the battle should go quick.


Lots of people are upset over this, many on the competative MP scene arn't happy...


PS, if you don't think I know what I'm talking about, why don't you go ever to http://www.clantourney.com and take a look at who won gold in FF sabs teams...

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torm's right tho, taking longer to kill someone with a saber means that im gonna be even more productive with rage/speed and whatever else i can pick up.


Which means thats going to get nerfed next. This is a very reactionary patch, and its not good.





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Sorry but if you think the guns were weak you haven't been playing enough. As for the sabers, more skill will now be invovled. Before many of the good saber players relied on hitting with the tip as they spun away or around a player. I agree it will now be slower, but thats because more effort will be needed to lane a good hit. Drain and heal needed to be fixed. Only people complaining about that are the people who exploit it.

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dood, this is going to be bad. I'm going to be flooding repeater with rage/speed and every single one of you is going to cry.


There is *nothing* you'll be able to do. Its sick, they actually made it harder for you to sit there and run around like a sw geek while im trying to play a game. Thats bad for you, and bad for me, cause im not going to have a lick of fun mopping the crap out of you.


This patch is reactionary and aimed at all the lil gimps on this forum who whined incessantly about every lil thing that was killing them. I'm pissed. I'm so very pissed that they made my job easier.



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Anyone who thinks the Jk2 guns didn't suck to begin with has never been good at UT/Q3/JK1.


Some people say I should play other game if I want to gun, but no that's not true. I don't play other games because I like the forces (well, I loved the JK1 force but Jk2 forces are lame) in addition to the gunning.


The forces make JK1 worth playing over Q3/UT. But with the complete lameness of the guns and forces now it's almost not worth having installed.


In JK1 I was a FF saberist, but the forces were so hobbled in JK2 that I took up gunning. JK2 was such a disappointment.

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"Please oh please Raven patch this game. What? They didn't patch it to suit my way of playing? Dangit Raven why did you patch this game" Look at yourselves you can't stop complaining even when they did patch it. Get a grip.

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I can't get a grip, they nerfed that too. Yes, I'll admit, many things needed to be changed, but the way they changed it was in a way that every veteran of the game will recognize - in the way in which alledged 'newbies' always complain about, which upsets the veterans. Frankly, I don't care either way. I'll learn new strategies and new adaptations. The mark of a true veteran is to adapt to any situation, however obscure or unexpected.

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