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This is unbearable.


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I'm working on my map for JK2, and I get these STRANGE lighting bugs that come from nowhere. I see splotches of purple, orange, and yellow lighting ALL OVER THE ENTIRE LEVEL. Now I could understand this if I had some lights in those colors which were far too intense, but I don't have ANY lights that emit ANY of those colors listed. If anyone knows how to fix this, please, PLEASE, tell me! Thanks for your time, and I've provided a (brightened) screenshot below.




Any ideas?



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are you placing light entities near those splotches to give off ambient light? I've seen things like that in Quake maps and it just happens to be the way the engine renders invisible light entities - if its a greyish surface the entity will give it a greenish tint . . . might be what is happening to you too.



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there are no light entities near the splotches, and there are most definately not any light entities that are pink, yellow, or orange. The only color light entity I have is white, and I have one light emitting shader, which emits green. The green isn't the problem, though- the pink, orange, and yellow is the problem. Ahh! :(



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