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Favorite Reborn Duel


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Mine has to be in the circular room with the tube in the middle, lightning, and spining things that fry you. I walk up, let him taunt me a few times and then jump over there and proceed to push him off the edge, and listen for the inevitable sound of his useless lightsaber falling to the floor.

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I still can't get the very first reborn encounter out of my head. It was beautiful. The reborn taunts me, uses the green jets to make those huge jumps, and right when he was about to land right in front of me, I tap him with force push and watch him stop in mid air and plummet all the way down the shaft. MWUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! A lesson well learned for multiplayer.

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Then of course there was the time when I just got to the first reborn duel, and I let the reborn actually get to me without killing him. A nifty little lightsaber duel ensued (I was on jedi master difficulty) when right before my eyes the reborn does a spin, and spins himself right off the ledge. I felt amused and jipped all in one moment. Don't you hate it when that happens though. Your in the middle of an epic battle, and your opponent accidently takes a step in the wrong direction and falls to his death. Grr.

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That one's great yeah. Another favourite is on Cloud city when you fight against two reborn for the first time. I played it over and over just because of sheer fun.


I would've said the first time against the two shadow troopers but i got whopped one too many times against them. :)

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This really wasn't a duel, will not right at this point but I thouhgt it was funny...


I was on the Doomgiver, I went down to the lowest control room. As the lift came to a stop. I had all of the imperial gang about to open fire, and this red hood standing there. So I hesitated just for a moment, and jumped off the lift. As turned to face the Reborn, he was on the lift, and "going up" I hit pause, and just laughed...




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My favorite duel was my quickest one. When your in the cairn reactor when you walk across the tube with the spinning things ever few feet. The reborn jumped from the ceiling and fell off the tube thing. I laughed for minutes after that.

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I'm on my third time through the game, so they are not as fun now, but I just loved it when a door would open and a reborn would be standing there. If only the music from when the doors opened and Darth Maul turns on his double saber would play it would be perfect.

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My FFFFFavourite Reborn Duel Was The One With Luke. There Was So Many Reborn I Nearly Fainted When I First Saw Them.


I Had So Much Fun The Secound Time I fought Them, Instead Of waiting At The Bottom I Jumped On The Platform Up top, And Jumped On Them As They Came Running Out Of Their Hiding Places.

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I played the fight with the two reborns in cloud city many times, I used it for practice cause I hadn't played MP yet so I really like that. But the first Reborn fight was the best to me because you go so far in the game before even getting your saber that anticipation builds up and when you see him jump over it's sweet. I didn't think fast enough to force push him so I had to fight him. I liked fighting Tavion better than desann, man she was a biznatch! I think she was harder because you don't have as much force power abilities at that point. I think I had to fight her about 20 times before beating her.

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favourite for me, would have to be the first fight against two reborns... tavion was easy.. just get in close swing a few, parry a few, step to the side an forward, an tap her on the butt with that saber.. hehe.. do that a few times an its all over.. takes a few with light/fast stance anyway... fun tho.. :)

i found desann a bit harder... if you want more of a challenge, try doing it without force powers, and using light/fast stance.. man.. thats a prick!.. lol using speed an heavy/slow stance is the easy way out of it.. only takes two hits then.. :)

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I was fighting a reborn before in a level where you are outside in cloud city and the Reborn was on a platform with two empire officers. I went out on the platform and he was hitting me good for awhile, but I fell off the platform onto one of the lower levels (the ground beneath the platform). I could hear him taunting me, and making fun of me while I went all the way back though the level to get him. I never noticed when he stoped taunting me, but I guess he got board and went home or somthing. I went back to the platform and he wasn't there anymore. The jerk who taunted me while I was on the ground left me there, without a fight. Maybe he had a moment of geius where he realized he was no match for me, or he got board waiting, but It was funny to tell my friends of the one that got away.

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Originally posted by ewok hunter

In the carbonate (how do you spell it?) chamber with the reborn wainting for you, I chaged in the room. then I used the meduim stance finisher right when he charged at me.:lsduel::smirk2:




Actually it's carbonite, carbonate is something CO3, and since Carbonite would theoretically be CO2, which is Carbon Dioxide, Carbonite is fictitious in every way. Though it is actually an explosive, but that has no relation to carbonate...



Sorry...it occured to me how that looked. I wasn't laughing at you, I was just laughing at the fact that you called it carbonate, which is a real chemical compound...and, well it's hard to explain why I find it so funny.

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