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DFA Instructions and Patch Punditry

Guest Kensai

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Guest Kensai

For those having trouble with new DFA, just do it as you normally would, just make sure you keep the fire button held down from the "pre" swing when you press jump. Yes, you can tap fire a second time, but you are probably "supposed" to hold it down anyway.


Here is my obligatory assesment of the patch.


1. I do agree with Felonious in that blocking is too easy now. It was fine before, people just didn't see it much because most players just start swinging whenever an opponent gets close. I have played on a new duel server and had a much more difficult time hitting an exposed opponent without my saber bouncing off.


2. I am glad DFA was weakened. Yes, it was counterable before, but those lag-induced late hits made moving in for a counter a HUGE risk. Thankfully, it is still useful for chopping down those folks who crouch in place, hoping for you to run into that uppercut swing. (how clever...)


3. Saber throw on no force servers? I know several people who wanted it in, but I believe that was just to counter the DFA spammers. Now they have gotten rid of one class of spammers and introduced another in its place. Also, blocking it is much less reliable than blocking, well, anything else. I don't see the reasoning behind it.


4. Heavy stance is definitely better now. The (minor) swing combos and player movement slowdown while swinging really transform it for the better.


No assesment on guns or force changes (I play NF Duels almost exclusively), just one comment. I believe that while having saber and force dominate the guns is truer to Star Wars, the game is better off balancing them against each other. Remember the JK1 days? Oh, a concussion rifle? You shouldn't play with that, hand it over *pull*. Now hold still, dearie *grip*. This might sting a bit *saber slice, followed by sky shattering, blood curdling scream*. T'was fun, but it got old after a while.


Comments? Critisizms? Abrasive, poorly spelled tirades? :D



a.k.a. Cap

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Guest Kensai

I suppose i can see how the changes can hurt ctf (with the weakening of some guns and the sabers). Perhaps the raven folks focused primarily on the dueling end of things, as evidenced by the inclusion of duel maps with the patch.


As for the saber throw, it is a strange issue. I was definitely on a NF server and most everyone was tossing the sabers, but i couldn't do it myself (perhaps because i never use it in any configuration).:confused:

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Guest Kensai

Heh, I always wished the kick was weakened a bit, but allowed on the NF servers.


I imagine the number of patched servers will increase exponentially tomorrow and thereafter.

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There are saber throws - but you need to assign your force powers to it first - just as saber defence/offence. Then it's just a case of:


Throw saber, strafe and hope it catches them in the back! if not, run around, maybe the odd blow and repeat!

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For those having trouble with new DFA, just do it as you normally would, just make sure you keep the fire button held down from the "pre" swing when you press jump. Yes, you can tap fire a second time, but you are probably "supposed" to hold it down anyway.


Here is my obligatory assesment of the patch.


1. I do agree with Felonious in that blocking is too easy now. It was fine before, people just didn't see it much because most players just start swinging whenever an opponent gets close. I have played on a new duel server and had a much more difficult time hitting an exposed opponent without my saber bouncing off.


Blocking was NOT fine before. I tested it with a clanmate. He'd attack me with a strong attack or so and 3 out of 10 attacks went through my defenses. I like blocking now, people might have to actually find out what counter-attacks and counter-defences are and use them.. Should be a more interesting fight for me.


2. I am glad DFA was weakened. Yes, it was counterable before, but those lag-induced late hits made moving in for a counter a HUGE risk. Thankfully, it is still useful for chopping down those folks who crouch in place, hoping for you to run into that uppercut swing. (how clever...)


I loved the old DFA but I agree that it needed to be tweaked. It's now useful for what it was originally intended, hitting stationary or knocked down targets.


3. Saber throw on no force servers? I know several people who wanted it in, but I believe that was just to counter the DFA spammers. Now they have gotten rid of one class of spammers and introduced another in its place. Also, blocking it is much less reliable than blocking, well, anything else. I don't see the reasoning behind it.


I believe you're on crack.


4. Heavy stance is definitely better now. The (minor) swing combos and player movement slowdown while swinging really transform it for the better.


I agree. Although every stance should have player slowdown while attacking, this evens them out by compensating for the massive range. Perhaps we'll have closer and better saber fights from now one.

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Wheheheh !!!!!!


im laughing real hard !!!!


you know why ???

Since most of the whining kids didnt want the Heavy 1-striker ....

so Raven tweaked it all a bit ... and look now ... Light Spammers !!!!



hehehe lol ...

have you ever seen a Jedi move that Hyper ?!?!?!!?!? i mean even Yoda cant make those moves ...


The game was good as it was ... but thanx to the whiners its all set back ...


All of us can start all over again and learn the new moves etc. and make new strategies ...

So all those whiners can start whining about the new patch ...


heheh this is so funny :D

Oh well gonna go training again :D

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Originally posted by GSA_Mitth_

Wheheheh !!!!!!


im laughing real hard !!!!


you know why ???

Since most of the whining kids didnt want the Heavy 1-striker ....

so Raven tweaked it all a bit ... and look now ... Light Spammers !!!!



hehehe lol ...

have you ever seen a Jedi move that Hyper ?!?!?!!?!? i mean even Yoda cant make those moves ...


The game was good as it was ... but thanx to the whiners its all set back ...


All of us can start all over again and learn the new moves etc. and make new strategies ...

So all those whiners can start whining about the new patch ...


heheh this is so funny :D

Oh well gonna go training again :D


Kinda like the pot calling the kettle black, wouldn't you say?

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Guest Kensai


fr00t -


Blocking was NOT fine before. I tested it with a clanmate. He'd attack me with a strong attack or so and 3 out of 10 attacks went through my defenses. I like blocking now, people might have to actually find out what counter-attacks and counter-defences are and use them.. Should be a more interesting fight for me.



Well, I maintain that pre-patch blocking was fine, although not every move was easily blockable (most notably the heavy-running-foward and the med spin). I found most of the overused moves very blockable, especially the heavy right swing. I loved running straight into it, batting it away, then going to town on the opponent. The only drawback was that the opponent had to be directly in front for blocking to work.


Anyway, I thought the inclusion of some unblockable-but dodgeable moves added some depth. I am worried about too-easy defense. Remember the first generation of fighting games? Almost every move was blockable, which made the only real winning strategy "turtling up", that is, playing defense and keep-away until the opponent gets bored and launches a risky offensive that gets countered. That is why unblockables and parries were added to later fighting games.


Well, I have said my peace. I have guaged opinion on the new blocking to be kinda 50-50. I guess it is time to do some more, uh, research on the topic. ;)

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