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Next patch suggestions (not a complaint thread)

Homosexual Ewok

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1-Better audio clues on if you did or did not hit your opponent. When you are dueling and you and your opponent are using the same model it can be tough to tell who is doing the screaming when in close combat. Quake 3 had a system where if you got hit you would do your "pain scream", but if you hit your opponent it made a very distinctive "bonk" noise. I am not saying this should be the default setting, just a console toggle for those who want it.


2-Better visual conformation on hit detection. Once again, how many times have you been dueling and wondered, "was that my green bubble (shield getting hit) or his?" I am not suggesting a blood patch be integrated in to the game, just something simple like a quick white flash (I suggested white due to yellow/red/blue being colors used with various powers/items). 90% of all FPS's have this, or something like it.


Granted I know all you have to do is stare at your status bar each time you hear or see a strike, but that kind of leads to distraction and getting killed...

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Actually the second point is very valid (though it doesn;t really need a patch perse)


JK2 has a small heath meter, where Quake3 eye had huge numbers.


Ther eis a way to edit the info bars containing this information. Email Raven about it.

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I'm all for the "bonk" sound. It was a good way to confirm a hit and it wasn't at all irritating. Maybe not the actual Q3 "bonk" but something a little more appropriate, or something...

Furthermore, I would like to see the saber clashing toned down a bit during attack animations. I'm not saying it should be nerfed, just toned down.

Make the blocking radius more narrow. Allow the player to block almost all attacks but still get knocked back if the full damage from the attack is blocked. You would then be open for attack for a split second (it already happens sometimes) so you would have to dodge the next one.

Make all attacks do more damage, apart from the backstab. I say about 30-50 range damage for light, 50-70 for medium and 70-90 for heavy.

Backstab needs to be toned down a bit. Right now it isn't hard to get away from the supposed "new lamers" but it isn't much fun to play against these people. After getting away from it for the millionth time today I was very suprised they weren't giving up :p.

A little less sparking when sabers touch would be nice too...

And add the fists to the MP game!


Just my two cents for what I would like to see in the next patch.

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1. Change back light/blue stance backstab so u can't move it.

It has turned into the new cheap move. Lots of ppl walking around backwards now :p


2. Disable saber throws on NO FORCE duel matches.

If there is no force than why can u throw a saber? :confused:

Doesn't make sense and VERY EXPLOITABLE.

I owned a server 15-0 because of it. My first shut-out ever :D


3. Weaken Lightning force a bit by slowing down the damage rate.

Either it's too strong or too fast.


4. Found a weird bug on the new Bespin Vanes map.

I was jousting between air currents againts someone.

We both clashed in mid air and fell to our deaths.

I died first and then my opponent but I ended up getting the win. :confused:


Overall patch is good! Keep up the good work Raven!

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ok my view is that the dfa should be the strongest saber swing in the game, i like the way it only goes straight and the leaps length is arguable but it makes sense (2 me anyway).


Thats just my view and im not saying its any gospel or its gay any other way im just saying it makes sense to me.


Heal should be put back the way it was, kicking is to hard for me now, double tapping in a fight isnt worth it if u use spacebar to jump.


Thats all.

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How about slowing backpeddling speed? I think quite a lot of people have mentioned this before.


Just had a thought that this would effectively limit the effectiveness of the "backstab spaming" that so many people are now complaining about. If they can't move nearly as fast running into a battle backwards they run the risk of people catching up to them in the front + opening them up with a well placed slash.


Several people have mentioned slowing the backpeddling speed before on this board as well.....as I'm not too experienced with the run and gun game or CTF (I dig the saber fights much more) I'd like to hear some other type of players opinions on this tweak.


Maybe I'm just weird or something but, I really don't think the damage caused by the backstab or the sweep is too high. It's the risk that people take when they do these moves that's too low that makes them so abuse friendly.


Now before I go on I'd like to add that I think the backstab is by no means an "instant" death and guaranteed kill move. There's quite an inital windup a la the DFA that allows one to pretty easily read your opponents intentions and move out of the way. Just because your opponent overuses it doesn't mean that you have to stand there + eat it.


From watching a few FFA games today, the main problem is that in a heated 4 or 5 way saber fight someone always runs in and tries to cash in on some quick kills by catching the 4 or 5 people saberfighting off guard with it. In a one on one situation or a less hectic environment the backstab's effectiveness is very limited due to the high telegraphability of the move.


Also being able to use the mouselook to "sweep" the backstabbing saber while it's stabbing isn't good as well. If anything this feels a lot like back in the 1.02 days of being able to move + aim in midair while using the DFA. With the new saber collision code in 1.03 being able to sweep in a rather large arc with the backstab sort of allows one to manually block while facing backwards.


Another possibilty is to slow the recovery time of the backstab + swing some more.


The point is to make people realize what a risk it truly is to run into a saberfight with your back turned towards your opponent. If there were more risk involved in doing the various backstab/backslashes then I'd feel as though their high damage would be justified.


These suggestions would in fact make the backstab more in fact a finisher a la the DFA.

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heres another suggestion, I'd like saber throw to be better ie. not come back as soon as it hits one person. U should be able to hit a good few ppl with it b4 it comes back and the damage it does should be higher.


And u should be able to pull sabers out of the air if u have more force or higher pull than the guy who's thrown the saber.

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  • The angle of blocking is too wide. An effective block should be the result of skill (accurate aiming and positioning).
  • The damage is too low. If blocking area is decreased, and attack damage slightly increased, we may have a good duel balance.
  • Guns are too weak now. I suggest restore of pre-patch guns. But gunners should walk/run slower than saberists. So gunners = distance <---> saberists = speed. That'll balance the two.
  • Forces should have a greater chance of success against gunners.
  • Forces should be balanced. Pushing/pulling involves a great deal of luck, and a few of the previous over-effective powers have been made too weak (drain, heal,...)

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Wow, a constructive thread! This is a treasure!


I agree with most of the points here. Backpedalling should be slowed, heal needs too be a little more powerful (I think drain is fine personally), there needs to be more ammo for weapons, the block radius needs to be reduced to perhaps the front 180 degree arc and the light sabre damage needs to be upped for all modes apart from duel.


I think that's a list of needed changes personally. Other things I'd like to see are maybe an objective based mode for MP (like assault mode in UT or RtcW), more maps for all modes and a big pile of money. Although I'd settle for just the last one. ;)

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I'm going to add my stick to the pile :)


Lightsabers by their very definition are lethal weapons, if you get cut with one, something will most likely drop off. I can see the reasoning behind light, medium and heavy stances, but lets face it. Having to slash someone multiple times with a weapon that can cut through steel isn't exactly realistic, but then games rarely are.


Somebody (quite few somebodies actually) mentioned that the arch with blocking should be smaller, I whole heartetly agree. Should Raven change this it would be very good indeed. Also although I mentioned above that lightsaber damage isn't very realistic at the moment I also understand that one shot kills aren't that fun either. How ever I think that you should be able to kill a person with 3-4 hits max. Now with shields added it can really take forever to bring a guy down. I don't remember seeing any personal shields in the movies, do you? Originally in Darkforces shields were simply a cool way of replacing armor that was used in games like Doom at that time. How ever now I feel it's more like a relic from that past age where three dimensional enviroments were only dreamt of and if I could make the choice, I would take them off alltogether.


Now most of you will probably flame me for saying that, and of course it will never happen so save your breath. But think about it, that would change the game quite a bit and although guns might be overpowered the lightsaber combat in FFA games and similar would become a lot more interesting. More tweaking in stance damages and blocking would be needed of course to balance things out.


Perhaps it would be better if actual armor rating would replace shields. It would work out exactly as now, except that lightsabers would pass it by as falling damage and kicking does now. People have said that double clicking jump makes kicking harder, it does. But it's not funny to see somebody to use only kicks. And why not? When you kick you'll by pass all defenses and shields. Five hits and the person is dead unless he gets medkit or has heal. Kicking is almost more effective than using your saber because while you kick you can still use block (except when you're upside down in the air). Using armor instead of shields would have the additional benefit to make kick more of a tool than a weapon. You could still kick someone over but armor would take the worst damage off.


That's the kind of stuff I would like to see implemented. And maybe I will, with the ability to create mods perhaps enough people would like to see that happen to make it possible. Do you?

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An alternative to merely decreasing the blocking arc would be changing the amount of blocking depending on the anglethe saber hits the player in. That is, if someone hits right in front of you, that would be 0 degrees from center, and 100% would be blocked. If someone hits in a +/-30 degree angle (that would be slightly to the left or right), 70% of all attackes would be blocked. at 45 degrees (that would be halfway between dead center and either side, and still within a field where a skilled swordsman could reasonably deflect an attack), 45% would be blocked. at 90 degrees, or right on the side, 10% would be blocked etc.


This way, a player can still get lucky and deflect an attack, but they will be rewarded for greater accuracy.


Also, I know it's minor, but I'd like to see a feature from Alien vs Predator 2 be included; namely toggle keys. I know it's really minor, and I could probably script it if I wasn't too preoccupied with the exams and trying to get into university afterwards to learn QuakeC (I beleive that's what the sripting language is called). The most obvious of these toggles would eb a run/walk toggle, so I could slow down and keep more control of where I'm going in confined spaces. Currently, having to hold down an additional key, as well as having fingers free for moving, changing saber stance, using force, jumping and crouching can get a little problematic.

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Originally posted by Wicket the Ewok

Didn't those rolling droid things in episode I have personal shields?


Yes they did :)


But I haven't seen any human characters use them. Besides a droid that has its own powersource would probably sustain forcefield more easily than a human with a generator in a bagback :D

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I myself would like Raven to do some more testing on the current Saber system, and see if the decision to put the SP damage and blocking system into MP was wise, and works, or if it may need some tweaking due to the difference in intellegence levels of NPCs vs. humans (Though some would argue otherwise :) ).


Since I am not a veteran game designer I cannot tell you what would be wrong besides my opinion, and that there is something that needs to be adjusted for MP because you are playing AI in SP and humans in MP, and therefore the mechanics might be different to hold a successful and well developed MP aspect, though I can't tell you exactly what needs to be adjusted because I don't have the experience or equipment to do so.


I think that needs to be done before any changes are implemented. Its only logical. Then, setup builds to test changes, and see if they work.

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I hated the patch util I got playing it for a bit.


The only thing I don't like now is the kick. Kick was fine before, and almost useless now unless you cheat and put it on a double click.


Heal and Drain are perfect! And even a Grip whore like me knows that it's much better now. Not sure what to think of Absorb now though. Especially since Drain takes so much more FP now, it's a bit upsetting to use all your FP on someone who's absorbing.


But this game defenately needs a better hit sound!!! I had it down pat before the patch, but now I never know when I've hit someone. Bonk, like Q3's is very unfitting though. The SP shader is a good idea, but I think it would happen to you if you got shot too, and cuase alot of FPS troubles in FFA and such.

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Restore guns to pre-patch. Gunning is absolute crap now, ctf is horribly lame.

Another suggestion, what about restoring saber animations and damage to pre-patch as well, but keeping the blocking? 1.03 sabers have too much reliance on luck and blindly slashing away at your opponent.

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