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Skin, almost finished, FEEDBACK!


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I present you Darth Mekanus the Sith Cyborg! hehehe:D :D


I am almost finished with the default skin, only need few brushes here and there then blue and red version and the bot. But before I post it for download(soon) I would like some comments and feedback on the work, and of course what you think of it... is it worth posting??



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Thanks all, I really appreciate the comments!


It looks finished but there are really a few places that I am unhappy with. I hate the hood, I started skinning on the reborn skin but now I realize I chose the wrong skin to paint! (Even if it's starting to look good) So maybe I will convert everything on to another model. Dunno yet, maybe I will post this one and then start a new cyborg on another model and end up with a cyborg squad! But without the meshes skinning can be a pain! And it is really a slow...


Time: about 10 days skinning for 1-2-3 hours a day.


BTW: The Xander skin was a test skin I did while finishing darth mekanikus(don't know if I will keep this name :confused: ) to see how the naked arms looked in the game, then I put a few thingies here and there and ended up posting it has the Xander skin... hehehehe :D :D :D

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Um, pardon me, being a newbie and everything like I am and all, but can't you 'turn off' the hood? I thought they made it so you can turn off 3D accessories like beards and stuff. Read through the forum threads. Like the one at the top about it.

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Not in this case. I looked through the Surfaces for the Reborn, but I couldn't find a head augment. That means if you turn off the hood, it's just a head floating in space. Too bad, too, because if there was an augment for it, you could make a Reborn(Or whatever else) with the hood down, clumped on the shoulders.


Anywho... I like this skin, the abs are very well done. I personally agree with your decision to use a different model for this one, since the reborn seems to get used a lot. Can't wait to see it finished! :)



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I had very little time to finish the skin. I hope to send it in this week. I had problems with the skin colours, which looked very good in modview but then sucked int the game. I decided not to make the conversion on to another model because even though I hate the hood, it's a good excuse not to go into too much detail in the head(which is a nasty part)!!! :):):) And then I don't have enough time... heavy exam week.


FOR Perfectsky... Hehehe, don't exagerate!!! Even if I am new, I had the chance to see some of your work, great indeed! Very curious about that Plo Koon!


Here are a few better screenshot for those fo you who asked them! BIG SCREENSHOTS...





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The skin is finished..... but


I still have a few problems with the skin colour! Some parts are still way too pale. (In the first draft I could have called him blinding-burn-my-eyes-glowing sith). I tryied to blur a little to darken a little, to decontrast a little to etc a little it still doesn't behave as I would like. I want the skin to look a little zombieish, but not to glow! Anyway... I'm working on a second cyborg (female :):)) and I think I will send MEKANUS tonight or tomorrow(it will then take a few weeks for JKIInet to post it :):):)..... hehehe just joking, they are doing a fantastic job!)...


For the SP version I didn't think about the mouth thing... as a matter of fact, I didn't think people would end up using it in SP... I will try to think of something because there is NOWAY to make the mout not to open (to my knowledge). So I will try to find something that limits the damage in case someone wants to use it in SP.

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