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Great patch!


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I love it so far. Only one problem: They didn't decrease the back peddling speed.


In my opinion this would make saber duels much better. Other than that, I am completely contented.


I haven't tried guns yet, but I thought they were completely out to lunch as far as the Star Wars fiction went... There was a reason jedi's used light sabers... because they are superior weapons. IMO, in JK2 guns should be considered secondary weapons to the saber. Without the saber, JK2 is just a poorly done Quake3 or UT.


If you don't like it, play on servers with initiate level force (Oh wait, did you (gun users) not say something similar just two days ago?)


If you wonder why Lucas/Raven made this patch, look at the poll results on jk2.net. More people like the music and sounds then liked the guns. Gun users are a vast minority and companies with money in mind cater to the majority.

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IMO, in JK2 guns should be considered secondary weapons to the saber. Without the saber, JK2 is just a poorly done Quake3 or UT.


now if we could just get others to realize this.

its a STARWARS GAME not a StarWars MOD its a GAME, a full GAME, the sabers are meant to be superior.

now if this was just another SW mod, guns only would be a likely thing, but since its not.. welp, get yer heads out of yer arses and face it.

What i would like to see though is someone remaking old DF1 and 2 levels for JK2 :)


Edit: only thing i feel is out of place is the rocket launcher. even in DF2 it didn't seem right. SW was about nifty laser guns, why do game companies think everything needs a rocket launcher these days?

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Actually, most of the weapons were taken from Star Wars "Guide to Weapons and Technology." For the most part, the names are accurate, although some of the functions were tweaked. (Flechette launcher is supposed to only launch flechettes from the grenades, not flechettes from the launcher barrel, and so on.)


The rocket launcher was designed to bring down air speeders, landspeeders, and, with skill and some luck, a starfighter.



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Originally posted by Soruss

I love it so far. Only one problem: They didn't decrease the back peddling speed.



Sorus, are you sure?

I don't think you can block when you backpedal at full speed now...have you tested it?


At least, I took MAJOR damage over and over from a saberist who was chasing me, until I hit walk....

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Well, as a responce to this being a 'Star Wars' game, ignoring the competitive community for a second, then here is my issue as far as guns being secondary to sabers. If you want to go by the continuity, then Jedi should be limited to the saber and maybe the blaster or E-11, while gunners should have no access to force powers. That imho would balance out the whole saber vs. guns arguments. I'm not saying this should be a change across the board for the whole game, affecting every play style, but that it instead should be an optional game type, like the 'Jedi Master' mode, but with people choosing thier 'class' as it were.


That does NOT mean nerfing the guns to uselessness. The light saber is a superior weapon for a JEDI perhaps, but it should not be the best weapon in the game reguardless of being a jedi or not. And yes, I recognise that the title of the game is Jedi Knight, however, that doesn't mean that 'soldiers' should be excluded from the game. I may not be making my point very clear, as it's very late, so I'll just cut it off here.


Oh, one more thing, I used both guns and sabers quite extensively, and as I said in some detail on another thread, I dislike every aspect of this patch, both saber and gun 'adjustment's. And no, I did not use the red jump slash to excess. In fact, I almost never used it, I much perfered yellow style.

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Originally posted by Soruss

There was a reason jedi's used light sabers... because they are superior weapons.


LOL and you think with the v1.03 patch saber becom superiror weapon? wtf if you spent 3 min in a duel just because every slash is parryied? No for me the v1.03 patch had made saber to become n00B weapon and no superior weapon... Before it was... Yes...

But now with the lack of the force only litghtning can kill an opponent easily... Where do you see a superiror weapon here?

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I just can't stand the arguments that I see on these boards.. Most are like:



"I have just been raped. :("



"WTF you stooopped b!aacth! Are you too dumb to realize that someone's gonna rape your azz if you walk alone at night!? LOL You moron! STFU! This is a free country b!atch, if you don't wanna get raped stay inside with ur daddy! And STFU!"


Now the conclusion here is that there is nothing wrong with the rapist. The rapist was a'okay. It's just those retarded n00bs who walk the streets alone...


I mean, really guys, what is wrong with you? Why do you defend the lamers? Perhaps you feel that the criticism is aimed at you? Hmm? :rolleyes:



EDIT: would you believe if I said that I meant to post this on another thread..lol. Oh well...

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I have mixed feelings about this patch things like drain health and guns. have been weakend. this i think is good.

now onto the bad part kicking has become too difficult to do one and second the sabers are weakend now this is really bad killing someone with a saber who runs for health is damn near impossible this is an outrage I hope this gets fixed real soon in the next patch

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I don't know how you can say this patch is so damn fine. I don't play with guns, so I don't know much of their changes. But it is a fact, as said above, without the sabres JK2 is NOTHING.

So... I do 1on1 duel, preferably with no forces. Draining and healing is weakened.. good. Jedis were too healing from the first patch.

But the f***ed up things are:

1st. Too much blocking with the sabres. When I run towards an opponent, heavy stance, i can burn him to death if I just make sure I do not attack myself. Why? Cause I BLOCK EVERY SINGLE ATTACK HE MAKES! Horrible.

2nd. The red finish jump has been weakened, but way too much. Not only is it VERY hard to do, but it has also become nearly useless. The sabre cannot be moved around after hitting the ground, so when you do the jump, you cannot look anywhere, resulting in a 2 second stunning on the ground, as a good target for your opponent behind.

3rd. I think the damage of sabre moves are much lower. And what is the point in that? A sabre should be better then the gun, and weakening them makes the 1on1 duels less realistic.


Well this is my opinion. I'll post this as a thread too, cause I am pretty angry with this patch.

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Its a great patch. Hate it if you want, but all the polls show it is liked by more people.


All of you patch haters just quit already!


And no, the game wont die if you quit, you arent that important. Everyday another few thousand people buy this game and start playing.


A couple hundred whiners leaving would be good actually.

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For those who have trouble with blocking there are ways to brake defenses. Button mashing won't do it anymore, it will only cause lodes of blocks and sparks. Get behind or to the side of your opponent use horizontial slashes or diagonal slashes to get around the arc of there defenses. Timing is everything. Evade and attack when he is in mid swing, when he swings high or jump attacks do a ducking lunge......etc.


This will truely be a difficult game to master. :D

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Indeed you can break through defenses and hit him but the damage the saber now does for all three stances is so low the victim will run for lives and the fight will just keep on lasting and lasting which ruins ctf.

And that poll has been takin much too early most people haven't had the time to really tell if it was any good so it would be best to do it at the end of next week for example.

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