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Official JediKnightII.net Skin Packs?


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I was thinking that the best way to distribute skins is via skinpacks rather than individual skins. I personally would like to see some skin packs so people can download and install single pk3 files containing a bunch of the best skins, and make it much easier for everyone to have the skins so they can be seen in multiplayer. It would probably also help get those running the servers to put skins in so even on Pure servers, you could use your skin (that's the impression I get, anyway, that if the server has your file, it's available in Pure Servers). I think a good idea would be to create one skinpack in the near future with all the best skins (we could vote on them even), then every once in a while, create new skinpacks.


Is there any interest in this kind of thing from anyone else?



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Hell yeah, was thinking bout that aswell but it didnt follow through...

That would definately wipe away any troubles and/or frustrations bout skins (assuming) not working.


You truly think like a Jedi, too bad i'm an Imperial....ah well, cya in the detention blocks...hehe

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That's exactly what we need. Why don't we get started on figuring out what skins we might want to see in it? I haven't played around much with other skins, so I don't really have a preference right now. Anyone else? We should all think of a few skins that we would want to see in a skin pack, hopefully we can get a good discussion going on this and put together a good skin pack. I'll be the first to install it if we can get it done! :)



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a skin pack idea would be great....


it could be done several ways. We caould have the skins packs from each movie, or we could have the quality skins in a pack, rather than those all from the same movie, eg:




Episode 4 Skin pack: (classic luke, obi wan, vadar, han, liea, etc)

Episode 5 skin pack: (ESB luke, yoda, bobbe fett,etc)

Episode 6 skinpack: (ewoks, bike troopers, etc).

Episode 1 skin pack: (all quality varients of darth Maul, anakin, young ben, qui gon, mace windu,etc)

Episode 2 skin pack (....pending, must feature older anakin, jango fett, docku,etc)


Ultimate Movie Skin Pack: (all of the above! :D )




Extended Universe Skin Pack: all the skins from the comics, the computer games, the books and fan fiction).


Quality/Best Skins Pack: (random skins from acoss the movies and from outside the star wars universe that are really cool).


like the idea? :D

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My vote would be for a single-series skin-pack. Basically what we would do is find the best skins currently available and put them in a single pack. That way we could periodically create new 'volumes' once we had enough new quality skins. So we'd start off with Skinpack #1, which would never be updated once it's released. Then when there are enough new, good skins (skins that aren't already in Skinpack #1), we'd create Skinpack #2, and so on. This would make it easy for those who can't spend the time finding the good skins individually, and server admins can get a lot of commonly used, quality skins with a single download.


Anyone else have preferences for what would be included in the first skin pack? I still haven't had a chance to download and use any custom skins yet, still working on my own. If you know of any you'd like to see in the pack, post the name of it (as it's titled in the JKII.net files section), as well as a URL. Let's see if we can get a good list going and get this idea off the ground.


Maybe we could also try to make this a wider community effort by getting some of the other big Jedi Outcast sites involved. This is the only one I frequent, but if anyone else is a regular at any of the others, maybe see if they're interested over there? Once we've finished the first skin pack, we could have it available through all the big JO sites and make it a lot more universal.



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well, we also have to see that the skins in the skinpack will work.

cuz some work with certain users and with others it doesnt. and see if they are properly written. i mean all the files in the pk3 file must refer to the right folder (or sumthing). reason i'm saying this is some skins dont work because they are not written correctly, hence its not working (or a part of it anyway)

well, here's my vote (again lol)





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Nah, no questionable models should be included (nude, or anything else inappropriate (like someone with a big "F*** YOU" on the back of his jacket :p ).


I agree that we need to make sure the skins work before comitting them to the skinpack. I've got a few ideas now on some we should include.


Darth Vader (http://www.jediknightii.net/files/index.php?link=file&id=278)

Aurra Sing (http://www.jediknightii.net/files/index.php?link=file&id=257)

Stormtrooper w/ Pauldron (http://www.tribalskins.org/_data/skin_scomm.jpg , http://www.tribalskins.org/_data/skin_scomm.pk3)


What we need to do for this is find specific skins/models that are currently available that we want to see in the pack and list them, with a link to the location the skin can be downloaded from. As we build up a list, if we can get several people to test each skin to make sure it works on various systems, we can begin building the skin pack.


So lets keep the suggestions going! :) (Remember to include a link)




(PS - if any JKII.net staff wants to weigh in on this topic, that would be great. Is it something you want to support?)

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What we need to make this work is other people's opinions on what should be included in the SkinPack. Anybody interested in this idea, PLEASE PLEASE find a few skins that you think should be included. Post the links to them in here so we can all download them and try them out. I'll be keeping a list of the desired skins. Another thing we need from everyone is opinions on skins listed by others. If someone lists a skin they think should be included and you've tried it, please post your opinion, positive or negative. If we can get this going, we can make some progress on a skin pack.



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well, why dont u bite on this one then?


we could try to play a game and test all the skins out.

with a couple of ppl (or more), just to test skins, see we all have the skins.

bradfu, how much we got now?

i think we can rule out sandtrooper, dunno with u but with me it dont work, keep getting error: *invalid game folder*


c'mon peeps, the skins must be distributed, if not for the fun, then for their creators

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As for recommended skins, I have a listing (with downloads) of (some of) my favorite skins/models at http://outcast.reid.cx. It's far from complete (since I've been working on it sparingly) and I need to replace the current Vader model on it with the one that has Arco's skin. Feel free to take a gander there (if you want).


(I like parentheses). :p

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Some good ones there, Delmar. I really like the Anakin and Han Solo ones, so I'm adding these to the list:


http://www.jediknightii.net/files/index.php?link=file&id=152 Han Solo

http://www.jediknightii.net/files/index.php?link=file&id=143 Anakin Skywalker (Ep2)


And of course, the newly released Mandalorian Armor model!!



So we've got several on our list now. Anybody else? :) If you want to add your favorite skin to the list, post it here, including a link to the download location so we can all try it out.



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There is someone in the Modelers forum who is in the very beginnings of creating a Kit Fisto model.




BRADFU: As for additional characters that should be added, I'm a big fat loser who has his face on a Reborn model (thanks to Septic Child). I created custom taunts and sounds for this guy (who I haven't released). If you want to see a screenie, go here: http://www.reid.cx/images/screenshots/sotw.jpg


I know it isn't much but I'd love to include this fella if it is at all possible. I don't have a "finalized" version yet but I hope to within the next few days or so.

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