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Map Ideas!!!!! Check Them Out!!!!!!


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I have some exellent ideas for all you map makers!!!!


If anyone should have any interrest making any of these maps, here they are!


1 - The platform where Jango Fett and Obi-Wan fights in Episode II AOTC :aobi::jango:


2 - Otoh Gunga :jarjar:


3 - Mos Eisley...With Wattos junkyard :watto:


4 - The Valley of the Jedi


5 - The Battle of Endor :speeder:


6 - Theed Palace/streets :amidala:


7 - Inside the Sandcrawler :crawler:


8 - Duel of the Fates (I now Livingdeadjedi is making one)



9 - Inside a Trade Federation Ship :bdroid2:


10 - Jabba's Palace (With a model of Jabba on his "chair" moving his arms and his tail) :EVE-9D9:

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When referencing to VOTJ, are you talking about from JK Tyranis? I am just curious because aside from DOTF, Hoth, Shuttle Hangar, and soem other well-developed maps, VOTJ is in the top 10 of my favorite maps, past and present...

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Here's something kinda simple. How about the site of the first duel (if you want to call it a duel) between qui gon and darth maul in episode 1. All you need is a model of queen amidala's ship, a model of darth maul's nifty little speeder bike thing (whatever it's called) a sky box and a sandy desert terrain and that's it. Probably too simple to be any fun but people seem to like scenes from the movie's.

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