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New Indy Game Wishlist....

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The improvised weapons as well as the fighting seen in the new trailer are looking very impressive. I mean JEEZ!!! Did you see the way Indy grabbed the thug? Just like a pissed off Ford did in the films. (if you haven't yet seen the trailer, bluesnews has a link) I can't describe how cool it looked. it was pure indy. Then, after kneeing the thug in the gut, he pushes he down. It just looked soooooooo Indyish. Even the way he throws a punch looks perfect!!!!!!!! The grahics are very impressive also.


Some (very) early concerns and then my wishlist. The whip swing in infernal machine was way too canned. Hell, everything about the whip was awkward and stiff. The ET trailer shows Indy swinging over a pit, and it just kinda looks a little too quick with the animation. I KNOW it's early though and judging by the rest of the animations, i have faith. (you must believe boy, you must ....believe)


Okay, wishes: NO FRIGGIN BLOCK PUSHING!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT EVEN ONE>>>>>

Next, have some survival puzzles. Instead of puzzles involving say oh, i don't know uhhhhhh ....blocks? Have Indy in a perilous situation (i can name 1,0000000) off hand and have the puzzle be how to survive the action set piece that he is invovled in. Much of Indy's beloved wit is his smart sense of survival (I don't mean in the cautious sense)

Third, keep his character in tact ----ah, seems to be perfect in the trailer ( i mean GOD!!! that trailer was second only to seeing an Indy 4 trialer)

Fourth, imporvised weapons rock!!!! This was on my wishlist, but they're in!!

Fifth, familiar faces from the flicks? IN!!!!!!!!!!! it's been confirmed at gamespot.

Sixth, MUSIC!!!!!! This is Lucas, it will be great!!

Seventh, the aiming while shooting. Or actually guns in general. Okay let's see if we can have lots of action with out making Indy look like Rambo, cause he's not. Also, how about an aim system that allows for mouse aiming while holding a certain button? Oh, and location specific damaging. and great voice actors (give harry a call.... he might.) and cool special effects. and a few beasts... OH yeah I forgot. Have soem really cool traps, but also a way to kinda figure out where a trap might be? No "gotcha's" please.


Any additions??? Whew.

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I personaly think that the graphics don't look that impressive compared to what we've been used to seing with games like Jedi Outcast or Medal of Honor. And the textures don't look as nice as in Infernal Machine. I hope it's only an impression.

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My wish would be for them to release a more adventure type game like the older versions. The 3D has too many flaws and all you do is have to jump around,shoot.etc. I would like more thinking involved in the game.:)

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I personally would love more dangerous traps, both types: The traps that require thinking, and the cool movie based action traps!


Also some archeolical puzzles would be cool, in the style of this example: Indy places a staff in the right spot so that the sun marks the place where the ark lies, as seen in the raiders of the lost ark.


But that's just my opinion! :p

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Originally posted by TuSKeN_RaiDeR

I personally would love more dangerous traps, both types: The traps that require thinking, and the cool movie based action traps!


Also some archeolical puzzles would be cool, in the style of this example: Indy places a staff in the right spot so that the sun marks the place where the ark lies, as seen in the raiders of the lost ark.


But that's just my opinion! :p




Yes Sir! This is what I would like to see as well;)



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