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Lockups, sound skipping and repeating


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I've been browsing through alot of posts and it seems like alot of people are having the same problem as I. During gameplay the game locks up, and the sound repeats it's self over and over until I have to hit my reset button. Like most of the people with this problem, I'm running an AMD processor and my card is manufactured by NVidia. My specific system is:


700mghz AMD Duron

511 megs of RAM

32 meg NVidia GeForce 2 MX

52x CD ROM

Sound Blaster PCI 128


I've downloaded the latest drivers for both my video and sound, no luck. I've tried tweaking with some of the in-game settings like a few posts suggested, still no luck. I read an interesting theory about multiple sticks of RAM causing this general sort of problem in these kinds of games, though I'm not too thrilled about reducing my RAM and this will be a LAST resort. Has anyone with this problem been able to fix it using a method other than the ones listed above?


EDIT: Ok, my stupid ass fixed it. Turns out that when you're installing a later version of your video card drivers, it's probably a good idea to uninstall the old one first. So what happened was the latest version of my NVidia drivers weren't completely overriding my old ones until I completely got rid of the old ones off mym system first. And then just to be safe I reinstalled DirectX 8.1 after that. Works like a charm, at least for me. I'm done whining now.

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