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Details About Some Patch Changes


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To clear the air:


I have no problems with the saber issues that were patched (although some were fixed a bit drastically). If the saberists feel things need to be tweak in the saber realm, by all means, tweak them. However I, being a gunner, paid the same amount of money as mosts of the saberists (most of the whiners I can guarantee have warez versions), and I expect the game to meet to my expectations, too. Is my money not as good as the others?


Raven, you heard the massive amounts of whining from people that didn't even pay for the game. These people don't even bother to learn the game, yet, you bow to their wishes. You didn't hear from gunners because we could live with what was doled out in the initial release. Yes, when (and if) the source was released, many changes geared toward old-school JK1 players and gunners would be made in mods, but that is how we like to play.


NewBJedi, I have a better proposal:


1. Raven should make a reversion patch, and then begin working on a new patch that pleases everyone that has bothered to learn the game. If saberists want to keep the new saber gameplay, stick that back in. If gunners want more ammo (believe me, that would fix everything -- almost) give them more ammo. Make the guns consume the original amounts of ammo, but give us a little bit more ammo on the maps. It's not hard to please everyone that has taken the time to learn the game. For the Padawan's that just downloaded the game and have no intention upon buying, let them suffer.


2. Release the source code so that the modders can start releasing mods towards our own ideals. I tell you, this would fix many, many problems.


Server-side variables are all great, but you're asking for quite alot of confusion (at least, judging by the amounts of whining from the newbs).


SirBanshee, thank you for your support. Since Raven is giving all the attention to sabers, we need all the voices we can muster to give us, the gunners, what we want as well.

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chang: a question, is there any plans to make saber's actually require SOME skill? i mean atm it's basically hack and slash, i still remember the good old days of heretic 2, now that required more skill :)

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Originally posted by [QGA]Vertigo

What I noticed in the new combat style is that there's a LOT more blocks...


This slows down the game too much.


While long drawn out duels might be good for single player (or duel), for FFA or CTF this is an absolute no-no (imo).


The DFA tweak was okay, but please restore the saber combat to what it used to be (leave the dfa tweak of course), at least for everything but duel then...


For competitive players the patch is , sorry to say, horrid. Everything seems to be a lot more newbie-friendly, closing the gap between good players and newbies...


I agree 100%. The patch does seem to have been made in with "newbie friendlieness" in mind. The gap between skilled and unskilled has shrunk, and not in a "New patch, time to learn new moves", but in a "cool moves are so slow and pointless and get blocked so often that I may as well swing away like a blind madman and get as many kills" kind of way.


I don't play with force, from what I understand it's more balanced now. But saber combat has become dull, less skillful and far too drawn out.

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Originally posted by WD_Rage

To clear the air:


I have no problems with the saber issues that were patched (although some were fixed a bit drastically). If the saberists feel things need to be tweak in the saber realm, by all means, tweak them. However I, being a gunner, paid the same amount of money as mosts of the saberists (most of the whiners I can guarantee have warez versions), and I expect the game to meet to my expectations, too. Is my money not as good as the others?



I hear you. If I was dev I wouldn't have messed with the guns - no one asked for that - the simple answer was to not play on gun servers.


NewBJedi, I have a better proposal:


1. Raven should make a reversion patch, and then begin working on a new patch that pleases everyone that has bothered to learn the game. If saberists want to keep the new saber gameplay, stick that back in. If gunners want more ammo (believe me, that would fix everything -- almost) give them more ammo. Make the guns consume the original amounts of ammo, but give us a little bit more ammo on the maps. It's not hard to please everyone that has taken the time to learn the game. For the Padawan's that just downloaded the game and have no intention upon buying, let them suffer.


I don't understand. Why make a reverse patch when you can simply just reinstall the game and not patch?


Server-side variables are all great, but you're asking for quite alot of confusion (at least, judging by the amounts of whining from the newbs).


The confusion would just make them play the defaults, that's all.


The advanced players would be able to tweak.

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Guest Sifl

Have you guys even tried the patch or are you just complaining about changes you've heard of or just glanced at? I guarantee you that gunners are *still* at least as powerful as saber-users (and, considering they have force powers and long-range guns and explosives, they can still kill saber-users easily). You gunners must be really insecure in your abilties if you think not being able to fire 25 alt-fire repeater shots in a row makes you impotent... jeez. :rolleyes:

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The problem is that a majority of servers are going to be running 1.03, except for competitive ladders/leagues/tourney's, etc.


So now I've got very few options of where to play as a mildly competitive ff gunner. Before, I could join just about any server and get a decent game, but now I've gotta search long and far to find a 1.02 server.


Patching it yet again, to fix the guns so that ctf is once more playable, will let me play on the bulk of the public servers again.


Also, Rage might be an exclusive gunner, but who says I am? If i want to benefit from the patch but not be confined to dm sabers and duel, then im basically SOL.


Solution: A whole nother patch, one that un nerfs the guns.


I'd settle for the SDK, but I think releasing an un-nerf patch would be a nice temporary fix.


At the very least I'd like to hear Raven's reasoning behind the nerfs, and what they're planning to do to this game next, so I can decide if I need to find somthing else to do.




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that the secondary fire of the repeater and the fletch was WAY overpowered. On servers that allowed guns, all the gun people did was get the repeater, find a group of saber people fighting, and blow them all away with a massive spam of secondary repeater fire. There was no counter if you had the lightsaber. Pull you say? Good luck getting close enough and at the correct angle to pull. And even if you did pull their weapon, all the gunner would have to do is break out their lightsaber. There was no disadvantage to using the repeater.


All Raven has done is balance the power of the secondary fire of the guns with the damage it does. Big deal. They made the sabers less deadly too. I'm sorry that you can't get 50 kills on saber vs. gun servers. boo hoo.


Thank you Raven for this patch.

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LoL, thats not the point tho. We're talking about ctf mostly, and its nearly impossible to defend your flag because none of the ranged weapons are viable.


The saber should have been made deadiler, instead they nerfed all of the guns *and* the saber and accomplished nothing. I can still spam the repeater into a crowd of saberists, only difference is, now I have to get ammo more often and its even easier to kill them because they're CLUSTERING EVEN MORE.


So this patch doesn't balance the guns vrs sabers, it screws up ctf mostly.


As for the saber combat, I actually think thats pretty decent. Looks much more cinematic, however in terms of gameplay, the fixes screwed one of the main competitive modes of play.




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Originally posted by Necro

also for gun ppl: want guns? why play jk2? jedi knight is about being a jedi, using the force...and the saber. not about guns! if you want guns go play q3 or counter-strike!


Bleh. This excuse is over-used. Why don't we play Q3? Because Q3 doesn't have force powers. If you think to two are the same, I challenge you to a FF Guns battle one vs. one.


Along your line of thinking: want sabers? why play jk2? jedi knight had sabers and you can play that.


Bleh. I play FF Guns because I like FF Guns. There's other people than you saberists out there playing JK2. I'm sorry you lack the discipline and skill to become a good FF gunner.




You were a saberist playing on a server that allows guns. Stop crying. If you want sabers play on a saber only server. If you don't, you're asking for a whooping from the gunners. As for being overpowered, I think not. You're just easy targets.




"I don't understand. Why make a reverse patch when you can simply just reinstall the game and not patch?"


It takes less time to run a reversion patch than reinstalling the game. Thankfully, I backed up all my files before running the 1.03 patch and I didn't have to reinstall. Many others didn't think to do that.




Nah, I'm griping on baseless thoughts. Of course I've played with the new patch. It's not a fact that guns are as powerful (or more so) than sabers, it's a fact that Raven took it upon themselves to serve the whining newbs to do something about guns since they were sabering on a gun server. I guess you don't do much competitive gaming. This patch nixes competitive gaming for the gunners.

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I like very much the new patch. My only doubt is about Heal & Drain.


Before they worked this way:


Heal lvl 1: 10

Heal lvl 2: 25

Heal lvl 3: 50


Pros: You could use it always. More health than Drain.

Cons: No other effects on enemies.


Drain lvl 1: 10

Drain lvl 1: 15

Drain lvl 1: 20


Pros: It also drains the Force of the enemy.

Cons: No enemy around, no health.


Now, other than Force cost, they changed this way:


Heal lvl 1: 5

Heal lvl 2: 10

Heal lvl 3: 25


Pros: You could use it always.

Cons: No other effects on enemies. Lvl 1 & 2 gives you too few health points.


Yeah. Lvl 1 & 2 are a bit too weak! The health you gain is even less than Drain! Since Health is useful because Dark Side has a lot of damaging powers, it should at least give you more health than Drain. I think the right values should be:


Heal lvl 1: 15

Heal lvl 2: 20

Heal lvl 3: 25




Heal lvl 1: 10

Heal lvl 2: 20

Heal lvl 3: 30


Anyway, great job Raven!

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Dear Raven Dev. team...


Here are some dislikes I unfortunately need to state concerning the newly released patch.


I hope you will read this.


My thougts...


Drain is useless now.

The problem that was with drain in my opinion was that people combined it with, for instance, grip or lightning and spammed it.

So what you did was minimized the usefulness of drain so that it now it's practically useless.

This to me is kind of like cutting of the arm when its hurt instead of healing it.


What my idea is, make it so that it can't be used offensively:

Maybe you shouldnt be able to combine it with grip or lightning.

After using drain, disable those forces for a number of seconds.


The kick move

I have said this before,why not make it so it's an option in the setup menu. That way people can choose themselves what they prefer, one tap or two.



Was easily countered before, I never had a problem with people gripping me, I would just push them.

And if someone actually did manage to throw me of a ledge before I could push them, I would grant them that. But now that force is by my opinion useless.


What I think should be done is: make it so only the people who don't have level 3 set on this force can't run with the person they have in there grip. Someone else has said this before.


Saber combat


Originally posted by idlemind

true star wars spirit? The star wars movies weren't based on gameplay. To make gameplay imitate a movie makes no sense at all. Especially since you cant control blocking. If you could somehow make blocking something of a skill, then yeah sure, making it more like the movie would be great. But blocking is automatic. So no skill to block, no fun. It looks more like the movies, and plays about as fun as auto-attack in everquest (an exaggeration, but you get the general sentiment I'm trying to get across here).


the game looked plenty cool enough before. Why sacrifice gameplay for ultra saber blocking cool light effects?



That was a great point.


What needed to be done (by my opinion) was:

Tweaking of the DFA hit box, and minimization of the damage caused by the saber buried in the ground after the move. Since the stance IS slower it should have the long range it had before. All tough, maybe It should be tweaked a bit on the start and end of the swing so that the hit doesn't kill you in one move, but instead take a maximum damage of 25 HP.


This is MY opinion and I'm entitled to it, please don't post any destructive criticism as I won't reply to it.


And I also want to thank Raven for the interaction they have shown with the community, thank you.



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Originally posted by ChangKhan[RAVEN]



I noticed that bots are cowards, too, on some maps, but I think it depends on the bot and the map (how the nav stuff is layed out)... dark side bots seem to be less likely to turn and run... In any case, no bot AI was changed in the patch.



Yeah but screaming "Run you bitch, RUN!!!!" at a screen is a bit of a laugh really.



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"that the secondary fire of the repeater and the fletch was WAY overpowered. On servers that allowed guns, all the gun people did was get the repeater, find a group of saber people fighting, and blow them all away with a massive spam of secondary repeater fire."


It's not the gunners fault that saber ballerinas don't understand the concept of weapon FFA's. It's very dumb of a player to join in one of those twirl-fests on gun servers and expect NOT to get killed by some sort of explosive. I should add, nothings changed in that department. The only difference is you have less spam of flak/repeater, and more detonator/tripmine/rocket use and that one guy who backs into the group and sweeps everyone with strong stance.



"There was no counter if you had the lightsaber. Pull you say? Good luck getting close enough and at the correct angle to pull. And even if you did pull their weapon, all the gunner would have to do is break out their lightsaber. There was no disadvantage to using the repeater."


You could pull/flip kick (atleast last patch) and then they were on their back, where a saber swing would usually clip 100 health off of them. Unless they had absorb that is... which ironically enough, got a boost this patch.


Exactly, what's the disadvantage of using a repeater now? According to your example, I can't see a disadvantage. They still can pull out their saber after they run out of ammo/get pulled.



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>You were a saberist playing on a server that allows guns. Stop >crying. If you want sabers play on a saber only server. If you >don't, you're asking for a whooping from the gunners. As for >being overpowered, I think not. You're just easy targets.


So basically your claiming that, in a game called *JEDI* Knight, being a saberist on a server that allows guns is asking for a whooping? We are only easy targets because the guns were overpowered? I'm just asking for a fair fight between saber and gun. It wasn't fair before. I hope it is more balanced now that you can't spam the secondary fire 50 times (I haven't found a 1.03 saber vs. guns server yet).


If you don't like actually having a saber vs. gun balance go play UT or Q3. If you want force powers, write a mod. But a game called Jedi Knight should actually be like playing as a Jedi Knight and not as another Quake.

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Originally posted by Sir Viruz



Agree. This patch was 99% PERFECT! My opinion the game (prior to the patch) was only playable if you were a spammer of the exploit moves. Now I can play without the worry of getting DFA'd by the same guy hundreds of times (because that's the only move they know).


I play for the enjoyment of the game. Whether I suck or own a fight does not matter to me. Some people think that the most important thing is seeing their name at the top of the server list. These are the people that now must re-think their strategies and learn how to win without spamming.


Cheers RAVEN ... DarkAgent is one satisfied customer.


DA :p

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The back-flip off a wall/opponent was changed into a double-tap. This was mostly done because it was frustrating to try to get over a small lip and end up back- flipping off of it. In combat, you can still kick someone and knock them down with this move, but you have to do a double-tap. Also, it was noticed that the strong style was completely vulnerable to this move because of the long wind-up time of it's attacks. A somewhat skilled jump-kicker could always knock down a strong style user (often you could not see the kick coming). So the jump-kick was made to not *knock down* a strong user who is in the middle of a swing. It still does damage and you still flip off them.




Also, you mentioned an icon for partial force power disabling... Will this be supported without some serious console knowledge(and will it be possible to see what is and isn't disabled before joining)?


I'd REALLY LOVE to see this option better supportet too!

Maybe make it selectable through the menus, and so on. I know there are a lot of options, because one could disable every force power seperately, so maybe, might it not be possible to have a 'Neutral Force Only' Option? (including Saber Forces / Throw of course) Just like the 'No Force' Option.. there even is enough room within the GUI, right under 'No Force' *G*

No, really, i LOVE this kind of server setup, so it would be sweet to have this one better supportet :-/


For the backflip thingy: I'd really like to see the one-click version back, since it already got tweaked down, if used against the slow red stance, i don't think it would be something ppl may spam with.. I don't think it ever was. And if the 'accidential backflip' really is a problem, than ok, make it an option (note: this would not totaly change gameplay, would it?), but I'm not too sure, cause if one KNOWS that *running* into a wall won't let you jump over it, but INTO it ... ;) (/me thinks this is logical *g*).

And a single-click swift-kick would be of much better use against blue stance running constantly right into you.



Anyways, very good work with this patch! I'm beginning to like the way heal and drain work now (and I'm saying that while using drain myself.... it really IS less powerfull, but that makes saber fights so much more 'realistic' and enjoyable!)

Fells much more balanced now, the only thing I'm really worrying about now are the backstabs... oh my ;)


I really hope you are not considering some sort of option to have the saber combat like it was pre-patch OR like it is now.. this would really mess things up /me things. (No, I'm not really a newbie). I think that the tweaks to the saber system are there for a (good!) reason, and if servers could be run, with the 'old rules' this would ne a totaly different game again.. an unbalanced one. I'd say: NO! But this is just my opinion.


About the Gunners:

while it's not my intention to enter this discussion all I'm thinkin when I hear stuff like

"You were a saberist playing on a server that allows guns. Stop crying. If you want sabers play on a saber only server. If you don't, you're asking for a whooping from the gunners. As for being overpowered, I think not. You're just easy targets."

is OMG!

Ok, i know nobody of you spuper-gamers here is actually interested in the thoughts of a more-starwars-fan-than-gamer, but this is SILLY. I still think guns are overpowered (unblockable secondary fire modes...).


^^^^ Just my very own opinon ^^^^

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Originally posted by bellenberger



>You were a saberist playing on a server that allows guns. Stop >crying. If you want sabers play on a saber only server. If you >don't, you're asking for a whooping from the gunners. As for >being overpowered, I think not. You're just easy targets.


So basically your claiming that, in a game called *JEDI* Knight, being a saberist on a server that allows guns is asking for a whooping? We are only easy targets because the guns were overpowered? I'm just asking for a fair fight between saber and gun. It wasn't fair before. I hope it is more balanced now that you can't spam the secondary fire 50 times (I haven't found a 1.03 saber vs. guns server yet).


If you don't like actually having a saber vs. gun balance go play UT or Q3. If you want force powers, write a mod. But a game called Jedi Knight should actually be like playing as a Jedi Knight and not as another Quake.


I'm sorry you get whooped on a gun server becauseyou don't have the common sense to either pick up a gun and defend yourself or find a saber only server.


"So basically your claiming that, in a game called *JEDI* Knight, being a saberist on a server that allows guns is asking for a whooping? We are only easy targets because the guns were overpowered?"


Yes, being a saberist and being on a gun server is asking for a whooping. And no, you are not easy targets only because the guns were overpowered (they're not overpowered). Here is what made you easy targets:


Sabering takes time. If you're in a group, there'll be about 3 to 4 saberists going after each other. That's fine, but if it's a gun server, you will get blown away every time. Why? Because you and your saber friends are too busy trying to be a "true" Jedi that you think nothing can harm you. Instead, since you're caught up in your little duel, you'll get blasted before you know it. Who's fault is it? Ummmmmm....... YOURS for playing on a gun server. All the gunner is doing is using the tools that are laid out before him. I'm sorry you're too stupid to understand that sabering on a gun server will get you killed, always.


"I'm just asking for a fair fight between saber and gun. It wasn't fair before. I hope it is more balanced now that you can't spam the secondary fire 50 times (I haven't found a 1.03 saber vs. guns server yet)."


In reality, there can be no balance. Bringing a saber to a gunfight is like bringing a knife to a gun fight. I don't care if the knife bearer is a Jedi (you forget the gunner is too), a Jedi cannot deflect EVERY shot or push EVERY projectile away from himself. If you don't believe me, why did Qui Gon and Obi Wan run from the destroyer droids in ep. 1.


"If you don't like actually having a saber vs. gun balance go play UT or Q3. If you want force powers, write a mod. But a game called Jedi Knight should actually be like playing as a Jedi Knight and not as another Quake."


There shouldn't be the balace because guns will win against a saber. It just makes since. As for playing UT or Q3, no. I want to play FF Guns in JK2. I paid just as much (or more) as you did (or maybe you're one of those that didn't play anything) for this game, so I should have a say on what goes into it as well, just like the newbie whiners, like yourself, who haven't understood that if you saber on a gun server you will always die.


Get some common sense, please.

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...that's all you people do.


Why don't you shut your pie hole and learn to play better with the new version. All the servers will eventually be running the new version so get used to it.


Here's my take on some issues/complaints:


Kick being changed to double press: Are you that lazy/stupid that you can't manage to double press a button instead of single press. It's one extra press, that's all, not a major change in the usefullness of the jump kick. How hard is it to do this? I don't have a problem with it. SHUT UP!!!


Sabers/Gun balance: How long are we going to have to put up with people complaining that Sabers can't equal all the guns? I think we will forever be hearing people b**ch about it. Is any one gun the "cat's meow" of guns? Is the rocket launcher unstoppable/perfect? NO! No weapon is perfect. They all have their strengths and weakness in different situations. When are you people going to realise that the saber is also a weapon with strengths and weaknesses? It is not realistic (as realistic and the Star Wars universe can be) that the saber/force powers should be able to protect you from every weapon. Jedis in the movies did use guns. SHUT UP and learn to adapt!!!


Good job RAVEN!! I'm having tons 'o fun with the game.


DarthNoodles out...

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This is a copy of what I posted in another thread (ad I'll put it into a few more threads too, I'd really like to know what comments I'd get on this)


Here goes...


I'd like to see everything returned to what it was...




Have the DFA receive the same tweak as in the v1.03 patch (non-turnable)


Make backpedalling (sp?) go at about 75% of running speed (to catch up with the cowards who always keep running, and to make thesaber battles more interesting,as you cannot just go back and front dodging attacks anymore)


Increase the damage OR the speed of blue... (40 damage or 25% speed increase would be just right, I guess, to make it more usefull)


Make heal use a bit more force than first, but not as much as in v1.03... (25hp for 3 blocks seems good on level 3)


Let absorb be invisible, have no (or almost none, like half a block) activation cost, but eat about half a block per sec of force to have it maintained.


Drain should have 200% efficiency, in other words, draining someone's full force meter should use up only half your force meter. Catch is, it should take 7-10 secs of continued draining to fully drain someone. One full force meter drained = 75hp seems about right to me. If the drain is absorbed, it should give no health to the drainer, and give force to the absorber in a rate of about 1/2 of what the drainer spent.


Push and Pull should work on someone who turned on absorb, but only with 50% effect. Knocking people over with Pull/Push when they're absorbing should be impossible.

Push and pull should also require a bit less force power.

Pull should have a longer area of effect, so you can pull someone's gun out of his hands from a larger distance (+50% range sounds good)

Push should, when aimed on a projectile, use less force and be a lot quicker to use (to be able to keep up with the shots of the gunner), BUT, the aim on the projectile should be more precise, so you'll need some skill in doing this.

The tweaks to push/pull should balance things out against gunners, AFAIK, so the guns can be like they were in the beginning.


Mind Trick, Dark Rage, Seeing, Speed, etc... was all perfectly fine, no changes needed there.


Remember that al these changes are what I think should be done to the PRE-patch gameplay, in other words, undo any changes the patch did, then apply these changes. IMO it should make for balanced, competitive gameplay.


Now, to adress the issue of people wanting to have a more movie-like, we could include an extra RPG/Movie option, to switch to the new style, with lots of blocks.

Competitive style (or normal style) with the same blocking ratio as first should be default. I think that we could please most of the saberists with this option.


(BTW, some people say there's less randomness in the patch due to the fact that now, when you slash while standing still, you have always the same slash. I agree that it should have been like that in the first version, along with the tweaked DFA.)


Also, please note that I'm not a DFA spammer/gun whore/heal slu/whatever... I'm one of those guys who likes fair play, doesn't whine about "cheap moves" but tries to find a counter... if they can pull it off, it's MY fault... so please don't flame me or something, I'm only trying to give some constructive critisism here.


So... comments anyone ? :)

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Originally posted by DarthNoodles

...that's all you people do.


Why don't you shut your pie hole and learn to play better with the new version. All the servers will eventually be running the new version so get used to it.


No, the new patch will not be run on TWL servers, and I imagine other leagues will do the same thing. The new patch stifles competitive play. You can get used to it all you want, but defending your base or flag and controlling the middle area during a match are almost impossible now. Competitive play is nixed with this patch.

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People are just mad that the new patch reverts everyone back to zero. The only advantages one really has after a game is patched is the ability to aim and the knowledge of the game's mechanics that are left over since the last version. When one encounters changes in those mechanics, he/she will begin to see other changes that don't exist. Within a month most people will have become accustomed to the changes while a vocal minority will continue to talk about the glory of the "old days". If you've never seen this happen before and you're surprised, I feel your pain.

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