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Next patch suggestions (not a complaint thread)

Homosexual Ewok

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1) Ability to bind a specific saber stance to a key. (Yes, I know there are scripts to approximate this but if possible I'd like the 100% certainty of binding a button to a builtin command :) ). eg bind x "lightstance"


2) Ability to configure force powers (not controls for force powers) when not connected to a server. Its annoying to have to create your own server just to be able to allocate powers and save configs. Have a selector for force mastery level on the config screen so you can go through each level, configure your powers, save the config and move on, instead of having to waste time on a server (even if it is loopback) doing the same.


That, or a quick document detailing which powers are which in forceconfig files so they can be handedited ahead of time.



3) Once g_synchronousclients 1 has been turned on, doing /record on its own boots you from a server with an error message. 100% reproduceable. It creates a demo000.dm_15 etc. file but its only ~6Kb long, should create a new demo file in the series demo000-demo999 and continue recording until /stoprecord is entered or server is left.

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Originally posted by Crusader

2) Ability to configure force powers (not controls for force powers) when not connected to a server. Its annoying to have to create your own server just to be able to allocate powers and save configs. Have a selector for force mastery level on the config screen so you can go through each level, configure your powers, save the config and move on, instead of having to waste time on a server (even if it is loopback) doing the same.


More like the JKI system (sort of), I think is what you mean. Good point.

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Originally posted by Chastan


More like the JKI system (sort of), I think is what you mean. Good point.


I don't remember JK1 very well :D


What I meant is that, at the moment, the only way you can get to the "configure force powers" screen, is to join a server, or create a server.

Everything else about the player can be configured without connecting to a server at all.


Its not really a major thing to have to create your own server just to do this, but seems an obvious part missing from "offline" config :)

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In order to address the fact that certain moves are "whored", i suggest the following:


Either, Special moves (DFA, Backstab, etc use alot of force power to pull of)




Have a secondary "power bar" that fills up as you build up combos and hits. And each "special move uses so much of this bar.

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I would like to see a manual blocking enabled. This would greatly reduce the time it takes to saber duel (unless you and your opponent are equally skilled) cause when i play MP i normally play on servers with guns and it gets kinda unfair when the person with the most explosives always gets the most kills. It simply takes too long to saber people with the blocking system as it is right now and while it may take a minute or more to saber someone it takes a whole two seconds to just rocket them both. In this aspect i think that guns are superior to lightsabers when they really shouldnt be (i think they should be about equal maybe with lightsabers even a bit stronger). Thus i think a manual block should be incorporated so that there are a few rules to it but it's not overly difficult

- you can be standing still or moving (but if you are moving blocking is slightly reduced % wise)

-you must be facing your opponent or at a 90 degree angle (but if you are at a 90 degree angle and the enemy attacks from the side opposite of your saber you cannot block)

-if you are attacked from the back or open side you will take more damage (this is where light/med stances could do more damage)

-bullets ect would be auto block like normal.

-while holding a weapon all damage from back/sides is increased (except for lightsaber in which the arm that you carry your lightsaber{as long as it is ignited} is capable of blocking{bullet fire would still be blocked like it is now in the little arc}

-blocking would depend on the stance that you are currently using ~heavy would block all, med would block light/med and 50% chance to block heavy, light would block only light with 50% chance to block med. this way people couldnt just use light to block and quickly ripost all of the time.

-blocking when someone shoots you with an explosive weapon reduces damage a bit. (this way if you become really good at blocking you can just use forcepush/block and overcome the explosive spammers)


I also have my opinions of the new force powers. I dont like it that Raven disabled running while gripping. I dont really think that is fair. Heal should be made a bit better. Drain is ok... maybe even it out with lightning so that if someone lightnings me i can drain them at the same time and not lose health. I think force powers were better in .02 but that is just me. I also agree with the gunners in that there should be more ammo on the maps (though i like the current setup of weapon consumption). Anyways these are just my opinions feel free to disagree with me if you please.

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Originally posted by Aoshi

I would like to see a manual blocking enabled. This would greatly reduce the time it takes to saber duel (unless you and your opponent are equally skilled) cause when i play MP i normally play on servers with guns and it gets kinda unfair when the person with the most explosives always gets the most kills. It simply takes too long to saber people with the blocking system as it is right now and while it may take a minute or more to saber someone it takes a whole two seconds to just rocket them both. In this aspect i think that guns are superior to lightsabers when they really shouldnt be (i think they should be about equal maybe with lightsabers even a bit stronger). Thus i think a manual block should be incorporated so that there are a few rules to it but it's not overly difficult

- you can be standing still or moving (but if you are moving blocking is slightly reduced % wise)

-you must be facing your opponent or at a 90 degree angle (but if you are at a 90 degree angle and the enemy attacks from the side opposite of your saber you cannot block)

-if you are attacked from the back or open side you will take more damage (this is where light/med stances could do more damage)

-bullets ect would be auto block like normal.

-while holding a weapon all damage from back/sides is increased (except for lightsaber in which the arm that you carry your lightsaber{as long as it is ignited} is capable of blocking{bullet fire would still be blocked like it is now in the little arc}

-blocking would depend on the stance that you are currently using ~heavy would block all, med would block light/med and 50% chance to block heavy, light would block only light with 50% chance to block med. this way people couldnt just use light to block and quickly ripost all of the time.

-blocking when someone shoots you with an explosive weapon reduces damage a bit. (this way if you become really good at blocking you can just use forcepush/block and overcome the explosive spammers)


I'm against. Manual blocking would make things extremely complicated. These 2 posts are what blocking should be like (in my humble opinion):


Originally posted by Tenshu

The angle of blocking is too wide. An effective block should be the result of skill (accurate aiming and positioning).


Originally posted by Aiee

An alternative to merely decreasing the blocking arc would be changing the amount of blocking depending on the anglethe saber hits the player in. That is, if someone hits right in front of you, that would be 0 degrees from center, and 100% would be blocked. If someone hits in a +/-30 degree angle (that would be slightly to the left or right), 70% of all attackes would be blocked. at 45 degrees (that would be halfway between dead center and either side, and still within a field where a skilled swordsman could reasonably deflect an attack), 45% would be blocked. at 90 degrees, or right on the side, 10% would be blocked etc.

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Here's my wishlist for an updated patch for JK2.


1: Make the alt-fire for the bowcaster travel faster

2: Restore weapons back to previous glory (not because I notice much difference after the patch, but obviously many of the hardcore CTFers do, and they don't seem too impressed. Given I plan to be making more CTF maps than anything else, I'd like those players to be around when I release them.

3: Reveal how much health your opponent had when you die in duels.

4: As much limb dismemberment as possible. At least this way, long and drawn out battles (which are now more common) will be more satisfactory to the eventual winner.

5: More skill injected into the process of blocking somehow. I don't see the sense of any player being able to block anything whilst they aren't even sitting at their PC.

6: Improved means of knowing if you actually hit your enemy and some sort of clue as to how much it hurt them (much like Q2/Q3 had different pain shrieks depending on how low the players health became as a result of the injury.

7: Spawning with saber off in duel matches.

8: A slight decrease in movement speed for each new weapon picked up. This is one way to inspire a little more reliance on the saber, or at a bit less weapon tanking at least.

9: The ability to drop weapons. Not only to ensure players don't get inadvertantly bogged down with too many weapons if they don't want them, as well as spicing up the strategical possibilities of CTF matches.

10: Last but certainly not least, some way of forcing particular models for Team FFA and CTF matchs, depending on whether the player elects to play red of blue. Imperial models only for red, rebel models for blue. This will match existing CTF texture colour sets and give team based games a much more realistic STar Wars experience. ie: A lavish imperial base will be guarded by imperial looking players. Much better :D


Oh, and the ability to specify this within the editor would be awesome. Oh, and multiple brush face selection for the editor would be dandy.

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Guest HertogJan
An alternative to merely decreasing the blocking arc would be changing the amount of blocking depending on the anglethe saber hits the player in. That is, if someone hits right in front of you, that would be 0 degrees from center, and 100% would be blocked. If someone hits in a +/-30 degree angle (that would be slightly to the left or right), 70% of all attackes would be blocked. at 45 degrees (that would be halfway between dead center and either side, and still within a field where a skilled swordsman could reasonably deflect an attack), 45% would be blocked. at 90 degrees, or right on the side, 10% would be blocked etc.


Yeah that would be cool :) I think most of the ideas here are good, but I have one bug I'd like to see fixed in SinglePlay!


You see, I don't know if anyone else has this, but it seems that JK2 only displays a limited number of saves. When your list is full, you games ARE saved, but you can't load them. You have to delete older saves to see them again...


Okay I know that deleting some saves isn't hard, but I still would like to have it fixed... Did any of you have the same problem? I don't know if I'm right though...

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Originally posted on JKII.net's main page

We see that the patch has made some people unhappy, but I'm told that Raven is addressing people's concerns, including server issues.


Raven is addressing people's concerns?




Be sure to read this thread through then!

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make everything the way it was during 1.02 except make the hit detection/box/range/whatever better. THAT IS IT. what happened with this patch was that raven did the right thing but made it so right that it went wrong.

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How about this: There should be more special moves. But in order to perform these moves, the player would have to enter a certain key combo really fast (like back, back, attack; back, for, jump, attack;... ; think Mortal Kombat. You had to work for your moves there.)


For every special move you make, you'll have to wait a few seconds to perform a special move again.

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Originally posted by Aiee

Also, I know it's minor, but I'd like to see a feature from Alien vs Predator 2 be included; namely toggle keys....


There are two ways I've implemented crouch toggle here (with the help of a friend ;) ):


1. Use a different key for normal stance and crouch stance

set crouch "toggleconsole ; +movedown ; wait ; toggleconsole"
set stand "toggleconsole ; -movedown ; wait ;toggleconsole"
bind CTRL "vstr crouch"
bind ALT "vstr stand"

2. Toggle between crouching and standing

set crouch "toggleconsole ; +movedown ; wait ; toggleconsole; set ctog vstr stand"
set stand "toggleconsole ; -movedown ; wait ;toggleconsole; set ctog vstr crouch"
set ctog "vstr crouch"
bind CTRL "vstr ctog"


To bind a key to toggle between always run/walk

bind SHIFT "toggle cl_run"



If you need more help with this PM me or make another thread or something.

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