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Azure Config V.A1


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Hi all,


I wanted to share my script with you for Star Wars: Jedi Knight II -Jedi Outcast. If you have any comments or suggestions then please feel free post them in this forum. Simply copy and paste the following source into notepad and then save it as azureconfig.cfg in your <Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\base> directory.



Darth Azure


// Star Wars: Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast

// Azure Config V.A2

// [azureconfig.cfg] found in [azureconfigva2.zip]

// By Darth Azure


// Instructions:

// -------------

// 1a*- Copy and paste this script into notepad and save as azureconfig.cfg in your

// <Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\base> directory.

// 1b*- Unzip azureconfigva1.zip to your

// <Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData\base> directory.

// 2- Launch the game in multiplayer mode.

// 3- Press <shift tilde> (the ~ symbol) to bring up the console.

// 4- Type <exec azureconfig> in the console and press <enter>.

// 5- Have fun!

// *Step 1 depends on how you aquire the script. Either by download in zip format

// or by using copy <ctrl c> and paste <ctrl v> from the Editing Central/General Editing

// forum on <http://www.jediknightii.net>.


// Features:

// -------------

// Azure Attack:

// -Executes the special attack in yellow stance. (Must be in yellow stance)

// -Bound to <Q> on the keyboard.

// Azure Throw:

// -Executes force grip, and push. Excellent for catapulting enemies a great

// distance and knocking them down. Also excellent for throwing enemies into

// bottomless area's where they will fall to their death.

// -Bound to <G> on the keyboard.

// Azure Kick:

// -Executes force pull, and kick off. Great for keeping targets off their feet.

// -Bound to <E> on the keyboard.

// Azure Model:

// -Cycles through hidden models. These are not cheats and can be cycled on a

// cheat disabled server!

// -Bound to <Mousekey 4> (Note: You will need to change the bind if you only

// have a 3 button mouse.)

// Azure Saber:

// -Cycles through saber colors. Defeat your foe's with their own saber of

// choice, or just put on a pretty lightshow.

// -Bound to <Mousekey 5> (Note: You will need to change the bind if you only

// have a 3 button mouse.)

// Azure Taunt:

// -Taunt your target with a message and audio clip.

// -Bound to <R> on the keyboard.

// More to come:

// -I'll add more attacks and combos in awhile.


// Fixes:

// -------------

// -Azure Kick:

// Adjusted to accomidate changes in 1.03 patch.

// -Azure Throw:

// This still isn't working properly. For now you'll have to tap it to grip,

// then when the grip releases you'll have to tap it again to push. I have to

// work on this one more.

// -Azure Tuant:

// Wasn't working properly. Character taunted forever. Added a few more taunts.


// Notes:

// -------------

// -There are no cheats in this config. All these actions can be executed with

// cheats disabled. However, noobies will tend to accuse you of cheating

// anyways so deal with it.

// -None of the text based taunts will spam the server. Only the target will

// see the text based taunts. This means the person standing infront of your

// targeting reticle.

// -There is no support for this configuration file. It is an alpha version.

// All comments should be directed to <http://www.jediknightii.net> via the forums.

// All comments and/or suggestions should be posted in the

// Editing Central/General Editing forum.

// -Check <http://www.jediknightii.net> for updates as I will not host this file. If

// you find this file in a zip format then hooray for you. Otherwise, you'll

// have to copy and paste it from the forums on <http://www.jediknightii.net>. I'll

// most-likely post it in the Editing Central/General Editing forum on

// <http://www.jediknightii.net>. Perhaps <http://www.jediknightii.net> will host the file.


// Default Config

seta forcepowers "6-2-030030300000032330"

bind a "+moveleft"

bind c "+movedown"

bind d "+moveright"

bind f "+useforce"

bind mouse1 "+attack"

bind mouse2 "+altattack"

bind mouse3 "saberattackcycle"

bind mwheeldown "weapnext"

bind mwheelup "weapprev"

bind s "+back"

bind space "+moveup"

bind w "+forward"

bind x "forcenext"

bind z "forceprev"


// Command Set

set azure_attack "vstr azure_attack_00"

set azure_attack_00 "+forward; +moveup; +attack; wait 3; -forward; -attack; -moveup"


set azure_kick "vstr azure_kick_00"

set azure_kick_00 "tell_target Get over here!; force_pull; +forward; wait 3; +moveup; -moveup; +moveup; -moveup; -forward; set azure_kick vstr azure_kick_01"

set azure_kick_01 "tell_target Come here!; force_pull; +forward; wait 3; +moveup; -moveup; +moveup; -moveup; -forward; set azure_kick vstr azure_kick_00"


set azure_model "vstr azure_model_00"

set azure_model_00 "model imperial; echo Imperial; set azure_model vstr azure_model_01"

set azure_model_01 "model imperial/officer; echo Imperial/Officer; set azure_model vstr azure_model_02"

set azure_model_02 "model imperial/commander; echo Imperial/Commander; set azure_model vstr azure_model_03"

set azure_model_03 "model jedi; echo Jedi; set azure_model vstr azure_model_04"

set azure_model_04 "model jedi/j2; echo Jedi/J2; set azure_model vstr azure_model_05"

set azure_model_05 "model kyle; echo Kyle; set azure_model vstr azure_model_06"

set azure_model_06 "model kyle/fpls; echo Kyle/Fpls not available in 1.03; set azure_model vstr azure_model_07"

set azure_model_07 "model kyle/fpls2; echo Kyle/Fpls2 not available in 1.03; set azure_model vstr azure_model_08"

set azure_model_08 "model morgan/default_mp; echo Morgan; set azure_model vstr azure_model_09"

set azure_model_09 "model morgan/default; echo Morgan/Spirit not available in 1.03; set azure_model vstr azure_model_10"

set azure_model_10 "model reborn; echo Reborn; set azure_model vstr azure_model_11"

set azure_model_11 "model reborn/acrobat; echo Reborn/Acrobat; set azure_model vstr azure_model_12"

set azure_model_12 "model reborn/boss; echo Reborn/Boss; set azure_model vstr azure_model_13"

set azure_model_13 "model reborn/fencer; echo Reborn/Fencer; set azure_model vstr azure_model_14"

set azure_model_14 "model reborn/forceuser; echo Reborn/Forceuser; set azure_model vstr azure_model_00"


set azure_saber "vstr azure_saber_00"

set azure_saber_00 "color1 0; set azure_saber vstr azure_saber_01; echo Red saber"

set azure_saber_01 "color1 1; set azure_saber vstr azure_saber_02; echo Orange saber"

set azure_saber_02 "color1 2; set azure_saber vstr azure_saber_03; echo Yellow saber"

set azure_saber_03 "color1 3; set azure_saber vstr azure_saber_04; echo Green saber"

set azure_saber_04 "color1 4; set azure_saber vstr azure_saber_05; echo Blue saber"

set azure_saber_05 "color1 5; set azure_saber vstr azure_saber_00; echo Purple saber"


set azure_taunt "vstr azure_taunt_00"

set azure_taunt_00 "tell_target Let us end this here and now.; +taunt; -taunt; set azure_taunt vstr azure_taunt_01"

set azure_taunt_01 "tell_target Your destiny awaits you.; +taunt; -taunt; set azure_taunt vstr azure_taunt_02"

set azure_taunt_02 "tell_target Your undoing is at hand; +taunt; -taunt; set azure_taunt vstr azure_taunt_00"


set azure_throw "vstr azure_throw_00"

set azure_throw_00 "tell_target Be gone!; +force_grip; wait 15; -force_grip; set azure_throw vstr azure_throw_01"

set azure_throw_01 "force_throw; set azure_throw vstr azure_throw_00"


// Command Bind

bind mouse4 "vstr azure_model"

bind mouse5 "vstr azure_saber"

bind e "vstr azure_kick"

bind g "vstr azure_throw"

bind q "vstr azure_attack"

bind r "vstr azure_taunt"


// End

echo "^1Darth Azure^7's Azure Config V.A2"

echo "Thank you for using Azure Config. Be sure to check ^3www.jediknightII.net^7 for updates. There is no support for this config, so back-up your original!"

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I'll be applying some changes and additions in order to comply with the changes in the 1.03 patch. Some changes include models and attacks. The azure throw is currently not working properly. I have to work on that.

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Originally posted by VanishingVision

THANKS FOR THE SCRIPTS... and Ignore the lamer anti-script noob care bears :)






:emperor: There is a disturbance in the force, the emperor must me constipated. :c3po:






You must really suck if u need a script to play. What better way to turn a lame n00b idiot like u into a jedi. Whats a matter... you get sick of assfighting? needed a new trick?

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Darth Cobra, you don't understand how to read scripts do you. You can't understand what each game command does can you.

You didn't even bother to read that script did you, because it looks like a foriegn language doesn't it.


There is only one command line up there that actually decreases the amount of keys you have use. The rest of the script is just customizing the keyboard you moron.


The other half of the script changes models and saber color. How does this make the game easier and require any less skill?


Darth cobra, you're an ignorant flamer. You need to do your homework before you post so you don't look like such an idiot.


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Originally posted by G0G0GadgetForce

Darth Cobra, you don't understand how to read scripts do you. You can't understand what each game command does can you.

You didn't even bother to read that script did you, because it looks like a foriegn language doesn't it.


There is only one command line up there that actually decreases the amount of keys you have use. The rest of the script is just customizing the keyboard you moron.


The other half of the script changes models and saber color. How does this make the game easier and require any less skill?


Darth cobra, you're an ignorant flamer. You need to do your homework before you post so you don't look like such an idiot.



You assume to much. I understand the code perfectly thank you very much "A$$HOLE" it is you who didnt see the moves included in it it seems.


Point is we dont need some guy posting scripts for ppl to use, cause there to lame to do the moves themselves. Now before everyone goes off on a tizzy about ways to counter the TWO scripted MOVES in that config. SHUTUP! I DONT WANNA HEAR IT! If you wanna be lame and script some stuff for yourself and find someway to self justify it... I guess no1 can stop you. But I will always consider you a cheater, whether the game allows for the script or not. Its still cheating. Now its mass cheating. SO G0G0GadgetForce IF YOU WANT TO CHEAT AND BE A CHEATER! GO AHEAD! Cheaters never win!! call me an idioit u ****in moron ******* stupid little kid probalby!!! god damn ****in forum idiots really piss me off sometimes




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Hey all,


I'm just posting here to support my script and collect ideas from other people. I'll tolerate critisism, but not offensive language. Please, lets keep this civil. I can appreciate someone not wanting to use my script and I accept your critisism. Thank you for your input.


I also appreciate the praise and suggestions that people have been posting for me. This script is quite popular as it was in the top 10 downloads on http://www.jediknightii.net two weeks ago. I was very suprized by that. It was very amusing to see other people using my script on me. I was very flattered. :)


Let me know if you have anything that you would like added to the script. I will credit you in the script for your contribution. Post your suggestions and/or comments in this forum or pm me via this forum.


Ps. Thanks to http://www.jediknightii.net for hosting the file.


Darth Azure


Ps. Thanks to http://www.jediknightii.net for hosting the script.


Pps. For anyone that's curious I got Azure from SSI's Curse of the Azure Bonds. An excellent old school ad&d rpg I played on my commodore 64.

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Very cool script man, it gets my nod of approval.


DarthCobra: If you don't like scripts, and you don't want to use them, just post elsewhere. Posting negative criticism and harsh language such as this benefits nobody, and only makes you look like an ass. Unless you have something contructive to say, keep it to yourself.

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I think my complaint was about ppl passing out scripts to the masses so we can have 100 lamers in games spamming a 1 button hit. We're all so proud you learned how to script, but I think you should keep them to yourself and not encourage the destruction of this wonderful game.

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