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I got OWNED by 1.03


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I Installed the new patch and although they added a lot of good stuff I still gotta vent. Overall the patch is good but please here me out for the 1.04 patch.


I'm glad they fixed the strong "finishing-cheap-one hit-unblockable-newbie favorite move". but why did they change the other styles? :confused:


Just when I MASTERED light/yellow stance It's totally changed!

:mad: I was getting owned by medium/blue stance at every duel.

I know I just have to get used to it but right now I'm pissed!


The backstab has become the new exploit now becuase u can turn with it. I even saw ppl doing a jumping backstab. :confused: please change back the backstab.


I only played a little on force enabled servers cuz I was too busy getting owned on NF servers but I noticed that Lightning needs to be weakened since Drain and Heal have. And getting up after being knocked down should still be tweaked. Still lots of knockdown-backslash whores out there. Maybe u should be able to force push or force jump after being kicked or pulled down.


That's not too much to ask for is it? The new animations and maps are cool. How about a Star Wars Trilogy model pack :D

I know after Episode 2 comes out everyone will want to be Yoda :p

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Well in answer to why the stances were changed, I remember over the course of the last month seeing numerous posts stating they wanted MP sabering to be more like SP sabering, and for the most part that is exactly what the patch did, sure it changed a few other things that may or may not have been a problem.


IMO it was a step in the right direction a few more things need to be addressed but all in all I like the changes.

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oooo ooo its harder now and i suck now oooo ooo


boo urns ,

bunch of whiney children...the whole lot of ye.


You people are pathetic excuses for gamers. True gamers Master whatever is given to them, not complain about how much they suck.

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Originally posted by JediCrow

Do you think that after all the whining about the 1.03 patch that there is even going to be a 1.04?? I would not hold my breath waiting for it.


There are definiteley gonna be future patches. I don't expect them next week but maybe in a couple of months after gamers find new "cheap" exploits like some I've already mentioned. Look at Quake 3 and Counter Strike and all it's changes. This game WILL evolve and in my opinion it HAS improved. Just had to vent how I got owned. AND NOT BY BETTER PLAYERS. They just got the patch a day ahead of me :D

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Originally posted by colonel_stryker

the only thing I don't like about the patch is that you can't tell if you've actually hit someone



And you could before? Often times you can only tell if you hit some by closly looking at darksparks flickering off of them or, of course, they moan like a whore. (Or have sheilds!:D :D :D )

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Again ppl, I'm not complaining about the patch but just another exploit I have found. I was just on a server with NO FORCE enabled and I cleaned up 15-0. Nobody could touch me!




Because saber throw is enabled on NO FORCE servers! :confused:




I just stayed back and when someone would swing, SABER THROW. I would just nick away at there health and it was over. Everyone was pissed :mad: but it's part of the game now in 1.03.

Don't get mad at me!


If it ain't broke don't fix it :D



"Anger leads to ....suffering"

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Originally posted by Zindell

i dont know if that was a typo but this may helo


Yellow = Medium


Blue = Light


Just thought id clarify that if it wasnt a typo.





isn't blue = medium and yellow = light?


Whenever I play yellow is faster then blue. Am I right?

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One of the best things Raven did in this patch was fix the broken g_ForcePowerDisable variable that prevented server admins from specifying which force powers could and could not be used on their servers. Just about every NF duel server I've gotten a hold of says they plan on taking the throw out of the NF duels....not to worry. Give it a few days.




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.....................Freakin' get over it, deal with it, and adjust!! -If not, just plain leave! -I think I speak for the majority when I say....We are sick and tired of all you peeps whining,moaning, and b!tching! -JK2 is a great game! Raven does not deserve all the put-downs and harsh criticizing that is plagued in this forum. Raven JK2 dev did a damn good job with this 1st patch minus a couple minor mistakes.If ya don't like it, don't play the game and go play Qrap3!:rolleyes:

:violin: :violin: :violin: :violin:

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What is so wrong with the jumping backslash?


First of all you can block it. And the ability to turn while doing it is realistic. Its not like the DFA where you are airborne or you bury your saber into the ground.


Besides, it's stylish. Just today I was dueling and finished the match when my opponent tried the blue floor lunge. I flipped over him and won with the blue backstab. It was quite stylish looking and I actually recived compliments for it from the other players.

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No doubt the backstab IS stylish.


But it's a STAB and not a SWING. :rolleyes:

When u see Obi-wan do it in Episode 1, he doesn't swing it around.

I like using it myself but again u should not be able to move it around and have n00bs walk into it. :D

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Originally posted by Sifo-Dyas

S!TH!NATOR = Immature Lonely Forum Troll (never taken seriously) :rolleyes:


Oooo, burn. And also, the ability to jump while doing a backstab has always been present in the game. I did it quite a few times by accident playing the pit. Oh, and yes, the ability to turn whilst backstabbing should stay in, it's realistic, and rather easy to turn while backstabbing, whereas in the dfa, turning in midair would be fairly impossible.

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Originally posted by Sifo-Dyas

No doubt the backstab IS stylish.


But it's a STAB and not a SWING. :rolleyes:

When u see Obi-wan do it in Episode 1, he doesn't swing it around.

I like using it myself but again u should not be able to move it around and have n00bs walk into it. :D


I will agree with that, but there does need to be a little room for correction. Cause you just cant use you saber with the same percision as Obi-Wan did in the movie with a keyboard and mouse. Not to mention he had the force to guide him. He knew exactly where the person was going to be. We need to look behind us. Perhaps they should limit it to a 40 degree arc. That way you cant just launch into the animation and start doing 360s. But you do need some compensation. Im just glad that they improved the launch speed of it. It used to be all but worthless as far as speed goes. A nice pause before, a slow execution, and a slow recovery. Especialy with the blue style. A style that is supposed to be known for it's speed.


I just hate when all the kool things have to be bitchified because of inetdickheads. Personaly, I like it just the way it is. But unfortunately it can be abused. It is f ucking rediculous to see someone running around the level backward trying to get a backstab. People who spam pull/sweep are even worse. I kinda like being a sith. I hate having to switch to light for the absorb power because one or two people have no other tactic.

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