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Us...... Whiners?


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Your calling us whiners because of the new patch? That is so funny, you people that couldn't handle getting OwNeD made this patch to drag the game to your newbie advantage.


So who is the real whiner? If you can't handle the game like it was made, then don't play it! If you can't learn how to get out of the grip or avoid a powerful saber attack, you definatly need more experiance. I, and the rest of l7l, were some of the first people to play this game. After this patch came out, it ruined all of the amusment in playing JO period!


We encounter opponents just like us that use the powerful saber moves and grip..... but we still manage to pull out a victory. Why? Because we are experianced and know what it takes to avoid a couple of easy moves.


Next time you get saber slammed by a guy, think about what YOU did wrong to get in his range of sudden attack. Just keep your distance, and USE YOUR HEAD for a change. Quit acting like pissed off n00bs and play the damn game like it was meant to be played. Prove to us that you are not n00bs....... We will be waiting......


~ReCoiL~ -={ +l7l+ }=- :fett:


P.S If you are an experianced player, and think that l7l is the clan for you.... drop by our site at http://l7l.owns.it Newbie's that agree the patch should stay, are not welcome!

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Oh wow, that sounds like such a nice clan! :D:rolleyes:


Just a tiny comment here. You said:

"Next time you get saber slammed by a guy, think about what YOU did wrong to get in his range of sudden attack."


Umm...this is a Star Wars game, right? (you know, "Star Wars", as in the movies and the books) Now, have you ever seen or read about a saber fight with two guys simply bunnyhopping from a mile away trying to DFA the other? Ever seen a block, perhaps? Is blocking something totally unheard of in the "Star Wars saber fighting" context?


And another thing: This might come as a shock for you, but this is a...*drumroll*... GAME. :eek: Lighten up. Buy youself a punching bag or something if you need to let out some steam.


Oh, and this:

"If you can't handle the game like it was made, then don't play it! If you can't learn how to get out of the grip or avoid a powerful saber attack, you definatly need more experiance."


Umm..dude, can't you see the irony? Raven patched the game. You're whining because you don't like the way the game WAS MADE. I'm tempted to say: Then Don't play it! If you can't learn how to counter the new attacks or avoid the swipe, you definetly need more experiENCE.


"Quit acting like pissed off n00bs and play the damn game like it was meant to be played. Prove to us that you are not n00bs."


You said it yourself: this is a game. Believe it or not games are played because it is FUN. If you're not having fun, you won't be playing. Simple.

You seem to assume that we owe you some kind of respect because you are in a clan? Well, guess what...I couldn't care less. :eek: You got a (few?) dozen boys spending all their spare time sitting indoors, staring at a monitor and 0wN1nGZZ n00bZ.

Listen...there's like a REAL WORLD outside, and in the real life people need to give some arguments to back up their opinions. I don't care whether or not you have 4.500 l337 clan members thinking you are God. Your opinions are worth nothing if you don't learn to back them up with facts, instead of flaming or l337-speak.


Go ahead and say f.ex: "CTF needs more ammo, because (whatever)." Then we can have a real discussion about it.

But quit being such an contemptuous ass and calling everyone who disagrees with you a n00b.


Gaming is about having fun. :D

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I find it awfully ironic that people who can't adapt their playstyles would go ahead + call other people "noobs."


There's a good amount of people here that were proficient at 1.02......and when they moved on to 1.03 they were able to adapt their skills to fit the new combat scheme and still retain their positions at the top of the scoreboards.


but we still manage to pull out a victory. Why? Because we are experianced and know what it takes to avoid a couple of easy moves.


And this patch somehow mysteriously made it impossible for you to dodge the very same easy moves that you've been dodging before? Didn't DFA get nerfed so that it's now easier to dodge those very same moves?


Heck if anything, this patch now makes it possible for you to actually *block* many of those very same moves as an option to square dance around them.


This patch now gives us an option to actually stand toe to toe with our opponents. Heck with the introduction of the knockback and parry animations we can now have the option to deflect many of those very same hits that you claim to be "easy moves."

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Ok I have given the new patch a few good hours of play.


my thoughts.


All of the skill is gone.


I always knew excatly what health my opponent was on during battles in 1.02. I knew that if i landed a heavy hit, i could hit him lightly with medium or light to death, just listening for the heal, bacta etc.


Taking out the heavy hit has just taken all of the FFA skill out of the game. FFA the point of the game is to get as many kills as possible. in 1.02 you could easily kill someone (noob) who lacks the skills to avoid a heavy hit, or parry, in 2 well placed swipes. The skill was in being able to swing at the right time, and aim the shot.


Now there is bugger all aiming, heavy takes soo long to swing that the opponent can hit you 2 or 3 times before your saber comes down. Swing on the heavies + mediums, hold that button yerrr.


You can fight someone for 3 minutes, gboth whittling each other down with your pissweak, semi-deflected medium or light hits. Then watch as some tosser, comes in and lighnings u both to death.


People (great players) used to run away from me, I'm not being deliberately cocky, its just that back in 1.02 a great player could completely own a server. Many, many times i would hit the kill limit (40 or so) when the ohter players were down on 12 or so. Only using the saber, with well placed strikes + good timing. Which is the skill in games like this, its now gone.


The reason why CS is still so popular is that with skill, accuracy and timing, u can kill someone in a fraction of a second. The quickest of wit + skill win. This is what jk2 used to be like. Now it is who can spam the most.


As for DFA, really if u cant avoid that, go play another game where u dont have to strafe or move backwards. Really u have been dodging missiles since doom. I'm sure u could take a second out of your day to avoid the dfa.


Ok perhaps that wasnt too coherant, but im tired and pissed off :)




it wasnt that bad to begin with, i had no problem with anything in this game. DFA - MOVE out OF THE WAY


Drain - Heal - SPANK EM HARDER + FASTER, they obviously have no shields now just move in and spank em


ARG AND WHY CHANGE KICK? it was perfectly logical, run up and press jump. JEEZ


push seems to be weaker as well :(


ALl that needed to be done was to add a PARRY MOVE


WITH THE SECOND MOUSE BUTTON U HIT THAT THEN U AIM THE RETICLE AT THE SABER- then u could have "coming out of parry moves"


or 2nd mouse button coudl be an ALTERNATE STRIKE with the mouse.


ok rant over.

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All of the skill is gone.


Tell me then, what did you think of the SP game? Because, by such a comparisson, the SP saber mechanics require "no skill". Which is absolute crap.


People (great players) used to run away from me, I'm not being deliberately cocky, its just that back in 1.02 a great player could completely own a server....Only using the saber, with well placed strikes + good timing. Which is the skill in games like this, its now gone.


Well, like the phoenix from the ashes, v1.03 has created some great players - and if you threw them back into v1.02 they'd own. So, if you could hack 1.02 but not 1.03, get some practice and play SP.


it wasnt that bad to begin with, i had no problem with anything in this game. DFA - MOVE out OF THE WAY


Very few people fell victim to DFA because they didn't realise that they should move out of the way. As I have demonstarted before, by the time the victim of a DFA sees the guy takng off, the attacker is already in mid-air, thus drastically reducing the chances for his/her survival. Its called latency - and on slower connections, can cause some problems.


As Luc Solar said, this is a star wars game, not counter strike close combat with luminous glow rods. I never saw any star wars character perform a DFA, or keep running away and then chraging back in. The new patch brings the light saber battles back to the proper universe of star wars.


Nuff said.

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LUC SOLAR could not have made a better post. People should read that and realize how special they are knowing that bragging about owning in this game makes them look like they have no life. It is just a GAME. The best players in any game are respectful of others and also n00bs. Who actually cares if someone is a n00b? What is the point if someone is new? Just because someone has been playing it for a long period of time gives them the right to talk 5hi7 to n00bs? Actually n00bs seem to have a better attitude about this game because they don't act as if they are the 5hi7. If one does not like the game or the patch then simply stop fu<n playing it.


P.S: If your a fan boy don't reply about my post because i can smell you coming


I suck at this game and I am proud of it =D

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I fully agree, Luc Solar



Jesus Christ... why is it some people still think that DFA was skilful move to do?!


<Jump> <Forward> <Attack> c'mon not exactly hard, and don't give me that crap about "You need good aim" etc etc because that is complete BS.


You could kill someone with DFA while your sabre was buried into the ground simply if the other person walked into your blade in an attempt to hit you from the side.


I was getting sick of seeing "Demented bunny hoppers" using DFA as a means to win. Has it ever occurred to you to use all stances?


Duels are no longer decided with a single cheap move anymore... the sooner some people wake up to that the better.




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I concur completely. Originally the game was a little like a bunch of retards running round with glow sticks. Post patch there is actually an element of sword play. All 3 styles are equally usefull, depends on the player and the situation. This IS a STARWARS game, in starwars there are titanic struggles between good and evil, the sabre fights last ages. The game now mirrors this.

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Originally posted by Prowl lightstar

I concur completely. Originally the game was a little like a bunch of retards running round with glow sticks. Post patch there is actually an element of sword play. All 3 styles are equally usefull, depends on the player and the situation. This IS a STARWARS game, in starwars there are titanic struggles between good and evil, the sabre fights last ages. The game now mirrors this.


Good post I totally agree :D :D :D

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