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Jedi vs Merc server UP NOW!!(Dismemberment too!)

Lord Nodata

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Please make sure you have "Allow downloads" set to "ON" in your game setup. We are going to implement the 1.03a saber mod, and in order for you to auto download it, you MUST have this option "ON." To turn it on, open the MP game, goto SETUP then GAME OPTIONS and turn AUTO DOWNLOAD "ON." That's it!


Here is a post that details everything you need to have to connect...so you don't have to wait for the server to download it all to you.CLICK HEREThe models ofcourse are optional, but the mod will be necessary.


We have a new Grappling hook enabled for the Mercs. Basically, you hold your USE button (not USE ITEM) and the hook flies off. When it connects to something, you are pulled towards it. If you fire it at a person you can pull yourself to that person, however, Jedi will block the hook like any projectile if they are facing you when it hits them. BIG THANKS to ASK for the grappling hook changes to Jedi vs Merc, and to making the grappling hook possible!!!


For those of you that don't know what Jedi vs. Merc is...let me explain. When you join the server it asks you if you want to be Jedi or not. Jedi can use force and get only lightsaber. Mercs can use guns and pick up items, but no lightsaber and no force. Oh, and MP dismemberment is on, so make sure you set your console. Set the console to /cg_dismember 2 and that should do it! So funny to see jedi hacking limbs off Stormies!!


"That's not the way to get aHEAD in life."

"He'll never be the HEAD of the Empire."

"Stormies are very HEAD strong."


Also, just recently I've disabled some force powers that should even out the playing feild. Here's the list of what is DISABLED:


1. Pull (to cut down on the PULL+backstab combo that is UNAVOIDABLE by mercs)


Also, I've just enabled this: g_saberghoul2collision 1

And DISabled this: g_sabertracesaberfirst 0

to find out what this does...go here: http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=59082


yep, here's the IP:


If I'm in there, I'm playing as "Chaff Da-Lan" so look for me!

wanna play?:cool:

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Originally posted by Usurper

I just tried it out,...pretty cool!


I was hoping it was team based though, like Jedi can only kill mercs and vice vera. Oh well!


It was working like that for a while, but then you get a bunch of dicks on line and they have to go mess it up.


I played by the rules for a while, till someone kept pull/heavy slashing me to death. I even warned him to stop. Fourth time I said f uck it, became a blue jedi and started spamming the lightning. Of course I ws the bad guy in all this.


It's a nice theory but the 1.03 patch puts mercs at a SERIOUS disadvantage.


You CANT roll. Your already scarce ammo is reduced in overall shots per round. And 80% of your attacks can be deflected without effort. Another 10% with a simple push, leaving... the emp secondary, and the repeater secondary.


You have no jump, and nothing to compensate for it. And can basicly be push/pulled/gripped/etc... without any counter.


It does work when everyone plays for fun, but like I said, this afternoon ONE person was being a jerk and it sent it 2 to 18 jedi favor. With ONE jedi (me) on the blue team we won by one point the next map. 19-18 Yay blue.


To be done right, this will require an actual MOD. Cause people just cant play nice.

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Ten Tigers: I was on there last night, when we went BLUE MERCS vs RED JEDI. My in game name is "Chaff Da-Lan." At any rate, it was fun as hell, and I learned a LOT about the Jedi vs Merc gameplay (which was my whole intention in setting up the server.) At any rate, I learned a VALUABLE lesson as a MERC. What was it?





That's right. It's virtually impossible for 1 merc to take down 1 Jedi, but if you've got a pal shooting that Jedi in the back, while you shoot him in the face....it all seems to work out. Bottom line is, MERCS need TEAMWORK to win. And THAT'S something I like about the game mode.



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Jedi vs Mercs isn't very well thought out because it's not supported by Raven in the first place. Hopefully they'll balance it out more(Mercs start with more guns, lots of ammo, etc) and make it a regular game mode eventually.

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I am very glad to see someone went and did it!


Some ways to make it more fair?


limit how many can be on one team or the other... for example, say 4 jedi vs 10 mercs.


Also I am hoping someone likes my idea for a mod, and makes not only Co-Op mods, but also team based mods where each team has X number of bots...


I had come up with a few play types I will list here again.


Game play type 1:


Two teams: Either team can be Jedi, or mercs at will ETC (Mercs should be given something to equal them to Jedi in some way since these should ACT like han solo type characters, you know... heroes and villians, not just mooks)


Each team will have X number of spawns available say 150 (trust me you will want this many.)


Each team will have X number of bots on thier side (all Mercs like Storm troopers for the dark side, and rebels for the light side, will all the weapons available.)


Each team will have a base so to speak, this base CANNOT be penetrated due to some force field, this is where players and team bots spawn...


Just outside this door will be an ammo, and shield recharging station.


The map should be a minimum of middle sized... and as large as possible otherwise.


The bots will stay grouped somewhat, but all be as weak as thier SP counterparts, IE 1-5 e-11 shots to kill them, or one saber slash as well as other force powers we all know and love.


Jedi can use only saber and force, Mercs only use weapons and perhaps a few things to make them even... like boosted shields (starts at 50, normal max is 150, absolute max is 250), a purchasable booster pack for high jumps. things like that.


The bots will as I said stay grouped, but also follow the players in a certain way... hit your use key when talking to the group leader, and for example they will only go as far as you go, if you die they can only retreat or remain in position till help arrives (like your the new commander or something).


In this way people will be encouraged to get to the enemy bases to kind of camp the spawn room, however the spawn room should be easily defended somehow to discourage true spawn camping... perhaps mannable turrets?


When you span you can also only stay in the spawn room itself for about 10-20 seconds... this would discourage someone from camping where they spawned so as to never die.


Duels Should be allowable in this map type as with all others, however allow for multiple duels to happen at once.


Each time you kill an enemy bot you take away one of thier spawns... kill a jedi or Merc player, and you take away TWO spawns. thus the goal will be to lead your bots to good positions, and defend them while at the same time trying to kill as many enemy players and bots as possible.


Sound like fun? Well you can add to this idea if you like.


concept two:


Basically the same idea as the first one, but this time it is a kind of base capture map. There are say 5 bases on the map, like in tribes... Two bases are for the home bases... One for light, one for dark... these bases work like in the other version Except you can enter them at will... when you spawn you spawn in the home base . Bots will spawn and roam around as well, costing spawn points... they will act just like the other bots, Except that each base you take makes them spawn there... moving them works the same as well, just talk to the group leader using "E."


Each base gives you X number of spawn points per minute owned. Or just plain old points to your team score... Each base could have some form of defense, be it purely terrain defense (slits to fire your gun through), or turrets usable by players only. As well as ammo/shield replenishing devices.


to get say 10 points you need to capture the enemies home base... rules could be set up to make it so you might need all the other bases to capture a base, or none to keep it interesting.


thus this would also simulate a LOt of movie action just like the first one... 2-6 players per side, about 20-40 active bots per team at any time.


In this way Jedi and mercs could own bots, ANd eachother... Making the entire experience seem like just out of a movie (in the movies for example, the mooks die easy, but the heroes and villians die hard... thus the players would represent heroes and villians having epic battles with one another, the bots would be the mooks like storm troopers, and rebels who die if you breathe on em wrong.)


there could be a few other possible game types as well more or less in line with the ones already offered, however simply add in mook bots...


i plan on posting this in the mod forum soon, if you like the sound of this idea just say something and I'll do it... I'd make it myself, but I am too busy making a game of my own right now :rolleyes:


But if someone wants to make it, I would be glad to help in whatever way I can, from playtesting it, to textures, to even some minor modeling (don't have time to make whole maps though, but maybe some neat sculptures and what not to place around the map? Just don't know if I can import some 3d format into the editor of JKII or not... heheh)


anyway please respond if you like this idea, I'll be watching :)

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A couple questions for you all.


First off, does it work like the Jedi Master game type, where if you pick Jedi, you get all the force powers, or is it based on the players setup?


And how exactly did you set this up? I know it's a cvar, but heh that doesn't really tell me anything. I don't know much about setting up a server.

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Originally posted by Vanor

First off, does it work like the Jedi Master game type, where if you pick Jedi, you get all the force powers, or is it based on the players setup?


Nope. Bascially, when you get on the server (or any time you go into the "Player" screen) there's an option there for "Jedi = Yes/no". You set that to whatever you want, and if you pick "Yes" then you get the force points allotted to you (in the case of this server: Jedi Knight).


And how exactly did you set this up? I know it's a cvar, but heh that doesn't really tell me anything. I don't know much about setting up a server.


I'm pretty sure all we did was put it in the server config file. ChangKhan describes how to set it up (in a nutshell) in the sticky about "Patch Details" or whatever up above.

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just stopped playing on that server, what can i say, its great

i had about 6 games on it

when it was team ffa it was ebtter

2 hectic as ffa and sum ppl started going crazy and gripping everyone lol

but it was great

one of the best games i ahve ever had

im soo exited i cant go to sleeep

u dont understand how amazing it was :D:D:D:D:D

ill be playing whenever its up if i can


game name = [KoS]D'akt

hope to see u on it :D

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Raven: I know the mode is unsupported, but just wanted to give you some feed back. There has to be something done to mercs, because they get owned in 1 on 1 vs jedi. If us MERCS stick together, then we can win...so, maybe a subtle change to mercs. Like only mercs can pick up shields (not the shield generator, but body shields). If you think about it, that makes sense as the Jedi in the movies didn't have shields, they relied on sabers to defend, and the force.


Anyway, too much fun!:D :D



:fett: MERCS 4 LIFE YO! :p

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Anyone know if there's a way to get bots to be mercs? I set this up on my own PC to practice and every bot was a Jedi. I tried picking the bots that wouldn't usually have sabers (eg imperial officer), and they still choose jedi :(.


I just wanna run around hacking up defenseless bots :)

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I'm taking requests for server settings. Stuff like max # of players and stuff. I want to know what most people like on the server. Sorry, NO Duel mode. Also dismemberment is ON, so if you get in there make sure you have it set up, or you won't see it.


/cg_dismemberment 100


game on...

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