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Guest Darth_Simpson

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Guest Darth_Simpson

Will you be able to play as other characters in multiplayer

I likr the thought of running around as Darth Maul with the double-bladed lightsaber without installing hundreds of mods thatt look **** and you cant play multiplayer with, like in JK.

I would like to see : Qui-Gon, Darth Maul and the members of the Jedi Counsil


What do you think?????????????????



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Homer: The Force


Skywalker: The forks


Homer: Oh







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Guest Dark Jedi

That would be cool. It would be boring if Obi Wan was the only guy running around in multiplayer. I would want to play as yoda. That would be fun being small and having that little saber. It would look awesome. I agree about Darth Maul. Maybe even Sidious.

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Guest Darth Kurgan

Some of the screenshots show ObiWan and Qui Gon running around together in the same shot.


This might mean a COOP level, but it could also simply imply single player with an AI "buddy" (like in TPM). Hopefully it will have some multiplayer option, or at least let you pick characters.



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If there will be a multiplayer part they sure will include different characters.


Kurgan, what exactly do you mean with "some screenshots".

Did I miss something?

I only know the old shots from the E3 video and the 5 new shots.

Sure, in the E3 video we see Qui Gon, butr that seems SP to me.



[This message has been edited by Neumi (edited February 22, 2000).]

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Guest Home_Sliced

Whle playing as Yoda would be sweet, I heard that LEC was denied the rights to use Yoda in Jedi Power Battles becasue LucasFilm had "something else" in mind for him [than a lightsaber that is]...

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Guest Dark_JVS

Kurgan, where is Qui Gon on one of the screenshots? Are there any I haven't seen yet?

Sure, multiplayer would be cool, but if they already are working on Dark Force III Obi wil not have a multiplayer option!

Dark Forces has no real time frame like Obi Wan has. People would play it as long as JK. If Episode II comes out Obi Wan will be boring for mostly every Star Wars fan.

Btw, what's up qith Lucas Arts? For me it looks like that they didn't want to produce the Episode 1 games and concentrate on projects like Indy and Force Commander!



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Guest Darth Kurgan

Neumi, how do you know those are SP shots?


For all you know, they are of multiplayer.


I'm not saying one way or the other, we have to wait for more info.


The newer shots I don't think show it, but some of the posted shots at jedicore's website show Obi and Qui together in the same shot (at least those two Jedi sure look alot like Obi and Qui!). Now after seeing that shot, we're faced with three possibilities:



1) That's an in-game cutscene (game engine)

2) That's ObiWan in Single Player and an AI Qui Gon "buddy"




3) That's Coop.


We know the shot is real, since it's from E3.


The question remains, even if this is verified Coop, will it make it into the final version? For all we know, this will go the same way as JK's speeder bikes, it might not meet the final cut. It's certainly encouraging though. ; )


The shot(s) I believe were posted at http://obiwan.jedicore.net .


If nothing else, having a GOOD AI jedi partner in SP would be cool (Qui Gon in TPM was cool, but a little dull-witted).


As to the Ep. I games, it's as you say, they had a deadline to meet, because the movie was coming out. Indy and the rest of StarWars are established as timeless "classics" so they can be released anytime (more or less) and still be successful.


At the time of their developement, nobody knew if The Phantom Menace (the movie) was going to be a hit or a flop (long-term) so they had to hurry up and get the games out. Even if the movie bombed, at least they could hope to break even by getting them out in the optimum market window.


Well, as to Dark Forces III, we don't know if it's being worked on right now, so we can't say that it would cut into ObiWan's developement.


Also, just because DF 3 was in developement (assuming it is, we don't know) that doesn't mean that ObiWan would lack multiplayer. Why would it? They might be completely different games. How many game-fans do you know that buy more than one First Person Shooter in a six month period? I don't think it's out of the question.




[This message has been edited by Darth Kurgan (edited February 28, 2000).]

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Guest Dark_JVS

Yes you are right Kurgan. But as you can see more and more shooters come out and try to conquer the Internet market.

I love JK and I fear, because of many new games less people will play Obi-wan or Dark Forces III. Today, a game has to be more than a bestseller to be played at the zone for a long time. Jk is editable, u can say full editable. Most of the other games aren't. So the key is if the game is editable. But most of the games now published are not editable, or the game companies want people to use the editor that has come with the game.


I know these topics listed above are old and had been discussed a long time, but I only fear that there will never be such a COOL and huge game community, like JK's now, again!



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The most successful multiplayer games all included editors. For example, Half Life, QuakeX, Unreal(Tournament), Tribes, StarCraft all shipped with or were patched to include editing tools. All have huge online communities and enjoyed brisk sales, and are enjoying online longevity.


In each case, the benefit of the work of only a few user map editors is typically shared with thousands of other gamers.


Interestingly, most of these games also had some form of coop play (Tribes excluded of course, which is multiplayer humans *only*).


Hopefully Obi's multiplay will be robust, including cooperative play (although it doesn't seem all that trendy right now in recent FPS games) and LEC will ship some tools to allow users to develop their own multiplayer maps.


It would be great to see Obi-Wan revive the JK/MotS online community.




[This message has been edited by Wilhuf (edited February 28, 2000).]

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Guest Darth Kurgan

While you have those games.. there are dozens (if not hundreds)more that were highly successful (some more so than the ones you listed) that had no form of editing whatsoever.


Maybe in the case of big selling First Person Shooters, that have editing you could say something.. but how do we know that the high sales were BECAUSE of the editing?


The most-played games are probably the MP only type games, the MUDs, Ultima Online, EverQuest, Asheron's Call, and the Battlenet games (Diablo, StarCraft, Warcraft II), and some strategy games (AoE series). Those are not necessarily the top selling games, but they have the most people playing them at any given time.


Last I checked, a few thousand people were playing Rainbow 6 on the zone alone...



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It makes sense to use FPS games for comparison since Obi-Wan is expected to be 'In the tradition of Jedi Knight,' an FPS.


Arent the MUD type subscription games updated for content by the developer or publisher companies? E.g., isn't Everquest updated frequently in terms of quests, items, monsters, etc. by the game? The gaming company is supplanting the role of the editor in a sense. They are providing new content to keep gamer interest, to keep them coming back online. (And charging them in subscription btw). And of course in RPG type games, the end user has far more options in terms of developing their own online persona than in an FPS.


An interesting aside : Digital Extremes has announced a persistent multiplayer FPS type game called Dark Sector. It uses the Unreal engine and will *not* allow user made maps. All map content is provided by the vendor. Apparently it has an economy, currency, and pilotable ships with which gamers can dogfight. See http://www.digitalextremes.com/ It will be interesting to see if the FPS genre can succeed in a 'subscription' type business model.


R6 did well because in part because of the availability of user made modifications as well (e.g. NATO). Although I don't know whether that was the product of an editor that shipped with R6. Presumably none did, I never checked my copy smile.gif


StarCraft and Warcraft both shipped with editing tools, and their online communities thrived as a result. I don't know whether Diablo or AOE had editing tools.


In the case of FPS games, such as HL, the user community has provided much of the new content through modifications and production of new levels. Of course the availability of editing tools is critical for this scenario.


Regardless of the impact on sales, editing tools are critical for the success of a game's online community in terms of longevity, variety and participation, whether it's an FPS or RTS.




[This message has been edited by Wilhuf (edited February 29, 2000).]

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Guest Nute Gunray

Rainbow Six didn't ship with an editor. However, they did release a plug-in or two to make editing easier. Rogue Spear does have an editor. I'd just like to point that out.

Oh, and I hope they have a Nute Gunray in MP, if they have MP.



Still no real sig.

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Guest Dark_JVS

When JK has been published I had no connection to the net yet, but did LEC say anything about a multiplayer option for JK? If yes, did they say anything about the characters?


Well, I think people also tried to discuss whether mp is supported or not! And what characters there are!


Maybe the some has gone on ...



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Guest Kurgan






(larger version)


Check out screenshot number seven (from the top).


That's a smaller version of a pic I've seen before (it was one of the first two pics of ObiWan posted on the 'net that I heard of).


It clearly shows two jedi standing back to back with lightsabers drawn, in that familiar scene from TPM.


Obviously, this is not just a bad screen grab from the E3 video, but a photo somebody took of the display booth for ObiWan at the show.


Note: It can be seen in the larger version of the photo (although it is blurry) that the two Jedi are wearing tan/white clothes, and based on the scenery and battledroids, I thus infer that this game screen is based on a scene from part of the movie. Notice how one Jedi is holding a Blue lightsaber and the other a green one. I think therefore, that's Qui Gon Jinn and Obi Wan Kenobi.





[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited March 02, 2000).]

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