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The SP system was clumbsily grafted onto MP


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It's exactly the same, only buggy, like the strange swift kick, where you still bounce off, but do no damage, or the incesant ping problems,even on bot matches. And why do the protection, and absorb auras only appear when attacked?


Raven's on the right track, but I think they tried too hard on this one.

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Originally posted by Tozier

It's exactly the same, only buggy, like the strange swift kick, where you still bounce off, but do no damage, or the incesant ping problems,even on bot matches. And why do the protection, and absorb auras only appear when attacked?


Raven's on the right track, but I think they tried too hard on this one.


I think Raven have done their best to make MP like SP game


As for the auras, I think their intention is to reduce LAG which Drain Lightning, protect & absorb seemed to cause (even offline!!)

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And why do the protection, and absorb auras only appear when attacked?


Reason was because the community thought the glowing of the aura was too much of a giveaway that the player was using it.


In other words, why bother wasting mana on someone who has a big glowing warning flag that says "hey I have absorb on!"

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The way Absorb works in JK2 is much more similar to how it worked in JK.


You had no idea a person was using it, until you attacked them with the force.


Protection on the other hand was a huge swirling "Hampster Ball" of green specs orbiting your body while a loud sound played.


But then again, Protection in JK was an order of magnitude more powerful than it was in JK2.

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Tozier, the Protection aura shows all the time, not just when attacked.


Absorb was changed because when it glowed constantly, no one would use force on you when you had Absorb on; they'd wait for i to turn off, often running from you until then, particularly with Drain. It was a useless ability because all it did was tell them not to use force on you for a while, and they're more than free to wait.


Protection being invisible would be nice, because right now having Protection on is just asking for a Drain or Lightning(you're not absorbing, after all).

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Everything should be made as powerful as absorb.


I have no problem with absorb, I have a huge problem with my guns being nerfed, my sabers being nerfed, and the other powers being nerfed.


Absorb isn't any different than it was in JK, and thats a step in the right direction, everything should be THAT powerful.




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Myself, I was oblivious to absorb, because I relied mostly upon the medium stance, and only drain when I'm low on health, or there's a super-grip spammer, otherwise I'd use lightning. Now the medium stance has been castrated, absorb and drain both suck, heal REALLY sucks, and lightning does about 3 fold normal damage..... :confused:


If it ain't broke don't fix it.

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