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How to compile maps with 64 RAM???


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Thus far I had no problems with compiling my maps, but today I did something large (check out "Floating Sith Temple" at JediOutcastMaps.com) and I had to ask the owner of Outcastmaps.com for help (thanks, by the way), for my compling window didn't advance beyond that





for a complete hour!


Is there a way to compile the map (FullVis) with 64 RAM???

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has noticed this kind of thread going about, and somehow people have been saying that their extremely complex map, when done right or done professionally, takes mere minutes to maybe an hour to compile... but I find that myself to be a little far-fetched, but who knows...


Just my 2 cents


Here's what Cmdr Antilles had to say about it:

"Any brushes that aren't walls, ceilings, floors, or large enought to block your view should be made detail. (control+m)


A good idea is to toggle 'show detail' off (control+d), then go through your map and, make all those brushes I mentioned above detail. When you do, they'll disappear from view (they're still in the map, though), and you should be left at the end with just the boundaries of your map, and all large objects, walls, ceilings and floors showing. Then, compile, and that should cut down on your VIS compile times. You might get a leak if you accidentally made a brush that touches the 'void' (the gray background. ) detail. If so, just select it, and go to Selection > Make Structural to fix it.


I once had to kill a compile after 9 hours because I couldn't wait that long... after I did the above, the compile time was about 15mins.


Just give it a try. Oh, and just to be on the safe side, do this to a copy of your .map. "

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