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All who hate the patch, post here


Does the patch SUCK?  

184 members have voted

  1. 1. Does the patch SUCK?

    • Royally, get rid of it, it\'s ruined the game
    • Yes, but it\'s tolerable
    • No, I love the nerfs in it
    • Huh?

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Originally posted by rut-wa jodar

WHINERS !!!!!!!!


If you don`t like it ..... MOVE TO RUSSIA

:violin: :violin:


Actually, the reason I live in the United States is so that I CAN voice my satisfaction or dissatisfaction about a product, service, event, person, or any other damn thing I please.


If you believe that people should not be allowed to voice their opinions, then YOU should move to Russia. You should love it there.

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People can voice their opinions, but it's whiners who complain non stop 24 f**king 7 that really pisses people like me off. If you don't like, go play somthing else, stop moaning about it to us becasue we like and play it.


Also if people played it and got used to it like real gamers then theri would be no problem. It's a challlenge to beat, and once you do you'll be glad you stuvk with it!



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The patch sucks bottom line it now just gives all the llamas that got raped before a chance lol. I still own tho with it, but yeah it blows assssss. And no i wasnt just a dfa whore i used hvy and yellow. I got flamed on my post yesterday about the patch sucking, hehe i dont care i actually have a real life and dont need to troll and defend myself to fools that sucked in the first place . CYA!

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What's this, a History and Country bashing thread?


I think on another board (*cough*) the Histroy board got closed because of Country/race bashing, followed by the oh so known flaming.


Please be carefull in these matters. They seem to be very sensitive to sensitive persons with long toes.

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the patch basically gives all the n00bs and the people who didn't bother figuring out the game and practicing the ability to kill more skilled players.


Okay rogue74, I noticed you didn't read or didn't bother to respond to my post a few posts up here. How can you even claim to make such a statement?? :D


I had skill in the old system, I figured out the game, and when this patch came along, I accepted the fact I would have to "unlearn what I had learned" and start over. I can already see the difference on public servers...the saber system is much deeper than before. Sure blocking is easier, but that doesn't make it easier to kill anyone! It makes it harder! The breakdown in your logic is that the new system makes it harder for random attacks to connect, if anything newbies will have a harder go of it, not the other way around.


This sounds like classic whining to me. :violin:


Explain how the new system gives newbies the ability to kill skilled players, but not vice versa? :D



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Ummm....*tries to understand markus*...Like I said, Hooked on phonics..works wonders, mate. You should also get off your high horse. "patch sucks i still own with it but yeah it blowsss asssssss" How 1337 is that? Woo. Who is the _really_ good player here: The player who simply assumes a player is a "newb" or "llama" because of the saber stance they use, or the player who actually enjoys the game and uses the saber stances that aren't totally unbalanced (pre-patch situation. Post patch everything is balanced perfectly, imo, except guns). Now after the patch, someone using light or medium saber stance has just as much of a chance at winning as the person using heavy.


Oh, and to whiners...get used to it 'Cause the patch is staying (right from the mouth of Mike Gummelt)



*Part of the "I love the patch and whiners can kiss my ass" Army*

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Originally posted by Krak3n

People can voice their opinions, but it's whiners who complain non stop 24 f**king 7 that really pisses people like me off. If you don't like, go play somthing else, stop moaning about it to us becasue we like and play it.


Also if people played it and got used to it like real gamers then theri would be no problem. It's a challlenge to beat, and once you do you'll be glad you stuvk with it!




That's funny, because it was the skilless newbie whiners that brought about all of these nerfs in the first place. If you like it now, then I can only assume that you were, and still are, a skilless newbie whiner.


No, I will not go somewhere else. I enjoyed the game back when it took skill, and just because it has been modified to accomodate you spinning twirlers, doesn't mean I am going to leave. What I have done is reverted my popular server back to 1.02, and all of my regulars are very happy.


Also, I will continue complaining and campaigning for a better patch.


Thanks, and please drive through.


Originally posted by tam

god. u guys asked for sp saber combat. and they brought it to u. and now that u were too used to mp combat and dont wanna get used to sp combat again u hate them? gah. you guys whine at everything. no matter what they do, you people just find 1 single flaw in the game, and start to complain. god. u people make me sick. u wanna do better guys? go and make ur own jk game and we'll see how many complaints u get from it.



on the current issue, the combat is good still. but to satisfy both people in the next patch, why not just make an option for sp style combat and mp style combat for the dedicated server admins. so they decide if they want the new combat or the old combat.


Tam, I am unsure who "you guys" are that you are referring to, but I never once visited these boards before this patch requesting anything, because I was happy with every aspect of MP. However, now that the patch has been implemented and screwed up everything about the game that I enjoyed, yes, I am here now to complain.


Before the patch, I could successfully use all three stances when the type of battle called for each one. I could easily jump or flip whenever I wanted to. Btw, if people are flipping when they meant to jump, it's because they were not positioned correctly to connect the kick - hence they just were not doing it correctly. The whole reason why there were high damage moves in the strong stance is because the swings are so slow, and very predictable. I was able to quickly learn how to guard against these predictable moves. I did notice, though, that there were some people who just never learned. I could kill them the same way 30 times in a row and they would never learn. That type of person will always play stupidly, and will never learn, regardless of whether a strong, medium, or fast stance.


The patch was created for the skilless newbie players who do nothing but use fast stance and spin around in circles blindly swinging away. But now the patch nerfed strong stance, thus giving the spinning twirlers an equal chance against a skilled strong stance.


I will not play any version of this game above 1.02, unless they redo the patch, or else they use a toggle like you suggest. While I don't think it will happen, it would be nice.

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nicly said TDS. I too mastered the old system but realise that in order to master the new system i must start over. You can tell a n00b from a l33t player if the n00b player gives excuses for loosing, that is what all the ppl syaing 'the patch sucks' are doing.

If you took time to learn the patch and put effort in you'd see it for what it is....a superb addition to the game.


You all forget it was people on this borad moaning in the 1st place that propmted Raven to make the changes in the 1st place. Truly goes to show how whiners are never happy. When the game was released this borad was filled with 'MP saber combat is crap, it should be more like SP' well now you have it.

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Originally posted by TheDarkSide

I had skill in the old system, I figured out the game, and when this patch came along, I accepted the fact I would have to "unlearn what I had learned" and start over. I can already see the difference on public servers...the saber system is much deeper than before. Sure blocking is easier, but that doesn't make it easier to kill anyone! It makes it harder! The breakdown in your logic is that the new system makes it harder for random attacks to connect, if anything newbies will have a harder go of it, not the other way around.


This sounds like classic whining to me. :violin:


Explain how the new system gives newbies the ability to kill skilled players, but not vice versa? :D






Nobady has an adantage over anybody else unless they are more skilled at playing. We're all playing the same game here. I loved the game prior to 1.03 patch and love it even more after.


If you don't like it, then perhaps [Jedi Mind Trick ON] "You don't need this patch; This is not the patch you're looking for.... move along!" [/Mind Trick OFF]





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I like what they did with the patch, but it's too damn buggy. When you do the middle cartwheel move by pressing attack, then jumping (I find it easier to do that way, rather than jumping over and pressing attack) if you missed with the old system, you would give him a swift kick, now you bounce off like the swift kick, but do no damage, and it shakily switches to the standing animation in mid air, and leave you vulnerable. You could block fairly "realistically" (if Star Wars is realistic) before, but now it's rediculous, like the Reborn Bosses or Desann. It's taking more time to get the same job done, and more frustrating. I could mop the floor with medium, and only use heavy when I got REALY pissed. Now I seem to do less damage, attack more slowly and have less control, possibly because I had the middle stance down to a science. There seems to be an inordinate amount of lag, and I can't figure out why.


What Raven did was to exactly graft the SP system onto MP and prey, without modifying the swift kick bounce-off, but disabling the swift kick. Because of so much whining, Raven provided a quick fix to the annoyances, only to cause a WORSE flood of whining. I'm not trying to be argumentative here, but it's true.

I think it would be a good idea to have someone at raven come onto the boards and answer questions and explain some things.


My 2 cents, and I'm really trying NOT to start arguments.

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Originally posted by geronimo27


That's funny, because it was the skilless newbie whiners that brought about all of these nerfs in the first place. If you like it now, then I can only assume that you were, and still are, a skilless newbie whiner.


No, I will not go somewhere else. I enjoyed the game back when it took skill, and just because it has been modified to accomodate you spinning twirlers, doesn't mean I am going to leave. What I have done is reverted my popular server back to 1.02, and all of my regulars are very happy.


Also, I will continue complaining and campaigning for a better patch.


Thanks, and please drive through.




Tam, I am unsure who "you guys" are that you are referring to, but I never once visited these boards before this patch requesting anything, because I was happy with every aspect of MP. However, now that the patch has been implemented and screwed up everything about the game that I enjoyed, yes, I am here now to complain.


Before the patch, I could successfully use all three stances when the type of battle called for each one. I could easily jump or flip whenever I wanted to. Btw, if people are flipping when they meant to jump, it's because they were not positioned correctly to connect the kick - hence they just were not doing it correctly. The whole reason why there were high damage moves in the strong stance is because the swings are so slow, and very predictable. I was able to quickly learn how to guard against these predictable moves. I did notice, though, that there were some people who just never learned. I could kill them the same way 30 times in a row and they would never learn. That type of person will always play stupidly, and will never learn, regardless of whether a strong, medium, or fast stance.


The patch was created for the skilless newbie players who do nothing but use fast stance and spin around in circles blindly swinging away. But now the patch nerfed strong stance, thus giving the spinning twirlers an equal chance against a skilled strong stance.


I will not play any version of this game above 1.02, unless they redo the patch, or else they use a toggle like you suggest. While I don't think it will happen, it would be nice.


I agree 100%.


Whats the IP and Port of your server? I would love to play there sometime :)


Don't worry about tam either, I've played him and he just complains and bull****s. I play for fun, but one time he said he would own me, I owned him, and he said he was just happy with his kill :)

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Originally posted by Ulic Quel Droma

idiots if you dont like the game dont play it dont sit her going on about the saber system its better now if your guys cant handle the changes get off the forums and wait for SOF2


SoF2 isn't really that great. I know a Quake III Arena mod with better gameplay. The only thing SoF2 has going for it is the graphics. although, I have to admit I still play it.

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Originally posted by Ulic Quel Droma

idiots if you dont like the game dont play it dont sit her going on about the saber system its better now if your guys cant handle the changes get off the forums and wait for SOF2


No thanks, I will remain here and continue complaining about what I dislike about the game which I purchased, and can no longer return.


I find it humorous that all the people who say they like the patch and cannot stand those who complain about the patch are the very same whiners that caused the nerfs in the patch in the first place.


It's unfortunate they spent too much time whining and not enough time learning the game and gaining skill, and now the game has been nerfed so that any New Newb on the Block can blindly twirl and spin their way into the high ranks of stats pages.


It's funny. Because of Episode II coming out soon I was rewatching all of the original Star Wars movies, and looking at the saber fights. They are true skilled fights. Then I looked at saber fights in the game after the patch, and a horde of people all using fast stance spinning around and around constantly swinging.


Bah - after the patch, saber fights in JK2 are nothing like Star Wars Saber fights. The only thing they have in common is the lightsaber itself.

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Originally posted by geronimo27


No thanks, I will remain here and continue complaining about what I dislike about the game which I purchased, and can no longer return.


I find it humorous that all the people who say they like the patch and cannot stand those who complain about the patch are the very same whiners that caused the nerfs in the patch in the first place.


It's unfortunate they spent too much time whining and not enough time learning the game and gaining skill, and now the game has been nerfed so that any New Newb on the Block can blindly twirl and spin their way into the high ranks of stats pages.


It's funny. Because of Episode II coming out soon I was rewatching all of the original Star Wars movies, and looking at the saber fights. They are true skilled fights. Then I looked at saber fights in the game after the patch, and a horde of people all using fast stance spinning around and around constantly swinging.


Bah - after the patch, saber fights in JK2 are nothing like Star Wars Saber fights. The only thing they have in common is the lightsaber itself.


Agreed, its also funny how the people that complain about us complaining just post one or two sentence statements that don't contribute to why the patch is good at all, only something along the lines of "Whiners go away." What a waste of time.

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So you take a good game and just turn it into an unplayable night mare,


Iused to actually win on this game with out laming and with out exploiting the bugs.


I am going to get a refund on this game it is now completely differnet to the game i bought.


I can't even uninstall and get back on the serveres still running the old patch.


Sufice to say this is the last title i will be buying from raven.


Thanks for nothing

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Originally posted by DarkAgent

WAAAAH! I can't spam DFA anymore!


WAAAAH! I can't spam Drain anymore!


WAAAAH! I can't spam Heal anymore!




Grow up people. :rolleyes: The patch was put in to prevent spamming. It is totally playable - get used to it.




:atat: :atat: :atat: vs:mad: Whiner

Have you even read our comments on saber combat? We're not complaining about DFA. It's like you're so excited to see DFA whores fall flat on their face that you fail to realize most of us were YELLOW whores! So we are complaining because they destroyed a perfectly good and pure medium stance and turned it into something only useful for backstab. Try and attack someone face first with Medium stance. just try it. I bet you'll see lots of pretty sparks and you'll do some damage to the other person, and they will do some damage to you. Everytime. There is practically no way to attack someone face first with yellow now and come out of it unscathed. i.e. all the skill for yellow is gone. The best yellow combo is to run forward and hold down attack. Does that sound like skill to you?

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Also, people need to stop saying only the people who play the game only to win/"own" hate the patch. This is infact not true. The game isn't fun anymore and thats why we don't play the patched version.


Another thing, don't say it was to stop spamming because what people are doing now is just that on a much worse scale. I can easily dodge a DFA in the pre-patch but twirling fairies in the post-patch just mow you down.

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You want the saber fighting in JK2 to play like the original trilogy? So....an old man (obi wan) standing there while vader kills him...and an untrained kid who swings his saber around like a madman and get's his hand cut off, then goes into a fit of rage and starts hitting on vader like he's mugging him with a baseball bat? Fun times....

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