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1.03 - One hit hard stance kill move!


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I just had an idea based on the guy who proposed only one saber stance.


I think it might be cool if saber swing strength and speed was determined by how you press the attack button (Mouse 1)


Tap it fast in rapid succession is essestially fast stance.

Hit it nice and solid and you get medium swings.

Hold it down briefly gives a strong swing.


It seems like that would be ultra intuitive, and really make for some wicked duels. -Especially with the turned up blocking in MP.


What do the rest of you think?


-yes I know that this feature is impossible at this point.

Heck, is it even possible at all? Can a game detect the strength of a key stroke?

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Actually, that can be implemented in a certain way.


If you tapped the key it would be fast, if you held it down slightly longer and then released it would be medium, if held down past a certain amount of time it would be heavy. This could even be implemented in the old JediKnight very easily.


Certain mods/PCs/TCs have used that saber system in the original JK.

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I've observed this move for a while and it's a bitch.


It is easily replicable and nearly uncounterable.


Using Rage and Protect will save you for a bit, but given that most force servers are at Jedi Knight and to be competive in duels you need 3 on saber offense, 2 on defense, 1 to 2 on throw (patched throw is much better) 3 on absorb (for dark side) ,some points on push and pull and maybe 3 on heal. (depends on preferences of course) Points for protection aren't really there. From the people I've played who've used protection, they are easily slaughterable. Though I have seen effective use of protection, everytime I knocked them down, they eventually died.


Often being pulled down is unavoidable, save for absorb. Even if you are standing, facing your opponent, the rolling pull will almost always yank you down. When I find people pull whoring, I switch to strong and use some big swings. With proper timing you can eliminate their window of opportunity and if they pull you they get a big saber in the face. However, if by chance you fall on the ground, whomp you're gone. There's no chance to evade. If you stay on the ground you're dead. If you try to jump up quick style you're dead.


I guess a good fix for the problem would be that backwards attacks cannot be activated on fallen opponents. Should be pretty easy to configure the backwards sensor to correct for that.


Anyway, my opinions.

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I was playing some major dueling and Sweeping is not the only problem, sweeping in medium and backstab in blue are also 1 hit kills on a fallen opponent. The only counter for it that i can see is to time your get up...

We (as in friends and mass amounts of dueling) found that if you timed your get up properly and mashed jump you would kick the guy doing the sweep or backstab. its difficult to time but its a way to save your life (basically a kick get up)


In addition, even if absorb was being used you could easily kick your opponent down and attempt a sweep.


I find back stab alot worse then sweep cause it comes out faster.

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Don't get me wrong, I think some special form of move for hitting a fallen oponant is a cool idea, like a downwards stab, but not this new backstab spam thats going on... Heck now people are running around backwards hoping some fool will get close enough to be hit... and god forbid your in a big swarm of fighters, some penis with the highest score will go get full health and shields and stand in the middle doing backstabs killing sometimes three at once by spinning around mid stab... it seriously SUCKS LOL.


I love the moves themselves, and do feel they need to stay in the game, but there must be a way to limit how the move can be exploitable. I don't care if I am killed on the ground, or by a backstab, It's the same as how I felt about DFA from before... but now people are spamming it... I'm REALLy starting to feel like the MP with force is NOt what I am looking for...


I love the new patch when people arn't doing spamish things, but now every single server I went on toniught had someone spamming the backstab somewhere... I'd say it HAS turned into the new DFA, and might even be more exploited now than before because DFA took more than two button presses to pull off right, and was still a guessing game... but this one is simple... all I can do to fight back is spam it back... SAD.


I like the idea about making a fallen oponant unhittable by the backstab move, but I don't think that that should be how it's fixed since sometimes it's fitting... maybe give the fallen person the ability to roll sideways when knocked down? or able to block the move? I know when standing the backstab is still nearly unblockable... It's blockable but it hits what 3 times? Maybe more? that I don't mind as much because then if I am hit with it, it's my own fault, but being trip Backstabbed is just sad...

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I think 99 percent of the "suggestions" you people make suck and make the game worse. This being one of them.


What's going to be next? Push is too powerful? Mind Trick is unstoppable? Give me a goddamn break you whiney morons, there is and always has been a counter to everything you complain about.


You just aren't skilled enough to learn them.


Two people who know this move have a REALLY hard time pulling it off, you have to approach your opponent cautiously which is a very good thing.


This move prevents people from just blindly rushing you with their saber, get a clue.

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I've observed this move for a while and it's a bitch.


It is easily replicable and nearly uncounterable.


Using Rage and Protect will save you for a bit, but given that most force servers are at Jedi Knight and to be competive in duels you need 3 on saber offense, 2 on defense, 1 to 2 on throw (patched throw is much better) 3 on absorb (for dark side) ,some points on push and pull and maybe 3 on heal. (depends on preferences of course) Points for protection aren't really there. From the people I've played who've used protection, they are easily slaughterable. Though I have seen effective use of protection, everytime I knocked them down, they eventually died.


Often being pulled down is unavoidable, save for absorb. Even if you are standing, facing your opponent, the rolling pull will almost always yank you down. When I find people pull whoring, I switch to strong and use some big swings. With proper timing you can eliminate their window of opportunity and if they pull you they get a big saber in the face. However, if by chance you fall on the ground, whomp you're gone. There's no chance to evade. If you stay on the ground you're dead. If you try to jump up quick style you're dead.


I guess a good fix for the problem would be that backwards attacks cannot be activated on fallen opponents. Should be pretty easy to configure the backwards sensor to correct for that.


Anyway, my opinions.

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Try DFA on me. They never work (especially in large areas). They are only to get themselves killed.


Counter for DFA - STAY AWAY FROM IT lol cuz you never know when the blade will poke you and u'll die


Another counter, heavy stance slash

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Originally posted by kya4life

Yes why they tweaked the DFA move... they forgot to tweak something else, something I like to call the "floor mopping" move. It's quite simple... all you need is level 3 pull and your pretty much set. Stand in place with HARD stance other jedi will run up to you... and swing... at the momment he swings and is at point blank range, force pull him so it trips him. When he falls do a quick 180 turn so your back is facing his body and hit (Back + Primary Attack). Your charater will do a backwards arch slash across the floor... (or Mop the floor) killing the dropped foe in 1 hit.


While it may look cool, i believe its worse then the DFA move... because atleast you can avoid the DFA... and the only way i see a way to avoid Mopping is either use absorb (lightside only) or dont attack... which leaves darkside kinda hopeless...


Reason why i'm posting it? I want everyone to start doing it just like the DFA so raven will consider it a problem and tweak it... for it needs tweaking my friends...


See, it's newbies like you making complaints like this that got so many things turned sour in the patch.


Your uber "floor mopping" technique is, and always was, easily avoidable. You can 1) Turn on absorb, so you are not pulled to the ground. 2) If you are pulled to the ground, turn on protect so you are not killed. 3) If you are on the ground, pull or push your opponent away. 4) Fight with some skill in the first place so you do not constantly leave yourself open to be continuously pulled to the ground in the first place.


Sure, let's just nerf all strong and medium stances so everyone can twirl their sabers around like a baton twirler in a 4th of July parade. Yipee!!!


The bad players are not those who use one successful move over and over to kill others. The bad players are those who allow themselves to be killed by the same move over and over. They just never learn.

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So what your saying is that saber combat should be foucas on pull eachother down and sweaping... and only using protection and dark rage? gee how fun... ist ****ing cool the first 200 times but after a while its old, i'm not a newbie complaining i'm more of an expert disscussing what should be tweaked... sure i loved the DFA but when everyone starts using it and its the only thing people use in duels... it needs to be taken out... because duels become repetative and boring...


all i'm saying is that it needs to be tweaked or give a better counter... like being able to hit the person back or make them open. Or if your fast enough give us the opition to roll out of the way which will also take some skill.


Reason why i even posted it is not because I myself was getting killed by it and that i suck... it was because it was the only thing i was doing and winning games non stop... its boring and it should be changed.

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The problem is not the damage its the fact that if you twirl around while doing it, you hit not once but twice, and if you do it right you hit a THIRD time.


Each hit is FULL damage, Their on the ground, and their helpless. Thats 3 HEAVY hits, Dead on. None can survive through that unless you have 100 health and 200 sheilds. and even then you make it out with 40 health and no sheilds.


Yes thats why you instantly die is because you arent getting hit once. You aren't even getting hit twice. But three times in about 2 seconds.


there is no defense for this, dark force has no defense, absorb eventually runs out. Its lame. Cheap and Seriously overpowered.


If Raven just makes it so that you player model freezes like all the other special moves, its a ok by me, that way you can't get those 2nd and 3rd hits in.


I really have no idea why they allowed players to move executing these moves...

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So why don't you stop doing it?


because its basically the only way to kill a person now since they put in the auto blocking sabers... also the fact that everyone is trying to do it to me... thus why i believe it should either be tweaked so people arent so dependant on it... make some more counters.... or brind down the auto block a bit... make things more balance

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