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Not the "in crowd"


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I have seen some pretty wild saber moves online in multiplayer. However, nobody seems to want to share the information. Reminds me of foraging for "Mortal Kombat" moves in the arcade. I can see why people would want to hold others back. Human nature right? At any rate, learning moves does not automatically make one a more potent player. However when you pay fifty some dollars for a game, you kinda want to know everything about it. As of now it seems if you are not included among the "in crowd" or a member of a clan you can never find out how to execute the moves in question. As a matter of fact I predict that the response (if any) to this post will be, "all the moves available are posted on the site" or "figure it out yourself" or the infamous "I don't know what your talking about." For those of us who have no prior Jk experience and to the "Out Croud", I say may the force be with you" and see you on the 16th. Nihioteanka

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Whatever.. I figured em out myself, make a server and fool around.. how do you think the 'in crowd' as you call it finds out these moves?


Anyway, they don't differ much from the old moves, and as a matter of fact they ARE posted all over the place

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yeah just try combos of "directions + attack," like "strafe left + attack"... u'll figure out most of them that way... also try this: in strong stance, when u almost complete a swing, hit the attack button and u should do a jumping overhead attack... other than this move the other ones are pretty basic "direction + attack" moves...

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I'm sorry but I've never seen this in crowd. The worst a person has ever gotten for asking a question on any of the servers I have been on is silence. I have even seen players stop a match and teach their opponents how to do a move like the DFA of the light stance forward lunge.

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Ok then, can someone please explain wall walking in the plainest, low level langueage possible?


I know the keys- forward+strafe+jump. But dammit it will not work! I hold the forward and strafe, run along a straight wall, then JUMP....nothing happens, just a pitiful hop along the wall on the floor.


Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

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While his attititude sucks, he does have a point. I've seen many posts and sites, and for that matter the manual itself, outlines the moves. Having said that, there are some ambiguities.


To the two that replied to me- Thank you. I use lvl 3 jump all the time for kicking, so that's not an issue. I "think" I'm holding jump, but that may be it. Perhaps also my extremely expensive $10 keyboard won't accept so many keys pressed at once :).

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I meant having found out the moves after 1.03 came out, as they were slightly different, don't know why my attitude sucks for saying so though.


from the rest what I can see from what you say, the pitifull hop is because you have to hold the jump key also (if you did that you would at least get a full jump, if you catch my drift). i'm not using a very expencive keyboard myself, and it works just fine :)

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Heh, no harm done Dea. The "whatever" part of the post is what sounded off. Sometimes text gives a different impression than hearing the person saying it.


Thanks for your tip. I suspect that is my problem with wall walking.

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Swifty...WALL WALK:


Forward + *direction of wall* + Jump


....get right up against it with your left or right side (NOT facing it head on)...press forward...as you move along press the right or left strafe depending on which direction the wall is to you...hit Jump..and keep moving....VOILA!!!...wall walking

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