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1.03 - One hit hard stance kill move!


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Yes why they tweaked the DFA move... they forgot to tweak something else, something I like to call the "floor mopping" move. It's quite simple... all you need is level 3 pull and your pretty much set. Stand in place with HARD stance other jedi will run up to you... and swing... at the momment he swings and is at point blank range, force pull him so it trips him. When he falls do a quick 180 turn so your back is facing his body and hit (Back + Primary Attack). Your charater will do a backwards arch slash across the floor... (or Mop the floor) killing the dropped foe in 1 hit.


While it may look cool, i believe its worse then the DFA move... because atleast you can avoid the DFA... and the only way i see a way to avoid Mopping is either use absorb (lightside only) or dont attack... which leaves darkside kinda hopeless...


Reason why i'm posting it? I want everyone to start doing it just like the DFA so raven will consider it a problem and tweak it... for it needs tweaking my friends...

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Personelly i think that different saber styles kinda ruin the game a bit. It would be alot easier to have just 1 style (medium stance), that way things are much fairer and saber battles can last longer and be more involving. The game already has so many variables, froce + weapons as well as saber moves, having different stances is just an over load on thinking + predicting what moves your enemy will do.

I'm very glad this patch has finally be released, should make the game much much better.

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I mailed the same problem to Mike Gummelt last week, what he said to me was this:




"This is a very specific exploit, we will look into it but i cant promise u it will be adressed in the next patch"




the reason why they cant adress it is probably because the patch was already done.

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"Personelly i think that different saber styles kinda ruin the game a bit. It would be alot easier to have just 1 style (medium stance),"


- You mean, just like in JK1? Slash, swing, slash, swing....how fun! *gag*


"...that way things are much fairer and saber battles can last longer and be more involving."


- (Later that day)...Swing, slash, swing...


- We might as well play Paper, Scissor, Rock without scissors or rocks. Ready? 1, 2, 3....


"The game already has so many variables, froce + weapons as well as saber moves, having different stances is just an over load on thinking + predicting what moves your enemy will do."


- Without the other variables, the duels will be boring. And if you still think it's still an overload on thinking, I suggest you go play War with some playing cards.


"I'm very glad this patch has finally be released, should make the game much much better."


- Keyword: SHOULD

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Originally posted by Krak3n

Personelly i think that different saber styles kinda ruin the game a bit. It would be alot easier to have just 1 style (medium stance), that way things are much fairer and saber battles can last longer and be more involving. The game already has so many variables, froce + weapons as well as saber moves, having different stances is just an over load on thinking + predicting what moves your enemy will do.

I'm very glad this patch has finally be released, should make the game much much better.


More is better. The more combinations there are the more skill it takes to define a truly great player. It seems like every time someone sees a new move they have difficulty with or trouble countering, they start crying to Raven to fix it with a patch. Instead, why don't they practice a bit and search for a way to counter skillful moves? The saber combat system in JO is not something that you can fire up the day you get the game and become an instant master duelist.


I love to duel people who use different moves and styles- it's fun! No, I don't always win, but I don't always lose either. Some of the best duels are the ones where combatants change styles during the fight to mix things up. As for the variety of the Force powers, you have the ability to disable them in a game if you don't want them. However, using the Force is what Jedi do, and there are numerous threads on how to counter some of the highly spammed moves out there. (Plus the patch fixes a lot of them).


I see a lot of posts about making saber battles 'fair'. My friends, fairness is an illusion. Life isn't fair and there is no such thing as a fair fight. Did Obi-wan cry out "that's not fair!" when Maul Force pushed him into the pit? I think not! Forget about what's 'fair', and get into the game and practice until you are a force to be reckoned with. Things will seem a lot more 'fair' when you have practiced more than the guy you are dueling with, and you disect him like a bad science experiment.

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I've never once seen anyone do this, and I fail to see how it's that much different from doing the same thing with any other move. Tripping someone with Pull is unreliable at best, and if you mess up then they're right in your face and in the middle of a swing. I don't see any potential at all for this to become like DFA, though I wouldn't complain if they addressed it.


Easy counters for both sides: turn on Absorb, or Drain the person(I don't know how effective Drain is when used for that purpose now, but you get the idea).

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I can do it pretty much 75% of the time... pull is dependable if you know how to use it and not just pull randomly. The fact that it takes more timing shouldnt matter... the DFA move took some timing and there ARE ways out of it i can list 5.... but Mopping i havent seen a counter for yet... except dont get tripped... which you cant help in a duel... cuz what are you going to do? Not going to swing?


Anyone think theres ways out of it please reply... cuz its too cheap in my opinion.

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this so called 'moping the floor' move is the easiest thing to do. yes it does take some skill.. but if you can manage to count to 10 with your eyes closed and move your left leg together with your right arm.. then.. the force is with you..

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Originally posted by kya4life

Yes why they tweaked the DFA move... they forgot to tweak something else, something I like to call the "floor mopping" move. It's quite simple... all you need is level 3 pull and your pretty much set. Stand in place with HARD stance other jedi will run up to you... and swing... at the momment he swings and is at point blank range, force pull him so it trips him. When he falls do a quick 180 turn so your back is facing his body and hit (Back + Primary Attack). Your charater will do a backwards arch slash across the floor... (or Mop the floor) killing the dropped foe in 1 hit.


While it may look cool, i believe its worse then the DFA move... because atleast you can avoid the DFA... and the only way i see a way to avoid Mopping is either use absorb (lightside only) or dont attack... which leaves darkside kinda hopeless...


Reason why i'm posting it? I want everyone to start doing it just like the DFA so raven will consider it a problem and tweak it... for it needs tweaking my friends...


I KNEW IT! I get 5 bucks..


Had a bet with a friend people would bring up the spam of pull after the DFA was fixed.. w00t. :)


Dark is not screwed. Ever consider drain, a kick or even grip? I've defeated people who use pull well with those, and I don't normally play dark. I use Light most of the time.


Absorb also drains force less and gives more back now, so there is your counter.. it was fixed already!

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I'm not sure I understand this whole "if I post people will do it and Raven will fix it" thing. I mean, if there's a small enough number of people that are "mopping the floor," then isn't it better to prevent the problem from spreading? Sure, I concede that your way may, MAY, get the problem fixed faster, but that shouldn't matter if there's a relatively small number of people using the exploit. Now, you could say that you're making it fair by letting others know how to do it, too, but I think someone that can't figure out how to pull then backslash deserves to get beat...over and over.

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I'm not sure I understand this whole "if I post people will do it and Raven will fix it" thing. I mean, if there's a small enough number of people that are "mopping the floor," then isn't it better to prevent the problem from spreading?


- well getting rid of it compeletly is a 10x better way of stopping it from spreading or being used =)


Sure, I concede that your way may, MAY, get the problem fixed faster, but that shouldn't matter if there's a relatively small number of people using the exploit.


-Just the fact that there IS a relatively small number of people doing it doesnt make it ok. Thats like saying theres only a small number of people robbing banks thus nothing should be said or done about it.


Now, you could say that you're making it fair by letting others know how to do it, too, but I think someone that can't figure out how to pull then backslash deserves to get beat...over and over.


-Well anyone who doesnt know how to do the Mop sure does now.. and i hope they use it over and over until raven considers it a problem and changes it =) which is my goal in the first post.

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only counter i have found for this move thus far is Protection for lightside and Dark Rage for darkside... best used right when your knockedown... will save you from 1 hit kill a couple of times if you good... but atleast should save you once...


Although this does seem to be effective i dont believe this mopping move should be in the game... makes all saber fights follow the same pattern... knockdown kill... knockdown kill... whats the point of any of the other saber moves if they are 95%auto blocked? kinda stupid if you ask me...

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