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I have the reason why this patch suxx


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Due to misunderstanding and to the way of my post was interpreted, i decided to delete it to restore the discussion and no the destruction.


My way was not to attack NewBJedi personnaly, if some guys understood it like that please forgive me.


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Do you really not understand or is it sarcasm because you have nothin' else to say to defend n00B pov?


'erm, well nevermind what i said can be resume as this:


v1.02->Good players



Nothin' else to say.

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Actually, I agree that 1.03 isnt a good patch. I'm just wondering if you could possibly agree to use sentences when posting on the board, rather than use your in game chat disjointed text method.


example translation:

"OK, I've read all the posts, and it seems as though the patch has been made for one player: NewBJedi


He is the only guy who likes this patch. So perhaps we were all right, and this patch has been made for newbies like him. All the Clanwars players, CTF players and Duel players I've spoken to don't like it. Since NewBJedi and his n00Bie friends like it, what can we do?


We can either quit playing JK2, or simply do not apply the patch

Personally, when I scan servers, 90% of them are still on v1.02,


Why don't Raven make "Jedi Knight Newbie 2" just for n00B and NewBJedi and let the rest of us play the great v1.02 of JK2 so we can still have fun.


Wait and see..."


Granted, it's more effort to type, but it's much nicer to read, and you only have to type it once... think of the effort you're saving all the people who are trying to read it.


As a random question to anyone who reads this thread, which would you say is more important? Winning the game or having fun? or do you see them both as the same thing?

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Just to be clear on things, your fundamental argument is as follows:


1.) 1.03 is for n00bs. (or newbies, or whatever)


Ok, first, I'm not entirely sure what qualifies a person for "n00b" status in your book. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with their familiarity with the game, since I can assure you that folks like NewBJedi and myself are quite familiar with the game. Let's just move on, though.


2.) In 1.02, it was possible for YOU to win. In 1.03, for YOU at least, it is not possible to win.


I don't think this means that the PATCH actually sucks. Perhaps you're having trouble adjusting to the new style of gameplay. I'll bet if you give it a chance, you'll probably be able to pick up the new style, and will be "0wNz0rInG" people in no time. But, for the time being, it would seem that the problem you're having with winning lies less with the patch and more with your ability to adapt TO the patch.


3.) 1.02 was fun. 1.03 is not.


I'm assuming that this is because you're having trouble winning. You haven't really gone into any detail as to what about 1.03 makes it less fun than 1.02. Correct me if I'm wrong, though.


4.) Clan players, CTF players, and "sabre master" players don't like the game.


Ok, first, CTF players and clan players are only a portion of the community, not the sum total of it. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by "sabre master" players, though. Do you mean people who play in Jedi Master mode? Or do you mean people who were previously "masters" of the sabre in 1.02 who are suddenly no longer masters. Again, I think this has less to do with the "mastery" of the "master" players, and more to do with the fact that these "master" players of whom you speak are having trouble getting used to the new style. I suspect this is because people can actually defend themselves now, the stances are a bit more balanced, and heavy stance does not "0wNz3r".


My advice to you is as follows:


1.) If you don't like the game the way it is, stop playing. That's what I did with 1.02. I didn't enjoy the feel of the game. It wasn't like the films, the sabre combat bored me, and it seemed, to me at least, to have no real skill involved in it, just button mashing and random flailing. Duels were only marginally better, but still boring because of the lack of intricacy and strategy involved. So I deleted the game and stopped playing until they patched it. I think, however, that you may find yourself just not playing the game ever again, since I doubt Raven is going to rescind the patch or make another patch undoing all the work they've done up to this point. Sabre combat SP style is here to stay. So get comfy with it.


2.) In keeping with "getting comfy with it", why not give the patch a chance. Practice with the new style. Learn some new techniques. Try out different stances. Try linking stances together. IE: defend with blue, move in with yellow, finish with red. Remember that blue back-stab move? Try it out in game. I killed a guy with it last night, and wished I could've gotten a screenshot.


3.) Play on non-patched servers. I don't know if you use the All Seeing Eye program, but if not, definitely look into it. ASE allows you to filter games through typical filters (IE: ping, # of players, etc.), but also lets you create your own filters. I created my own last night where it checks the version number. If the version is not 1.03, I tell ASE not to include the server on my list. That way I don't have to play on 1.02 servers (since I actually can't seem to log into any of those...). But, what you could do is filter out all 1.03 servers and only have it show 1.02 servers. There are actually quite a few of them out there, and I suspect that plenty of people will want to keep 1.02 around so folks like yourself can continue to play with the original game style, rather than 1.03 game style. So you see, all hope is not lost. Just do a search for All Seeing Eye in Google and you should pull up the program. Or go to their website whcih is, I believe http://www.udpsoft.com.


Hope that helps!

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Originally posted by eSTeG

Ok since i read all the posts it seems that this patch has been made for only one player -> NewBJedi (sorry NewBJedi i take your exemple because you're the only guy pro patch who give REALS argumentation... In opposite from the other which only one argument is "it is much more like the movie!")





Stop using me an example.


The ONLY thing I like about the patch are the SP sabers.


That's all!


Read my other post.


Also - my Whiner's Guide was written to be against gameplay changes.




Stop misrepresenting my point of view.


My nickname is NewBJedi - the comparison to 'newbiness' stops there.


More than likely I've been playing games longer than you.


Edit your original post and take my name out of it.


Why don't you back-track and read my other posts in game-feedback you may very be surprised that I was/am:




I am completely against permanent gameplay changes - period!


Read this thread and edit your original post:




I'm getting really sick of the ignorance in here.

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the lot of you f u c k i n sheep should die.

not one of you knows a damn thing about what were talking about.


you just go off on your "i am newb, hear me roar" tangents and think your gods gift to the message board... *sigh pathetic

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